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/lit/ - Literature

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12584374 No.12584374 [Reply] [Original]

The elitism on here is tiring from time to time. This place never changes; it's always the same circlejerk. The same books, the same authors, the same everything.

What if I don't want to read about a guy whose hunted by a police with a stick up his ass because he stole a loaf of bread? What if I don't want to read about an obsessive whaler? What if I've already read them? What if I don't care whether or not what I read is the most philosophically advanced book in the history of ever? I'm a grown-up, so ultimately, it doesn't matter what people think about my choices in literature. I like escapism, and that's that.

Well, then you might ask why I made this post. It's simple: I like to vent and I also like to browse the boards to see what's what. How about some variety for a change?

If you like classical literary works, this isn't a knock on you, specifically. I like many of them too. Go ahead, make threads about them all you like. This is more meant for the people who think reading them, or having read them, makes them some kind of intellectual.

"What? You think physicists talk about videogames? No, no--peasant, they talk about Anna Karenina." *smuckle*

(That's a paraphrased retort in an actual conversation I've heard, and that's what some of you sound like. Think about that.)

>> No.12584488

shut the fuck up you asshurt redditor jesus fucking christ you think its some revelation that this board has been the same since its inception? You have posted absolutely nothing here. Nobody cares that you've been here for a whole entire year and think everyone should change for you now. You're probably as garbage of a poster as you are at being OP. Shut the fuck up and fuck off back you you know where you bitchboi pussyass faggoty double nigger.

>> No.12584497

based and gobackpilled

>> No.12584511

>no one here likes them herry poter or jorge r.r. fantasyman
>uggh the elitism

typical reddit. fuck off.

>> No.12584517

>The elitism on here
there's no elitism and this is a board of peace, just learn to read between the lines you pleb

>> No.12584523

>I like escapism
you have plenty of boards to choose

>> No.12584528
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Actually I think the problem is that this board is too lax with newcomers nowadays, I miss the elitism.

>> No.12584530

>I like many of them too.
dostoevsky, dumas, the list could go on

>> No.12584555
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>I like escapism
Why don’t you just play fucking mega man like the rest of us then? This board isn’t for some reddit tier world building and happy happy books. *puff a smoke* *fix my glasses* go home kid. This place is for Hegel and Infinite Jest.

>> No.12584567

Our resident Jamesian and I are the only posters on this board well read enough to be considered "elitist."

>> No.12584588

Well, technically it can be for both. The only real shit we don't accept on here is the lowest of low cultural trash-- Harry Potter, disgusting basic YA degeneracy, etc. What I don't understand is where OP is getting this beef from. If you think the board is just complete shit with no variety, why not take it upon yourself to make the variety? There are plenty of worthwhile books that are fun and light-hearted to read. Just make a thread on those instead of this week-old sauce stain of pretentious, opining faggotry.

>> No.12584616

The elitism and good taste s what's keeping us from becoming plebbit. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.12584628

You get from this board what you put in. If you make a thorough and thoughtful post on a more obscure topic or book, you will get a discussion going. Complaining about how /lit/ is shit is merely a reflection on how you're shit

>> No.12584654
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> My time with anon had come to an end. During our time together, I had learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humor and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as Nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented with was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realized that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.

>> No.12584657
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>> No.12584724

Those aren't expressly for literature. I'm not a weeb, and the other one is disorganized drivel.

>> No.12584732

Good post. Sincerity will always be the highest virtue of any domain, the pre-requisite for virtue in the first place. When this is lost, in any realm, quality depreciates greatly. I appreciate you reminding this board of this fact. The number of times I hear "IQ", thrown around here, for example, is a clear show of how infested this place now is, with inauthentic vultures concerned only with the nebulous status of having "intelligence", instead of simply loving wisdom for itself (regardless of whether they're ultimately foolish or "intelligent" or whatever), and being true to their soul. Do you like YA fiction? Good for you. Tell me what you like about it. What are its virtues for you, which draw you to the genre? Do you play video games? Neat, which ones are your favorite? Why them specifically? Do you have any personal considerations on the future of gaming, and the potentialities of the medium as contrasting those of the other artforms?

I wish the world could be like you described, OP, and like my examples above. But as long as notions like "intelligence" and "highbrow" exist and are seen as markers of status, embellishments to one's person, then it is by nature that the unenlightened masses will flock to such concepts, and thereby ruin everything in those fields. Also this website itself is terrible, which is really the main problem here.

>> No.12584742

More like Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, HG Wells, Bram Stoker and stuff like that. Mundane drama is boring.

>> No.12584749

>i think we could all learn a thing or two from these young men. Next time you get called a nigger faggot kike, don't close your browser in anger. Instead, you might fap to a trap, race bait on pol, or just look at cute anime girls with a smile :)

>> No.12584786

>implying /lit/ is elitist
/lit/ isn't high enough up the pole to be elitist. To be elitist you kinda need to be elite. What we have here is a bunch of insecure undergraduates who use books to bolster their sense of identity and self esteem. Nobody here is into literature qua literature. They are into literature as lifestyle and cultural capital signifier

>> No.12584804

Good thread. /mu/ has its memes but it also constantly discusses new shit. Literature in general has gone this way, though. It's slowly becoming classical music in this regard.

>> No.12584808

Agree completely with this sentiment. The goal should not be conformity to a standard but the lively discussion of different works, different attractions, different standards. People think they are intelligent for reading a philosopher and then wearing their necrotic skins to all their later arguments. This board is almost as bad as Reddit in that it's the same recycled opinions repeated on and on. It wouldn't be worth commenting on if not for the occasional burst of autism or counter opinion that reveals how much better this site could be if the rigid conformity to intellectual was broken. A detailed post about how Harry Potter comments on the human soul is much more interesting and rewarding than the millionth "Melville was a genius" variation. If you think Harry Potter has nothing to say on the human condition and is utter YA trash, is that not a reason to pay attention because the idea is that much more novel?

>> No.12584810

Well, the consequence is the same. Cultural capital for its own sake is meaningless to me. That's not to say I read purely out of enjoyment, but the other stuff I kind of read either because I have to, or because I want to learn something from it, making the reading necessary.

Fiction is there to entertain, while hopefully teaching something as well. I don't think it should be read with the hopes of instilling some kind of useless pride. Pride is the primary sin for a reason.

>> No.12584831

I thought you had valid complaints until I saw you mentioning Les Misérables. When is it ever discussed here? Kill yourself, you sound like you have a tiny ballsack

>> No.12584849


It was just an example to illustrate a point. It's a classical peace of literature I personally found to not be my cup of tea, so I brought it up as something I would not necessarily want to read for enjoyment, despite what culture enthusiasts have to say.

>> No.12584850

what if you sincerely believe plebs are plebs?

>> No.12584857

be the change you want to see. if your taste is shit (which it probably is) you'll accordingly get ripped to shreds.

>> No.12584864

That's not very post-modern of you. What is taste? >:)

>> No.12584946

You tried kid
Honestly did not read more than the first sentence of this blubbering vaginal spew lmao
>Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, HG Wells, Bram Stoker and stuff like that.
>Mundane drama is boring.
Did you really list four or the driest middle school tier authors of all time lmaooooo this whole thread better be b8 but I wouldnt be surprised if you really are some underread insecure retard
Shut the fuck up reddit.

>> No.12584956

I agree a lot are pretentious. I think that the literature most here like is atheistic in character. Not much you can do about it. University professors have been atheist for more than 100 years and they promote the literature that they like....

>> No.12584965


>> No.12584975

thanks for really upping the bar contribution-wise with another whiny metathread.

>> No.12585040

They are classical authors I have read and enjoyed at some point. Age wasn't specified. The point is that I don't care about things that are more "realistic".

I'm generally more like the person who might read The Witcher, Metro 2033 and things of that nature. You know, things actually outside of the normal realm of experience? Want to laugh at me for that? Fine, go ahead, because what matters to me is my enjoyment.

This board is saturated with discussions of philosophy and "what does /lit/ think about [insert author]?" They are fine and all, at least the former, but it's a bit overdone. THAT is my only contention, which I already specified in the OP... In the latter case of the types of threads I mentioned, unless you are looking to discuss concepts, I don't see why you should care about what anyone else thinks. Could you not bring up a more specific aspect of the author, upon which you may be curious for input?

That's was not the issue, but thanks for playing.

>> No.12585045
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>> No.12585061

Hello friend I think that so much stuff is meaningful and awesome, including video games. To be inspired and to inspire is what it means to be an intellectual. Elitism is a narrowness and anti-intellectual.
Maybe these videos could inspire you in some way? https://vimeo.com/specalblend

>> No.12585079

>This board is boring
and that's a good thing, here's why

>> No.12585094

...And they say anonymity is supposed to promote a willingness to think outside the box, due to the decreased stigma. Hmm... Doesn't seem to bear out.

>> No.12585107


>> No.12585123

>not mundane drama
unironically kys, retard

>> No.12585130

If you think there is any elitism here, you're a retard and it's a signal that you take the posts too seriously. There's no elitism here. The level of discourse is on par with reddit and similar sites. There are no worthwhile "highbrow" discussions or any discussion at all. There is only banter. And the funniest thing is that you came here actually wanting "discussion". And you want that non existing "discussion" to match your "taste" in literature. Kill yourself, retard. You browsed the board for months, years even and couldn't understand the simple fact that the spirit of this board is to be a pretentious /tv/. Your post is a non entity, a silent cry.

>> No.12585145

I appreciate this honorable mention but I don't think that I'm well read enough to deserve it.

>> No.12585154

nah there is a fair amount of elitism here, a good proportion of /lit/ posters are unironic Harold Bloom NPCs who worship everything the literary criticism industry says is canonical

>> No.12585155

K-pop has a draconian model in their manufacture of stars, who are easily replaced. I don't see what that has to do with the thread. I'm not looking to promote mass-produced shit.

What I'm looking for is a discussion of different types of books. Is genre-fiction automatically bad? Why? It can explore the same concepts as one outside of that sphere, but it can also do a lot of other things. Would conflicts arise when those born with magic feel replaced by technology? What would that look like? Can magic versus non-magic be looked at through the lense of real-world phenomena (potential versus relative lack thereof).

I'm not asking for the things people already discuss ad nauseam (Harry Potter; GRRM). I just think it's sad seeing a LITERATURE board so mired in a particular KIND of literature.

>> No.12585162


If that's the case, where is the board for actual literary discussion, huh? Should there not be room for both "faux elitism"/banter, then?

>> No.12585187

Most of these are memes that you are simply not understanding or automatic responses trying to be a meme like "lol i saw that he post some science fiction im gonna say it's pleb shit lole!". There shouldn't be any issue in just ignoring these posts.
>b-but i can't get a discussion going on for a-any book that isn't on lit cannon!
Have you ever seen a book discussion in this board, at all? No one discusses literature here. At best, you see one or two posts in which someone talks about some really basic and obvious points about C&P, Notes from the Underground or The Stranger, because these are philosophical books wrapped up in prose. But there is no discussion about technical matters like prose techniques for example because /lit/ doesn't know anything beyond a wikipedia tier survey of philosophy.
I'd say Genre Fiction fags have an advantage here. You see, they can actually discuss books on sffg. Last time i unfiltered it, looking for some good sci fi, i've encountered a nice discussion there, and kept the general unfiltered, even though i barely read sci fi or fantasy. Is there really any place on the internet to actually discuss the classics?

>> No.12585193

I'd love to frequent such a board. However, it looks like it doesn't exist. There is simply not a place on the internet to really discuss literature. Most of the forums are dead or can only discuss genre fiction.

>> No.12585199

Based Jamesian, humble as always.

>> No.12585206

Then there is common ground, is there not? It's the circlejerk that is so tedious and monochromatic to begin with.

>> No.12585219

I'm actually 100% on your side, but it's not like us whining will do anything (and it's not like the board will ever changed, i bet i'll become a successful writer and a GFhaver before /lit/ actually becomes decent), so it's why i prefer to just call you a faggot lole!

>> No.12585229

>The Witcher, Metro 2033 and things of that nature
r*ddit thread

>> No.12585241

Want to be a successful writer? Put some work in and do it. There are more options than ever: Traditional publishing for convenience and starting money, but less freedom and royalties.

In fact, that's what I'm doing right now. Wrote and edited 65 pages of a book last month. It's about 6x9 inches in size--or 12 000 words or so. Continuing to write little by little everyday and making progress.

>> No.12585251

Okay. What do you read for entertainment, if I may ask? It's probably something I'd find unappealing, but to each his own.

>> No.12585260

>It's probably something I'd find unappealing
There certainly must be a place that discusses things that are more appealing to you, surely.
If you find your self in an environment that doesn't suit your needs, it is somewhat futile to blame the environment rather than to seek out a new one, is it not?
Right now I am reading Gogol.

>> No.12585275

Also if you find a discussion boring, or an entire board as a whole, you are probably a boring person with a very limited amount of quality discussion to bring to the table; which is why you made a thread trying to shit on a board rather than making a thread about what you enjoy.

>> No.12585278
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>read for entertainment

>> No.12585300

Then I was right.

As to your retort, I'd respond by pointing out that this is an anonymous board with plenty of room for different content. It is not a case of entitlement, necessarily, just a request. It's like a friend you like spending time with, but he has some qualities that make dealing with him annoying in certain context, so you figure you'll be helpful and ASK him to consider that in the future, since you have noted it as a consistent behavior, which others may pick up on.

May not be the best analogy, but just because I am in this state of mind right now, it doesn't mean I think /lit/ is INHERENTLY awful.

Request =/= Demand. Well, more implied in this case, but I did state you can enjoy the books you want from the outset.

>> No.12585308

>Then I was right.
Are you boasting about not enjoying something for the sake of not enjoying something?
Again, all you have to do is make a thread about what you actually like. Imbecile.

>> No.12585309

I get that this is probably meant to be snarky in a joking manner, but this is what I mean. There are people who read for enjoyment. This board has a very limited scope. Certainly more limited than there is room for.

>> No.12585322

I was right in my assumption. Not necessarily a boast, just that some are going to shit on more contemporary/genre-based literature beyond the general thread for it.

>> No.12585324

>gets memed
>blog posts
Just get a trip. You're about as useful as that butterfly bitch.
Go make a thread about your shit, in fact, if you believe that there are less people willing to discuss your type of content, your threads will have less people, but ultimately will contain people whom are of a similar mind set. By the way, what you want is something to be limited in scope as long as it is acceptable to you. There is no limited scope on an anonymous image board, just shit threads started by shit people.

>> No.12585332

most book sites would suit you better, you have /r/books or goodreads; why come to our pure little corner and try and shit it up? there is one place left for pedantic autists to read Kant and Joyce and I would very much prefer it to not devolve into more of the same mediocre shit that exists everywhere else.

>> No.12585337


>> No.12585338

What's wrong with elitism?
Fuck this era of populism.

>> No.12585344

Now you are making assumptions about what I want. I am not a totalitarian. I didn't ask for other threads to be erased--in fact--I explicitly said I didn't from the outset, something which doesn't scream of a limited scope, at least not to me.

>> No.12585348

The highest truth one can realize about 4chan is that it is literally the twin of Reddit, only reflected through a mirror of edginess. Actually, both are edgy in their own ways. While Reddit has fedora-ism, 4Chan has racism/sexism/etcism. Both sites are completely abominable when it comes to sexual proclivities, holding eachothers hand in said degeneracy. Reddit sincerely denies belief in any God, 4chan either sincerely denies one too, or sincerely feigns belief in one. 4chan is the darker twin of Reddit, at this point. Older, pre-2016 4chan may have been different, but the 4chan of today is most-definitely a mirror of the same website whose current, recent members themselves migrated from.

>> No.12585367

I don't browse reddit, which probably surprises people. I do browse 4chan, but I tend to stick to the other boards about vidya and my other interests.

Other book sites are filled with feminists, which doesn't suit my needs either. 4chan is more sperg friendly, willing to overlook risque content. Hence, I see more potential in this "pure little corner". Other places are infested with a certain subset of females and betas.

>> No.12585372

>not enjoying gogol
are you, dare i say it, retarded?

>> No.12585391

>Now you are making assumptions about what I want. I am not a totalitarian
No you're just an idiot. You want "quality" discussion, according to your own metric, your'e just too much of an imbecile to create the conditions for it.

>> No.12585395

>too /r9k/ for reddit, too reddit for /lit/
kind of tragic anon, you should probably just leave

>> No.12585397

I wasn't even going harp on it, he's too far gone. The Nose is genuinely hilarious, i'm reading it atm in Diary of a Madman.

>> No.12585427

It's not about being /r9k/, those people aren't looking to improve. They want to wallow in their misery. I'm doing good in my life. It's about every author being "genderqueer" or an "LGBTQ++ alliy" these days, and if you step out of line, they will come after you until you submit.


>> No.12585523


>> No.12585545

I don't give a fuck about YA; please leave, I don't care where you go (/r9k/ would probably suit you though)

>> No.12585553

Thank you, OP. Occasionally the "what's on your mind" threads are interesting, but the pretentiousness is just outright obnoxious.

>> No.12585584

plebs begone

>> No.12585658

And I wish a Thai whore would dust off my hairy sack every morning. After that I would procede to ravage every crevice of that brown oily whore. But ultimately I have to conclude that it won't happen If I stay in one place, waiting for god to drop a firm and youthful eastern sperm suckling in my lap. Ultimately I will have to leave and look dir one

>> No.12585705


>> No.12585714


>> No.12585950

I knew you were a sperg
please go to Reddit, give it a try
every space in the internet it's a safe space for those who first populate it, it's pretty obvious. If you don't enjoy one particular safe space maybe look for another that can give you, dare I say, a safe space? just don't go to other people's safe space and try to make it your own.

>> No.12585986
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>you're just not well-read, anon!

You can think these kinds of books are fun, but I won't. These are books I HAD to read, not ones that I wanted to, and they're just the ones I had on hand, not library copies.

The only one that was any interesting of these was the Picture of Dorian Gray. As for the rest of them, the aspects of courtly love was interesting, and something I hope to adapt into a fantasy story of mine. Spenser and some others were okay, too. Haikus are awful.

You can't say I haven't given classical literature a chance.

>> No.12585995

I don't need a safe space--you just admitted you do. All I asked for was variety. You think any thread I'd make about books i enjoy would not get the same reception? Have I perhaps tried before?

>> No.12586033

the picture of dorian grey is also the only thing there that ever shows up on this board. Posts like this and your insistance that "classics are boring" really makes this thread stink of bait.

>> No.12586036

I even learned Old English, just to be able to read Beowulf. That was more fun, though, since at least it was different. It was an actual experience. All these other things about civil servants from the 1800s are just mundane.

>> No.12586083

That's one, sure. But it's not one I want to discuss either... I just said I found it slightly interesting in comparison to the others.

This is not bait. It's just that this board has a certain canon and I don't care for the monotony of it all. I didn't say threads should be removed or disallowed. I just don't care for them and I'm tired of the pretentious discourse, thus I REQUESTED, not DEMANDED a change in pace.

Boards like /sci/, /g/ and others have more constructive threads. There are even boards that exist just to help people with homework for fuck's sake. Why can't /lit/ be more than a circlejerk of authors that people have already listed off countless times? You can like Kant, you can like Tolstoy, you can like Dostoevsky, but is it too much to ask to not huff your own farts about it?

>> No.12586100

Go read Gulliver's Travels, a plot synopsis for gravity's rainbow, and fuck off

>> No.12586114

t. Philistine
Go read DFW or Rupi Kaur, you fag.

>> No.12586126

I don't care for most satire. I have read Gulliver's travels.

>> No.12586137

I'm actually waiting for Heroes: Mortals and Monsters, by Stephen Fry, to arrive. I'm hoping it's good. :)

>> No.12586162

Plebs hate DFW dude do you think the average retard who has heard of infinite jest are going to read a 1200 page confusing book? Of the three people I who have brought up DFW to me one was a lit major who like pomo stuff, one was a girl who said his water speech was interesting and she would like to read IJ some day (never), and the other was a guy gushing about tao lin and when I said didn't like tai pei and preferred maximalism he referred to it as "the one about tennis" (will never read)

>> No.12586170
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>> No.12586197
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>book is damaged
Everyone sucks at reading but me

>> No.12586212

You'd probably hate to see my collection. Mine tend to get creased, since I mainly buy paperbacks due to the cost. Some, such as Tolkien, are prized enough that I take care to keep them in relatively pristine order. However, because I have poor fine motor skills due in part to the autism people have alluded to, things tend to get semi-wrinkly anyway.

>> No.12586362

>I don't need a safe space
>I just want variety, and by variety I mean nobody should judge my shit taste
that's the last (You) I'm gonna give you, please stay on /tv/

>> No.12586367

lel fuck that guy but /tv/ is way better than this place

>> No.12586368

my copy of IJ looks like shit

>> No.12586420

holy fucking newfag

>> No.12586426

Oh look, there you go, putting words in my mouth again. That seems to be all you're capable of, from our admittedly brief interactions.

People can judge my taste all they like. I'm just tired of seeing threads about Kant and the like ALL the time. There is often just the general thread for genre fiction, where topics get lost in the shuffle, and it's no fun posting by yourself.

I don't care if you respond, because I find it hilarious that you are still going to see this for one simple reason... You are mad enough to check if I have responded to your last (you).

>> No.12586437

If people are this upset by a simple opinion, then I guess they either care way too much what I think, or they realize there is some truth to what I have said.

>> No.12586523


>> No.12586537

why are you announcing yourself?>>12586426
You're not going to see any threads you like by making a thread to cry like a faggot that there aren't any.

>> No.12586545

post2016 /lit/ sucks

>> No.12586555

I know I miss tao lin and phoebe was raped posting wtf happened

>> No.12586599

did you start with the greeks?

>> No.12586607

fucken based

>> No.12586612

*post2016 imageboards suck

>> No.12586884

This is the one criticism I've seen a couple of times in this thread now, "Be the change you wanna see", which I actually regard as fair. It has been duly noted, Dr. Peterson. I will sort myself out first and then rescue this board from the belly of the whale.

>> No.12587005

I'll admit, I'm a newfag as of a year so I mostly lurk, but can you tell me what 4chan was like in the pre2016 era? Was there a more in-depth discussion? I completely agree with you, OP, and some other's sentiments that there is a plague of insincerity and pretentiousness that creates a circlejerk that's almost worse than Reddit's. It's very rare to see lengthy, productive discussions that aren't derailed or plagued by people mindless denigrating each other.

>> No.12587699


>> No.12587717

There was no insightful pre-2016 era. Its a lie told by newfags to other newfags so they can feel okay with themselves hanging out in a site where people want to kill niggers. /lit/ has had the same threads with the same posts and discussed the same books since it was created.

>> No.12587749


>> No.12588208
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/lit/ is an aristocratic board