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12588075 No.12588075 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey anon come read Raymond Federman with us
What do?

>> No.12588082

i'll pass

>> No.12588083

Sorry, I'm meditating all day in the wilderness under a waterfall.
I'll have to take a rain cheque.

>> No.12588103

Nah man, nah.

>> No.12588116
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, 1540615973653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no thanks, i have to finish reading the Phenomenology today

>> No.12588129

All of my friends are girls with dyed hair who ask me to read Raymond Federman with them. It's a strange world, I know, but it's what I've chosen.

>> No.12588131

Of all the dumb things femoids do to their faces to look "pretty", giant eyelashes take the second place in making least sense. Giant caterpillar botox lips take first.

>> No.12588134


>> No.12588138

At least caterpillar botox lips are for sucking dick. Painted on eyebrows are retarded

>> No.12588142

Aloud to each other, or quietly to ourselves?

>> No.12588146
File: 634 KB, 1499x2000, 75428AFB-3495-4209-847A-8BE85EFDA614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like eyebrows

>> No.12588152

stab them both. they are degenerates. carry on with my day.

>> No.12588155

How do I get an art ho gf, bros? I just want a pretentious faux-intellectual 7/10 who reads feminist literature and gives me blowjobs with a pissed off face, because she believes that blowjobs are the invention of patriarchy, but can't help herself nevertheless.

>> No.12588159

Lit school.

>> No.12588160

step 1: be vacuous or immoral

>> No.12588173
File: 43 KB, 490x469, Goethe at 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right. The misapplied bottom lip reeks of a failure to cover, but more so of photos as lies. To speak of a shattered veneer would be to show all of one's cards and be vilified as an incel, even here. Then the teeth--God. The right incisor is short enough to make one think of a man. Closed eyes and forced smiles should speak enough to anyone who has ever been around girls enough to know that as soon as the camera has snapped the photo, it's back to the routine shallowness (VILIFICATION) until the next giddiness of a next picture--let alone being in a long-term relationship and having to deal with it on travel. DeLillo's farm house. Seneca's travel. Hyde. The eyeliner not worth a comment and the brows, especially on the sluttier, more desperate one--monobrow--saying all that needs to be said of how much time is spent on looks. Bangs of a new-new-post-age whore, dye that of the 4chan quote of a poisonous venus flytrap colored differently for a reason. Background implying there is twenty more posted pictures in this 100-foot range, and eighty more pictures discarded or left in the aether. Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me.

>> No.12588176

I'm both of these things, but still a virgin, what could be the problem?

>> No.12588182

your soul demands better of you. so does God.

art hoes are fleeting. beauty is forever.

>> No.12588216

based and red pilled articulate poster

>> No.12588221

Be cordial and tell them I need to find out more first, maybe skim a Wikipedia article. I'm not rude.

>> No.12588229

I dunno man, toxic coloured hair equals stupid vapid cunt in my mind. So far reality hasn't proven me otherwise.

>> No.12588248

Incel OP picked a Jewish author with a really big old man nose. This isn’t reality

>> No.12588249

ur mean
and ur never get a gf

>> No.12588254
File: 439 KB, 1005x1300, 1549021849217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you left your Auchincloss at Newport? It's okay, the Athenaeum should have a few copies left.

>> No.12588260

I can't help but give people one chance, even if their hair is toxic coloured and they have autistuc piercings, in ugly sweaters with terrible haircuts. Only one though.

>> No.12588271

Yeah I disagree with taht poste r but none of their outfit looks good
I had bright green color hair and i'm deleting it for black, and I'm deleting my ugly sweaters this week as wel.
new year, new me.
Also please don't do those big winged eyeliners because I saw a girl with it and thought they had horse eyes until they took their eye makeup off.

>> No.12588288

>'finishing' reading the Phenomenology

>> No.12588294

Is anyone else becoming more and more repulsed by makeup?

>> No.12588328

w2c belt?

>> No.12588351

Theirs is bad. You should not be repulsed by good makeup.

>> No.12588386

Never cared for it, though subtle makeup does help some women. Others go for a more theatric look. Try not to project and judge

>> No.12588396

i think instagram thots ruined makeup, makeup used to look good, but whenever i see those certain instathot eyebrows and accompanying makeup i just think how many white knight nerds has she sold nudes to or worse

>> No.12588400

I'm going to go ahead and guess Ralph Lauren

>> No.12588417

You're a female if I recall(correct me). At what stages of socialization do you apply more or less makeup(if that makes any sense, dumb question, I'm bored)?

>> No.12588433

The butterfly is a female? Ha! All of the attention whoring/thread derailing makes sense now. I wonder if it's a female or a """female""" aka a discord tranny.

>> No.12588438

I think it's because more and more of the younger culture is becoming more urban. This has obviously been said before, but I think it's happening at an accelerated rate(this has also been said before). We are just getting older and or more distant from the mainstream(this has been said before). What it will turn into is unknown or if it will stop(this has been said before). It's just repeating(this has been said before).

>> No.12588444

I don't wear it.
Some women use it daily, putting more on for going out to eat or to a party or whatever. Like fancier clothes=more/different makeup look.
Obviously there's a whole set of young girls making social network face time the time to put more on. Like they're on tv or something

>> No.12588447

That's what I remember glazing over a thread on the first page maybe 3 weeks ago.

>> No.12588455

I'm a massive faggot and like visualizing graphs and stats in my head. I'm bored, that's why I asked. Nothing is really being discussed.

>> No.12588466


>> No.12588473
File: 362 KB, 800x532, reverese-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swoon's good

Actual woman btw

>> No.12588486
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 1546262473775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No proof whatsoever. I'm a real girl by the way! tehee

>> No.12588492

Massive gaylord for asking, but are you going to do the TPK group reading in that thread? I don't think I saw you in there.

>> No.12588495

meant for >>12588473

>> No.12588503
File: 14 KB, 320x240, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally who

>> No.12588506

She's an arthoe that likes to declare her abysmal tastes and flaunt her insipid character to bait NEET artchads into having hatefuck fantasies about her. Sad, but somewhat arousing.

>> No.12588519

Donno what TPK is

I have posted proof, but I'm not a cam-ho, bitch.

>> No.12588527

is that a Banksy on the far right of the wall? great graphics

>> No.12588529

Not taking anyone side, but this post makes you seem like a massive faggot :3

>> No.12588532

shes a post-wall dyke, sorry to burst ur art ho fantasies

>> No.12588549

>Donno what TPK is
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace. It's one of the only 4 good threads on /lit/ right now, even if it is terribly slow. This thread is really shit.

>> No.12588550

Judging by her trip she's a 30+ year old dyke that's looking for a jewish girlfriend.

>> No.12588553

looks like you've posted this same picture all over the place, don't you have any others?

>> No.12588556

Only if you donate to my patreon, silly boy! hehe

>> No.12588797

I want to get an art ho and then like a steam punk goth chick, and a rockabilly fattie. What else? Punk girl obviously, where I'm from they all have bad haircuts and wear sleeveless denim vests . Maybe, a raver? You know with the funky pants and bra. I'm not sure how many women I need to make a roller derby team but if that's not enough then a pudgy cosplay chick, a gamer girl and a classic mall goth in that order.

Anyway, when they're not practicing they'll be my personal retinue of roller skating body guards. Each with their own sawed off pool cue. When they come flying down the street it'll sound like rolling thunder. You won't know what hit you.
I also want to pimp them out.
You see the first step to pimping is selling heroin So I'll have some of that if too if your looking. But don't fuck with me or you'll get the cue.

>> No.12589345

fuck that, half their bodyweight is in makeup

>> No.12589447

Sorry but i'm a homosexual