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12579104 No.12579104 [Reply] [Original]

>'dystopian novel'
>actually presents a very effective society which keeps it's population content, well-fed, entertained, happy, and free.

>> No.12579140


>> No.12579144


>> No.12579205

>what is soma

>> No.12579224

Ask me how I know you're a brainlet and a NPC

>> No.12579268


I bet you enjoy popular music too, don't you?

>> No.12579287

Telling. I wonder how many zoomers would unironically come to the same conclusion after reading it...

>> No.12579300
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The fact that someone can stone-faced defend this (arguably) fictional dystopia should really highlight just how fucked up it really is.

>> No.12579307
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Stop being happy

>> No.12579320

People like you should be put to sleep.

>> No.12579337

This but unironically

>> No.12579575


>> No.12579716

lol, look at all the triggered anxious faggots who have made their (self diagnosed) depression into an identity

>> No.12579730

>a drug addict is happy

>> No.12579739

as opposed to turning meta-ironic contrarianism into an identity

>> No.12579755

what post itt provided you that conclusion?
or are you just angry because nobody it's as dumb as you to get that conclusion from the book?

>> No.12579829

That's exactly why BNW and We are the best dystopian novels, they make the reader become part of the problem (by admiring the world). A dystopian world wouldn't exist without submission of a population.

>> No.12579832

It’s just bread and circuses. The people aren’t happy, they are distracted and engineered both socially and genetically.
They most certainly aren’t free and it’s arguable that they are even happy. I consider being high/drunk faux-happiness. You feel happy, but it’s not real, it’s the trick of the drug. They are free in more ways than someone living in 1984 is, but they are breed from birth to the point of altered genetics to be the type of person that’s they are going to be. They can’t escape that, they can’t rise up past that. The best they can do is just leave, but they can’t leav their bodies.

>> No.12579858

>99,99% of human beings turned into mindless slaves with planned obsolescence hardwired into society
>0,01% of people at some level conscious and in charge of operating the slave-machine to some level of efficiency, all of them also to a large degree complete addicts to the society they've built

fuck off with this gay shit, thinking that bnw's society is in any way not one of the most appalling dystopias ever thought up

>> No.12580054

You should probably just stick to Harry Potter, OP.

>> No.12580080

>fish in a bowl are free
It's no wonder the world is so fucked today.

>> No.12580096

Freedom is only for those who can deal with the consecuences of the freedom

>> No.12580104
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>but happiness is more than just a neurological state

>> No.12580124
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Read Kant, retard

>> No.12580976

Whoa got spooky there for a sec

>> No.12580986

Kill yourself

>> No.12581017
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>solves the incel problem

>> No.12581026

>99,99% of human beings turned into mindless slaves
No, they're not 'turned' into slaves, they're born as ones. It's their purpose, their optimal state. Is it not far kinder than taking dreams and aspirations and turning them into wageslaves (i.e. modern society)?

>> No.12581180

as a 21 year old i can attest that about 70% of my high school english class wanted BnW to be real and thought it was a utopia

>> No.12581188

something something small-souled bugman

>> No.12581202

You could say the same thing about plantation life in the antebellum South...

>> No.12581224

>Is it not far kinder than taking dreams and aspirations and turning them into wageslaves (i.e. modern society)?
Isn't it the same?

>> No.12581242

Every one except for the Savage gets what they want, the sheep a herd/pen the intelct a island of intelligence, not all are born to be slaves they choose to

>> No.12581292

>they're born as ones.
They are genetically engineered to be born as slaves.

>> No.12581352


spooky book. what always gets me is Bernard's line about how he gets the nagging feeling he is thinking the wrong way/being forced to think about specific things. sucks to have train of thought determined--either through societal means in the case of BNW or through our own nature/nurture irl. very limiting though of course can't imagine the alternative

>> No.12581357


also self-awareness was a mistake

>> No.12581363

Someone get Fukuyama, the Last Man has arrived.

>> No.12581378

BNW actually completely ignores the fact that humans need emotional intimacy. With neither family nor committed relationships in their society, the Brave New Worlders cannot have been anything near fulfilled, however much the soma might cover that emptiness for a while. If the modern bugman were to live in such a dystopia for a week he would kill himself just as the savage did, realizing that the society is so designed as to make actual human contact impossible. In this respect it is not a society at all, no communal whole, but simply a collection of individuals with neither bond nor tie to unite them. This sounds appealing to the bugman, who hates responsibility, but responsibility is the ground on which a man must stand; without it all is a sandy foundation that must be swept away when the tide comes.

>> No.12581404

Why didn't they just make everyone alpha++?

>> No.12581407

based. i unironically think that. It was never meant to be a dystopia but retards dont like order....

>> No.12581421
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At what price?

>> No.12581423

not to mention a scientific, efficient, strict hierarchical system that prevents class jealously or intergroup conflict.

>> No.12581433

You remind me of Raskolnikov’s article on “Ordinary” and “Extrodinary” men in Crime and Punishment.

>> No.12581475
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"I am happy."

>> No.12581624

It depresses me knowing people who think this exist

>> No.12581803

Should dogs be pitied for being born simple and doggish?

>> No.12582070

are they victims or brainlets to you?