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/lit/ - Literature

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12581934 No.12581934 [Reply] [Original]

>had a small "date" with a married woman with small children.
>"where had you been all my life?"
>thought she liked me
>She mentioned that she started reading Anna Karenina
what is my chance? I firmly believe that Vronsky did nothing wrong.

>> No.12581942

You’ll get tired of her, just like Vronsky did, and you’ll be left knowing you are a terrible person

>> No.12581972

>I firmly believe that Vronsky did nothing wrong
How? You think Anatole didn't anything wrong either?

>> No.12581978
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>t.so desperate, he'll sacrifice moral values and risk ruining three other people's lives so he can finally get laid

>> No.12581987

stop wrecking homes

>> No.12582019

>destroying families
>not even in the name of anarchy or anti-christendom, just in the pursuit of some middle-aged pussy
I think you should do some reverse roleplay with her. Specifically, take her to a busy railyard and lay your neck down on the tracks.

>> No.12582026

I love how people put the value of ideals over the value of the self.

>> No.12582045
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Really though, on an honest, gut level, from one faggot to another, cheating and enabling-cheating is not kosher and if you were my bro pulling this bush-league shit I would ghost you

>> No.12582049

how did you get a date with a single mom?

>> No.12582073

Grow up

>26 year old complete loser with ambition
>meet a math grad student at a prestigious school, she has a boyfriend
For reference, she could very easily be making mid 6 figures within 7 years of graduating (which is in may). This is the Bay Area.
>inject myself into her life
>introduces me to great people, everyone with amazing careers and bright futures
>get her to cheat and eventually dump her boyfriend for me

She is good for my life; good for me. I am so much more likely to do good with my life by being with her.
Yes, I will walk over anyone that gets in my way. Ill do it with a smile.

>> No.12582077

until she cheats on you, let's see how long that smile lasts buddy

>> No.12582080

what goes around comes around, bitch. you know it in your bones. that's why you felt the need to blogpost

>> No.12582086

Wow, you are naive. You aren't the predator you think you are, you are like a lamb lost in the woods

>> No.12582108

I've never met her ex but I know he feels some compassion for me just because she's told him enough about me. I feel some compassion for him.
I'm not heartless.

It makes sense for us to pursue a relationship and, if we're better as close friends, then he can have her back.

My life takes precedence but the goal isn't to leave a trail of shit behind me.

We're all lost, or at least most of us are. The best we can do is utilize our circumstances to the best of our ability and try to cultivate some joy.

>> No.12582123

>For reference, she could very easily be making mid 6 figures within 7 years of graduating (which is in may). This is the Bay Area.
you're going to wait seven years for her gender studies degree to rake in some dough?

>> No.12582137

>math grad student
>prestigious university

The funny thing is how kind of aimless the math department seems to be. They just aimlessly continue their education and eventually present institutions with some reason to pay them for it.

From what she tells me, she's had more career talk with me than any of her peers.

She's doing her masters thesis on coxeter groups, which I've learned some about with her.
They have no tangible application and will be completely useless to any job she'll get. Crazy to think that, that is the level philosophy is at right now.

But yeah anyway. Math. Not humanities

>> No.12582145
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You don’t want being a cheater or accomplice-to-the-cheater on your conscience anon, trust me. You may think yourself an ubermensch and that you can decide for yourself what is right. You’re wrong. Even if you marry the girl (highly unlikely), she’ll know what you are. She won’t have to ever say it, you’ll always be able to see a little sliver of it in her eyes. Maybe one day you’ll have a daughter, and when she gets older she’ll ask you “What’s the worst thing you ever did?” And you’ll know what it is, and she’ll know too, even if you don’t say it, she will. The biggest meme the devil ever pulled was letting us believe we can ever get away with a lie. We never ever really do.

>> No.12582151

You're just a piece of shit. You can't hide behind pretty words.

>> No.12582156

blah blah blah blogging about my life

oh yeah some superficial reference to Anna Karenina


>> No.12582158

They're one and the same you dumb hylic.

>> No.12582162

They did a study on cognitive dissonance where participants were asked to lie. The first group was given no incentive. The second group was given $5 each to lie. The third group was given $100 each. Both the first and the third groups reported that they did not believe the lies they told. But the second group did believe their own lies. This is because $5 is not enough of a rationalization by itself to perform an immoral action.

You are like the participant who lies. Your lie is the narrative you have built around the arc of your relationship to justify your cheating behaviors. Your girlfriend is $5. If your girlfriend were a rich and beautiful inheritess with career connections, you would not believe your lies, because you would have profited very greatly from them and so could rationalize your immorality with immediate, disproportionately large personal gain. You believe your lies because you have profited from them, but not very much. Your girlfriend will leave you in the end, and the brief chapter of happiness in your life will close as quickly and caustically as it opened. Then, your lies will reveal themselves for what they are--the last cope of a "complete loser," as you put it.

>> No.12582167

Wow man, you're so edgy and cool!

>> No.12582175

I doubt this dude has an actual conscience.
> The biggest meme the devil ever pulled was letting us believe we can ever get away with a lie. We never ever really do.
Biggest meme the devil ever pulled was convincing good men that all of mankind are their brothers. In reality some men are children of God and some men are dogs.

>> No.12582180

>We're all lost

This is what people who are lost tell themselves. That those who have figured it out, or have become successful - are merely faking it. This is as much of a reddit statement as you could have possibly made. You've never met her ex, yet you believe what she has told you? A girl who has shown she is unfaithful and a bad person? But of course, she would never lie to you, only to others. You are in for a very rude awakening, this girl is trouble, and you will deserve every bit of pain she hands you

>> No.12582188
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I'm honestly surprised that /lit/ has taken the nobler stance, by and large. It's comfy. Maybe you goobers actually have read Plato and Friends

>> No.12582202

Meant to say
>external ideals
Valuing the self is obviously an ideal, and the logical imperative

If they would've payed the fourth group $10 million+, then they'd believe it. Do you think top execs at Facebook think they're doing wrong? They most certainly are doing wrong (new book Zucked is written by a prominent, successful VC and a mentor to 22 year old Mark Zuckerberg. Talks about the pessimistic view of data collection) and their conscious is most certainly clean. Or at least will remain so for as long as they aren't punished severely.

Anyway, your working with false postulates so it's hard to argue directly with what you're saying. There is a fundemental truth that inexperience the world only from myself. I Am my experience.
My experience has absolute value to me. The experience of others? They only inherently matter (to me) insofar as they affect me.

They do have value. Humans are inherently valuable; they can affect change in the world I live. But the nature of their value matters only insofar as they affect me.
Affecting positively is the ideal. The best way for someone to affect me positively is if I do the same for them. The structure in between is entirely up for debate. People are maleable. I am maleable.

Me and her are good for each others lives. This is commonly agreed upon.
The nature of our relationship over the long term remains to be seen but the shared goal is to have a relationship of mutual benefit, whatever that looks like.

>> No.12582205

not I, personally. I just hate Vronskies. they are like bugs, sneaking around the corners of your house, eating scraps of your food. worst of all, they justify their sins with dog-eat-dog mentality under the illusion of being top dogs. they should be exterminated

>> No.12582211

your gymnastics would get 10s across the board at the "mental" olympics

>> No.12582226

>at least most of us
I'm assuming relatively few of us are successful and even fewer 'have figured it out'. Am I wrong?

In saying things won't work out for me you seem to be doing what you accuse me of. Projecting.
And with a 'reddit' sense of morality

>> No.12582235

feel free to leave this board at any time, you steaming nobook pile of shit

>> No.12582241

Yes, you are wrong. You are not nearly as clever as you think you are

>> No.12582251


>> No.12582274

I’m convinced there is a small portion of /lit/, off in a corner, probably just a handful of guys, but they actually read, and they are in it for the knowledge and the pure love of it.

That’s whats so addicting about this place, most of it is garbage but 1 out of every 200 posts or so is legit genius and insightful, it’s like a diamond in a mountain of dung.

>> No.12582294

hearing anons wax poetic and informed about stevens and dickinson introduced me to those writers, those were special times

>> No.12582433

Vronsky had never got tired of her. At least in the entire novel.
To accept that his trying to live truthfully was wrong is to yield to death.

>> No.12582441

Companies don't care what kind of maths you did as long as it's hard and selective enough that they can expect you to be a disciplined worked and a fast learner.

they're right

>> No.12582454

I don't see much gymnastics here, it seems anon has just accepted to be a rational egoist. Which is a morally debatable stance but not a dishonest one.

>> No.12582465

>To accept that his trying to live truthfully was wrong is to yield to death.
t.mental gymnast

>> No.12582847

mmmmmm kronsky got what he deserved, silly ass fucker, also fuck anna

>> No.12582905

So this is a man? Scary.

>> No.12583028


t. roasties

Only women have this need to posture morals about "homewrecking", when obviously she's an adult too, obviously she's as complicit as he is. If she didn't cheat with OP, she will cheat with somebody else. Fuck her OP, then leave her, as you already know she's a dishonest piece of shit. Oh, and leave a note for her husband.

>> No.12583053

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind anon

>> No.12583082

Actually, those actions would have the opposite effect, they would combat blindness and uncover what is actually true.
>eye for an eye
you can't get herpies if you don't fuck around, roastie - this is not a difficult concept
but once you do you are forever branded with the mark of cain

>> No.12583086

Based, be ready to live your life without her at all times though.

>> No.12583104

If she's reading Anna Karenina, your chance is basically nil. Tolstoy will show her the error of her ways and she will drop you, as she should.

>> No.12583152

tolstoy couldn't even convince himself in the error of his ways dude

>> No.12583164
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>PhD in Mathematics, Princeton University
Her thesis will make you realize how badly progressivism has started to infiltrate STEM. That being said, I actually do agree with employers being right 99.9% of the time concerning their "work ethic" judgement.

>> No.12583181

>inject myself into her life
LMAO, when you sense another guy doing that to her you'll probably go bunkers and damage or even kill someone. See you in the news, psycho.

>> No.12583182


>> No.12583314
File: 475 KB, 1869x911, PrincetonToad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princeton University

I wonder if she's ran into PrincetonToad

>> No.12583316

maybe she also believes vronsky did nothing wrong

>> No.12583318

>get her to cheat
ohohohoh.... oh nono no no no

>> No.12583478


>> No.12583498

every time you "get laid" you sacrifice moral values and potentially ruin three other people's lives

>> No.12583546

uber cringe

>> No.12583564

I mean by all means fuck around with girls in relationships, but your fantasy of her dumping him for you after cheating shows you have no experience doing this. Once a cheater, always a cheater. She is just going to branch swing from you once somebody who is worth more comes along, and that’s assuming you actually get with her.

>> No.12583589


Daily reminder that anyone who uses this term, has never seen a vagina

>> No.12583607

>celibacy is BAD!

no thanks satan

>> No.12583614

intermittent reinforcement is a powerful drug

thankfully I wisened up and only come here and to the warosu archives to binge once a month

>> No.12583626

>The funny thing is how kind of aimless the math department seems to be.
I can hear the smug chuckle at the end of this sentence.

>> No.12583644
File: 59 KB, 300x300, top-ten-smug-anime-girls_fb_7226217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons thinking "The Family™" is inherently "good"
>Anons thinking "The Home™" has any relevant connotations in the year of rogue AI 2k19
>Not realizing stone-age ideals belong in the stone-age
Pathetic and shameful display.

>> No.12583662

i thought only men understood principles. you people can't even keep your shit straight.

well on the bright side i'm quite sure you'll never be cuckolding anyone anon.

>> No.12583665

>I firmly believe that Vronsky did nothing wrong.

yeah nothing except destroy a family and drive a woman to suicide.

>> No.12583674

>She's doing her masters thesis on coxeter groups, which I've learned some about with her.
>They have no tangible application and will be completely useless to any job she'll get.
Coxeter groups are mostly Euclidean and I'm sure she could spirograph some gift wrap.

>> No.12583683

>female incapable of thinking about the needs of her own offspring
>OP's genetic inferiority
Good match, she's bound to keep up birth control

>> No.12583711

i see nothing wrong with this

>> No.12583771

true dat.
I've been through the same thing.
She sees something in you, but she's dead wrong.
She's the one who has it, not you.

>> No.12583828

I'm willing to bet all the uber moralists didn't hit 20 yet.
Hope you have fun alone with your introversion in an amoral world.

>> No.12583845

no, they're just women

>> No.12583904

With every next sentence I hear the story goes form it fake to master troll. Good job anon.

Now feel free to leave the board.

>> No.12583954

>sacrifice moral values and risk ruining three other people's lives

Give a single reason why either of these is more important than getting laid.

>> No.12584060

have you tried rape before? if not then shut the fuck up, you know nothing about the importance of getting laid

>> No.12584065

>staying with a cheater
if she leaves him for you, she'll leave you for guy number 3
the appropriate course of action is to send her husband a picture of her covered in your cum so that he knows what he's gotten into, then get the fuck out of dodge before she gets clingy

>> No.12584097

>Princeton graduate school

>> No.12584157

an interesting question than op's is if anna karenina is an inherently pro-infidelity novel.
tolstoy is a very moralizing author and his moralizing is greatly seen in the levin chapters of the book, but the anna segments are completely different. tolstoy is definitely sad at the social forces that compel anna into the marriage with karenin and maybe his moralizing is there but i feel there's more too it than that. the amount of courtship and failed courtship in the novel requires at least some infidelity to be interesting

>> No.12584261

The irony of your statement is that Vronsky would have made a better father than Karenin. Vronsky and Karenina would have had a happy ending if that literal cuck just agreed to the divorce and gave up the child so he would be free to go suck that french cock.
Talking about not heeding the needs of offsprings.
She did create misery but that was from passion. The husband did it under the duress of social norms to the benefits of no one's.

>> No.12584264

>>had a small "date" with a married woman with small children.
imagine being this much of a cuck craving to entertain a slut

>> No.12584290

>muh hedonism

>> No.12584323

he offers her the divorce multiple times and she declines

>> No.12584351

wait, it seems a lot like a meme, yet i suspect it's real. :shudders:

Anyway, I'm a purebreed math major, currently doing a phD, and there's barely a line of original maths in my thesis, I'm a fucking fraud despite being a white male, so I can it evens out.

>> No.12584423

not with the kid

>> No.12585772

Figuring it out isn't as hard as philosophers (sophists) make it out. Jesus Christ is our Lord and you should follow His example. Even if you don't believe in God you should follow the example of the only worthy Contender for Godhood.

>> No.12585785

"cringe" doesn't even begin to cover it

>> No.12585806

>this is how immoralists rationalize their actions

>> No.12585838

simple prisoner's dilemma. the best possible outcome is the one where everyone follows the code. if you don't understand this you are underage and/or severely educationally impaired

>> No.12585895

no, you get the best possible outcome is when everybody else follows the code

>> No.12585916

and when they get out they shank your rat fuck ass. fuckin snitch

>> No.12585934

me on the right

>> No.12585977

>me on the left
>it's a woman
expected nothing less from those who indulge sin

>> No.12585979
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I am 27 you degenerate zoomer. Go rationalize your weakness and cowardice some more

>> No.12586000

>publicly humiliated and tortured
>only worthy contender for godhood

>> No.12586025

garbeage time is running out lads

>> No.12586644


>> No.12587497

>For at the window of my house I looked through the casement
>And beheld among the simple ones I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding
>Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house
>In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night
>And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart
>So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him:
>I have peace offerings with me; this day I payed my vows
>Therefore I came forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee
>I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt
>I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon
>Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves
>For my husband is not at home, he is gone a long journey:
>He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool goeth to the correction of the stocks
>Till a dart strike through his liver, as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life
>Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths
>For she hath case down many wounded; yea, many strong men have been slain by her
>Her house is the way to Hell, going down to the chambers of death.

But hey, you're different, right? You got this.

>> No.12588020
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>the entire basis of your moral compass is your imaginary friendly neighbor in the sky

>> No.12588128
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>allegedly a man, acting immorally
>needing a woman this badly
>and married with children, not your own
>implying she will not ghost you for the next tom dick or harry or dick when you become boring
You deserve whatever arrives upon you. This is your one and only warning. Turn aside from this harlot.