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12583469 No.12583469 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they let this book go out of print?
There's obviously demand for it. The book is commanding hundreds of dollars on the secondary market. I not looking for a copy; I already have one. I'm just wondering how, or why, this came about.

>> No.12583525

It's weird because it's just a problem for the english version because you can easily pick it up for 10 bucks in other languages

>> No.12583538

Demand may have spiked recently with the likes of Pewdiepie drawing attention to the author. Something to consider.

>> No.12583540

I've seen a lot of incels namedropping it in last year or two. Online communities of autists probably have something to do with it.
Also >buying books

>> No.12583542

The meme status it has is exclusive to the West

That translation is supposed to be shit too

>> No.12584305

I read a library copy and have been trying to get my own for a while and can’t make heads or tails of the situation. Friend of mine found a copy for a few bucks somewhere a few years ago. Kind of wonder what the copyright situation is with it. Maybe someone should just type up an electronic copy.

>> No.12584837

bumping so I can post a d/l link for it

>> No.12584875

for anyone interested:

>> No.12584889

I'm just gonna print it out double-sided and bind it cheaply

>> No.12585020

Woah - this anon has sex, isn't autistic, and doesn't buy books. Pretty cool guy...

>> No.12585210

I actually sent my name and address to three local booksellers for this book prior to knowing how popular it has become. It's the only translated copy of mishima I'm missing.. guess I can wait since I have the originals.

>> No.12585435

I can't say for sure, but whereas all of Mishima's literary works are still available, this autobiographical work has been made much more difficult to come by.
for example, the largest book corporation in Canada (Indigo-Chapters) used to carry it - I know, because I remember picking the book up off of a shelf of one of their stores; but now when I search for it on their online store, there isn't even a digital stub showing the book isn't available like I would expect: it's as though it's been intentionally scrubbed from the site:
then again, the CEO of this corporation used to brag about her decision not to sell "Mein Kampf" even for research or academic purposes, so this might be a case of them identifying what they consider to be explicitly right-wing literature and screening it out for ideological purposes.
I'm surprised they still carry "Storm of Steel" to be honest...

>> No.12585473
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Plenty of OoP books get sold for outrageous prices on secondhand market.
I got both these for under 30$ a few years ago

>> No.12585477


Chapters will sometimes accidentally carry titles. I'm certain of it. I've seen a Marsilio Ficino book from the I Tatti library in more than one location--the same volume in each. It makes no sense for them to carry this random half-Latin volume from an academic press. No one ever buys them either. They are still there years later.

>> No.12585485


>Wyndham Lewis

Logo Daedalus on Twitter is to blame for some of this too, but I don't blame him. It is good that people are reading these books.

>> No.12585508

I also have an English copy of this book and it doesn't even show up on second hand sites anymore

>> No.12585513

Is that 45 bucks for a star wars book behind it? How can they charge that much and not kill themselves in shame?

>> No.12585519

My mistake wrong spelling

>> No.12585581

Thank you anon.

>> No.12585609

Because its masculine and fascistic.

>> No.12585639

Huh. Used to own a copy. It's okay.

>> No.12585671

Learn japanese. its not that hard anyway

>> No.12585686

I recall a small, locked cupboard at the World's Biggest Bookstore which contained the Loeb Classical Library in Greek and Latin, but they also began carrying the I Tatti collection in there when they began publishing them. perhaps it was transferred from there after the WBB closed?
also, I've ordered books from their electronic terminals and picked them up later - perhaps someone ordered it, but never picked up their order?
you're welcome

>> No.12585698

NYRB should do it. We all know they have interns that lurk here, so go do it you gay fucks.

>> No.12585716


>perhaps it was transferred from there after the WBB closed?

Woah. That's a really cool theory. You may be right!

>> No.12586089

>We all know they have interns that lurk here
lol why would you believe something as dumb as this?

>> No.12586142
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Spanish edition is relatively cheap and easy to find.

>> No.12586159

Happens with a ton of old books...lots of shit I want is out of print and sells for over $100. At least Sun and memes is easily found online as digital.

>> No.12586181
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Because it's true

>> No.12586265

Should I post an untranslated Mishima novel that I've been working on translating into English? It's about 3/4ths of the way done, but I can post the whole work on /lit/ when I'm finished if people are interested.
Probably not near the level of a professional translation, but I've sunk a considerable amount of time into it, and it's better than nothing right?

>> No.12586302


Do people actually pay that? I would sell mine tomorrow if so.

>> No.12586322

>untranslated Mishima novel
Yes, post it somewhere. Where do you get untranslated nip novels? I'm dekinaifag but it would be good to know, if I can ever stop being retarded enough to get gud.

>> No.12586329

absolutely. do you have an estimate for when you expect to finish it by?

>> No.12586339

Underrated post

>> No.12586470

Amazon brvh

>> No.12586488

I believe there's only one novel that fits this and I'm translating it too, though I wouldn't try to publish because of my professional affinities. Would love to get in touch and exchange notes if you're up for it anon.

>tfw 4 years of playing do-s visual novels trained me for this
And they laughed when I told them I was playing these games to "enhance" my vocab. Now I'm a professional at this, who's laughing now.

Which edition do you have and how much do you want for it? I'm missing one version and I rather support a lit anon than a scalper on ebay.

>> No.12586762

>only one untranslated Mishima novel
hmm, are you retarded buddy?

>> No.12586818

Well, shit.
But really both of you, any other untranslated japanese lit you have, there's a lot of people who would love to read it if you could share. Drop it somewhere, maybe get it added to the wiki. There's at least five people on /lit/ who would be ecstatic to read it, even if the quality is lousy.

>> No.12586825


Lol secondary market. We steal shit

>> No.12586875

my nigga.

>> No.12586889

Which one? Any chance it’s 不道徳教育講座?

>> No.12587058


>> No.12587502
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You can see the spike of people searching for "Mishima" when Pewdiepie made those videos. I wonder what happened in 2017

>> No.12589124

I was lucky enough to get an original for £10.

>> No.12589413

I'm always interested in seeing how other people translate stuff in Japanese. And seeing the original Japanese texts.
I dipped my hand in drama cd translations in the past but textual translation is always really beyond me.

>> No.12590223

I got the evergreen books copy for 2 dollars at a bookstore a few years back. Still in pretty good condition. I'll sell it to you for 50 bucks OP.

>> No.12590246
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Dear pewdiepie. thank you for making me some bank because I bought a 6 dollar meme book recommended by /fit/ in 2011

>> No.12590297


I really like this cover.

>> No.12590331
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Oh shit I have that one too

>> No.12590338

and the one for sale is 1985, mine is 1970

>> No.12590348
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god damn it I want that edition so bad.

>> No.12590361


>"Evergreen" in the corner indicating that it will always be good
>They stop printing it

>> No.12590410
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>> No.12590475


>you didnt buy a first edition signed of stoner for 50 dollars in 2007

>> No.12590735

Wave of young men growing up and embracing conservatism and the fit/lit lifestyle.

>> No.12591564

What the fuck?

>> No.12591573

typical of american umlaut reactionaries midcentury

>> No.12592743


>> No.12592757

Pewdiepie didn't start reading/shilling Mishima until 2018 so who knows what happened in 2017.

>> No.12592793

>just get it at the library anon!
I really fucking hate myself for not buying a first edition Temple of the Golden Pavilion when I had the chance.

>> No.12593707

NYRB publishes many fine translations, but aside from Pankaj Mishra's defamatory "Jordan Peterson & Fascist Mysticism" article, the only excuse I have for disliking them is the partisan delight exhibited in that tweet.

>> No.12593752

It's absolutely unreadable