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/lit/ - Literature

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1257885 No.1257885 [Reply] [Original]

So for my psych class I have to break a social norm

I know this is done in many classes because ive already spent 4 or so hours researching. So Ive gotten a lot of suggestions but nothing I think that is good enough.

I'm a pretty outgoing person, so there are lots of options

Although nothing that can get myself arrested! lol

>> No.1257891
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examples include things like:

standing opposite in the elevator
sitting in the elevator
offering change to people dressed as a bum
eating ice cream with a knife and spoon

>> No.1257898
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for tits guys???

>> No.1257901

pick nose in public

>> No.1257900

>Eating ice cream with a knife and spoon
Some things are social norms because the alternatives are retarded.

>> No.1257903

Here's a good idea: kill yourself. (assuming you're not Japanese)

>> No.1257904
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no shit

>> No.1257905

Wear clothing that is clearly intended for the opposite gender.

You know you want to; don't try to deny it.

>> No.1257912

That's actually becoming a lot more normal nowadays in case you haven't noticed

>> No.1257913

>he thinks that becomes somethings normal that it isn't retarded

>> No.1257916
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>>Wear clothing that is clearly intended for the opposite gender.

i consider this normal

>> No.1257922

Wear absolutely filthy clothing to class

>> No.1257923
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I considered handing the cashier at the store every item in my basket one at a time and seeing how the people in line reacted, along with the cashier and bagger.


>> No.1257925

yeah and you could like, hide a camera somewhere too and then put the videos on youtube . it could make a great tv show

>> No.1257929
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Unfortunately doing something in class wont work because I only have my psych class this semester and he said we can't do it in class because we'll see it coming.


>> No.1257940

dont shower..

>> No.1257942

So for my psych class I have to break a social norm

examples include things like:

taking a shit in the middle of the street
jerking off in my psych class
killing and eating somebody's pet
refusing to do an academic assignment that everybody else in the class is going to do

>> No.1257947

You have no idea how many people actually do this hsit

>> No.1257957
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>> No.1257961
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>> No.1257969

Just don't do the assignment. The teacher is testing you, and your fellow classmates. If you don't do it, you'll be breaking a social norm, therefore getting the best grade.

>> No.1257981

this doesn't sound half bad actually

>> No.1257990

just another reason people take psych majors so seriously.

>> No.1257991

Yep, and you'll also be creating a wacky paradox that will blow everyone's mind

>> No.1258001

And the funny thing is that if the majority thinks of doing it then it WON'T be breaking a social norm and you'll all fail lmao

>> No.1258022

I am eating a steak for breakfast.

>> No.1258027

Lots of people do that. It's pretty good with eggs

>> No.1258030

And don't try to go all breakfast for dinner on me because literally everyone does that all the goddamn time

>> No.1258031
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i considered dressing up as a princess and insisting i was a princess from another time and i dont know where i am.

>> No.1258033

Engage in consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position.

>> No.1258037

Wear your clothes back to front, and reverse your shoes, toe to heel, it'll be hard to walk, but I guarantee it'll be a winner

>> No.1258038

Now that's just going too far.

>> No.1258041

Eat pages of books, when people question what you are doing, tell them you are breaking down the information into an easier to understand format.

attempt to handstand to and from psych class. Tell people it's too cliche to walk on your legs

shower (with trunks to avoid public nudity) in the rain

bring platonic kissing back into popularity

eat, run, lift random heavy objects, and sleep, suggest you are living a more natural lifestyle

I dont know fuck

>> No.1258047

Walk in to class, say hello, and plant a huge wet kiss on your teacher's lips. Regardless of their sex, sexuality, age or color. That ought to do it.

>> No.1258048
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>eat, run, lift random heavy objects, and sleep, suggest you are living a more natural lifestyle

>> No.1258052

Run everywhere and bring platonic kissing back into popularity.

I like those two.

Also do not adhere to layed out paths, and ignore arbitrary barriers and small fences.

>> No.1258055
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nothing sexual , i can get sued for that shit.

anyhow, more tits for you.

>> No.1258057

>Also do not adhere to layed out paths, and ignore arbitrary barriers and small fences.
Ever heard of parkour?

>> No.1258056
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>Also do not adhere to layed out paths, and ignore arbitrary barriers and small fences.

this is normal for me

>> No.1258058

Wear shoes on your hands

>> No.1258060

Hug everyone. LIterally everyone.

>> No.1258062
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so lets go over my current ideas that i might do and i planned on doing more than one and going with the best ones:

a. walking backwards around the market
b. carrying an easter basket to shop with
c. handing items one at a time to cashier
d. talking to random people like i know them
e. no do the assignment and potentially fail
f. ucking something better pls!

remember we're going for the best, and easiest thing i could write about here. and its one a two pager but it can'tbe like "people just were like, wtfnigz? so i left"

>> No.1258066
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considerable things to consider.

>> No.1258068

I say
>e. no do the assignment and potentially fail
is your best choice because:
A) Not many people will think of it, if any, and
B) It requires you to do nothing but be a smartass.

>> No.1258070

>talking to random people like i know them
peopel do this all the time where I come form

>> No.1258072

Uh, not that I mind, but when did this turn into a porn thread?

>> No.1258075

go to the super market and start putting your items in someone else's basket/cart.

>> No.1258079

Walk backwards all day with your clothes on back tofront

>> No.1258078

Do the assignment. but don't hand it in.

If you fail, explain it all and then hand in the finished assignment.

If you nail it, then come back and give us all something to say thank you for the idea.

Stand in one spot and look directly up for awhile.

use a camera, and pretend/film things that are absolutely mundane and regular, but as if it were an alien invasion to you.

In less busy childrens playgrounds (so that your size doesn't cause injury to smaller children by accident), use the equipment (this is legal so long as there isn't a sign indicating an age limit).

wear a backpack on your front/chest.

Dress smart, neaten up and act in 'crude' ways. inc. rap music through speakers in public areas, walking 'loose', parkour (or your limit of such)....

Actually anything you do, do it dressed very smart and neat (including slick hair etc).

>> No.1258081

Go onto crowded, packed public transport and start asking people without reason to give up their seats.

>> No.1258082
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actually i found three accounts of people saying that they did just that. or they turned in a blank sheet of paper.

unfortunately, my teacher even gave us a rubric. I have a C average in the class due to an emergency I had and I cant afford to get a failing grade for this.

I said I would provide! >>1257898

>> No.1258090

>use a camera, and pretend/film things that are absolutely mundane and regular, but as if it were an alien invasion to you.


>> No.1258091
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I cannot argue with your logic.


We have to turn it into a computerized thing that tells the teacher how much we plagerized. So I wouldn't be able to turn it in before because he'd know I actually did the report. But if he didn't take my "haha no report for joo!" thing and shit he might take the letter grade off for not handing it in online! lol
you see where im comin from?

>> No.1258100
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>> No.1258102

Write the entire report in another language.

>> No.1258127

Proposition your instructor

>> No.1258130

Spend a day saying everything on your mind, completely honestly, with no filter. This is the most revolutionary thing you can do.

>> No.1258137
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is this a verb?

>> No.1258140


>> No.1258145
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this is /lit/ right

yes it's a word
in this context it carries the connotation of asking someone for sexual favors

>> No.1258146

I like this one

>> No.1258150

No, it's a Prostitute verb.

>> No.1258151
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>> No.1258154
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Dress as Daphne for Halloween and have your mother blog about it.

>> No.1258156
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I concurr. I shall add this to my list of possible things to do. I dont know another language but I know a puerto rican..... same thing ya?

>> No.1258157

That's not breaking a social norm, that's being a smart-ass. I wouldn't risk it, "psych" is awfully close to "physics".

>> No.1258161
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well it might work

my teacher lived in Ecuador for a while and knows spanish pretty well.

>> No.1258163
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Hand your paper into your professor.

Already graded.

Through his window.

Tied to a brick.

>> No.1258165


>new desktop

>> No.1258167
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i like your spunk

although its the third floor

>> No.1258169

If you're a man, wear a dress.

There, easy.

and surprisingly comfortable

>> No.1258170
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glad i could help

>> No.1258176

write a copmetely random story with lots of madeup words
then translate the whole thing to portugese, using something like google translate. or something worse.

>> No.1259586
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lol op why you trying to get arressted just read bridge and pejudice it will fix your view on all life and get fixed for free

also check my dubs please :P xx

>> No.1259595

Don't show up to class and claim it as going against the norm. Try to get a friend to record the lecture or for their notes, etc.