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12577354 No.12577354 [Reply] [Original]

>If there is no God, if there is no Judgement Day, if there is no divine justice after death, then there is ultimately no reason to care about anything at all
For some men, this realization makes them want to indulge in life and pleasure, and to live like a hedonistic animal. For some, it makes them lose the will to live at all, in the knowledge that even pleasure is meaningless.

Any /lit/ on this loss of faith? How does one justify living when living is meaningless?

>> No.12577382
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Here you go

>> No.12577384

>no reason to care about anything at all
This is nonsense the still faithful cling to. Getting your life back is called hedonism by these poor fools.
Living is everything. Death is meaningless


>> No.12577390

I’d view all these books, and I mean the greatest, as a conversation
The conversation is far from over

>> No.12577395

This is actually, unironically, Based. Good post

>> No.12577461

This is pretty weak, honestly. If "Take a leap of faith" is the only thing to say about religious meaning (which is the only kind of meaning that is worthwhile), then God hasn't given us enough reason to believe and live well, and we're back where we started - why believe, and why live if you don't believe

>> No.12577652

Take the leap in the other direction.
Fear no Christian with fedora folders

>> No.12577801

this is not good, it shouldnt give you choices, and should always end up on God

>> No.12577824

The now is eternal - every secondary product of it will fade.

>> No.12577834

No one is happy by knowing that it is you who is born, why even breath?

>> No.12578005

>the only based comments in this thread

>> No.12578023

>No Job

>> No.12578027

Death is a sweet release from the suffering but also a departure from everything that ever was. Why waste your life when death is inevitable? Seize the day to change the world.

>> No.12578068
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I justify living by trying to make friends but I'm really bad at it

>> No.12578490

Show us your tits

>> No.12578724

When I was having my own existential nihilist phase and just feeling absolutely at my worst, I tried and failed to live up to my own invented purpose. Because of my manic depression, I was desperately searching for balance and to get rid of my ambivalent thought process. I eventually came across Taoism and found the peace in things that I feel is the most natural answer in existence I've read, heard about, or personally experienced. It's still a struggle trying to keep it all together and not feel despatch, but I feel an equally endless hope because they're two halves of the same whole in essence. It's satisfying to know something so simple could be so profound.

>> No.12578827

Read Ayn Rand, then grow old enough to be embarassed about it.

>> No.12578837


I would recommend overdosing on LSD and seeing the light for yourself

>> No.12578902
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Just read Pascal

>> No.12578947

>he wants God to be a boring, scientific fact that no one can deny
Actually think through what an alternative world would be like. Faith is superior to reason when it comes to devoting yourself to God and living a meaningful life. If everything is reasoned out coldly and precisely, then we truly lose meaning.

>> No.12578956

Universal meaning is a human construct, it doesn't exist at all. Even if God was real it wouldn't exist.

>> No.12578971

If the purpose of existence is to glorify God, then we should derive meaning from glorifying God and aligning with His will.

>> No.12578991

That's still not Universal meaning. What does God exist for? Where did he come from? Once you move up the creation's hierarchy, the questions will start repeating themselves into infinity

>> No.12579017
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How does some incomprehensible cosmic horror punishing you forever for merely being your intellectual-self, give life meaning? I mean it certainly puts some things into immediate focus but ultimately it only seems to make life that much more absurd and horrific.

>> No.12579025

>waahhh everything is meanngless, thankfully i have this handy flowchart to help me make meaningful choices!

>> No.12579045

Truth exists necessarily, so it requires an existence to describe. God is the prime existence. In other words, God exists to fulfilled Truth. God exists necessarily. God, being the source of existence, isn’t really an existence unless He actualizes all the forms of existence, to explore what existence actually is. Everything is the movement toward truth. Heaven, Hell, joy, suffering, it all completes the Truth of existence. And this Truth is understood by God’s mind. This is what God’s purpose is, to understand the creation and Himself. Everything is for His glory.

>> No.12579046

>Spank me daddy

Is this the true cry of the Muslim and the cry of the Christian?

>> No.12579056
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>no pessimistic utilitarianism

bloody frogs

>> No.12579101

counterpoint: Existence itself may be an aberration.

>> No.12579110

That doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.12579128

Nothing you said makes sense either. Aquinas was a sophist, like most continentals.

>> No.12579133

based gnosticposter

>> No.12579148

Non-existence is a contradiction. It can’t be the truth that there is non-existence. Non-existence can’t exist. Everything is the removal of contradiction and the development of truth.

>> No.12579169

The existence of one consistent material is equivalent with nonexistence. This consistent material is what we call void.

>> No.12579339
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The purpose of existence is to glorify me, and you should derive meaning from glorifying me and aligning with my will.


>> No.12579581

If you lose faith in the biblical stories because you come to the realization that they aren't factually true like a historical/scientific document then you're missing the point of Christianity. Believing in God doesn't have to mean believing in a sky daddy.

Life is a game and it took a long time for humanity to figure out what the rules are/should be. We weren't smart enough primates to come up with a rational deductive way of figuring this out, so we went through trial and error. People couldn't just intellectually articulate wisdom from the get-go, so they had to express it through dramatizations, which became religion.
If you act "as though" the biblical stories are true and worth learning from, you doing what is equal to having faith in the "rules" Christianity proposes for the game of life.
Sure, the sky daddy might not be watching you from a factual point of view. But if you deconstruct the Bible metaphorically, its very dense and very true. It may possess dreamlike incoherence but that's only required to preserve the significance of it.

>> No.12579666

In this case would you really qualify as a Christian ?
Or do you propose following Christian teachings or philosophy without being faithful, honest question.

>> No.12579834

The human cognitive function is metaphorical before its articulately abstract. I believe the bible stories are "real", but not real like historical documents are. They are works of art. Believing in them as if the metaphors are factually true is just a lower level of abstraction, and that's fine. Interpreting the bible is more like interpreting a dream.

>> No.12579840

Do you believe the stories of Jesus are factually true? I hope you do.

>> No.12579861

>In this case would you really qualify as a Christian ?

And to answer your question directly, whether or not you believe in the stories of the bible are "factually true" or not it doesn't matter because chances are you're still acting out the christian ethical philosophy that you unconsciously believe in. A "real christian" acts out the christian philosophy. It doesn't matter if the stories really happened or not.
I'm not sure. Whether or not he walked the earth isn't important because Jesus as a character is the personification of Christain values. His role in the bible is to represent what somebody would be like if they were to embody all the divine principles maximally (the archetype of christian faith, say). If the story is factually true, that's interesting I suppose, but it doesn't need to be.

>> No.12579870


>> No.12579877

Take a leap from a bridge

>> No.12579878
File: 107 KB, 500x428, used-to-believe-in-things-when-i-was-a-kid-14371256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the adulthood
>implying you aren't an edgy teen

>> No.12579884


Within Christian theology the fact of Jesus' existence, especially the incarnation and resurrection, are indispensable. Without him, the ontological gap (and the intellectual, spiritual and ethical gap which follows) between man and God is not bridged, and what we do when we ape 'infinite love' is just a projection of our own finitude. It's impossible to be a Christian and indifferent to the fact of the concrete Christ.

>> No.12579897

1 John 5:5
>Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Romans 9:10
>If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

You’re walking a dangerous path, friend. Don’t underestimate the importance of faith. I’m glad you’re receptive to the important lessons of the Bible, but you are not a Christian. You can improve your faith, however, and it starts with praying. Then begin reading the Bible so that you don’t spread false doctrines as you are now.

>> No.12579912

Romans 10:9*

>> No.12579918

Isn't that the shitty philosophy that makes you a death cultist that hopes for a nuclear holocaust?

>> No.12579923

Stirner is based and he killed hegelianism and was the inner terror of Marx

>> No.12579940

So there's at least one thing he was good for.

>> No.12579955

Not even being a fedora tier edgelord athrist. Actually I rreally respect Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and heathenism, but you mean to say you literally believe the stories of the Bible? Why is that, and why dont ypu believe Islam? Youre walking a dangerous path if you dont believe in Allah and partake in Jihad and marriage to childrrn and stuff.

Nobody that has a sophisticate view of religion believes that God wpuld "send them to hell" for not believing in some obscure doctrine. If a personal God really exists and is actually omnibenevolent and omnipotent so far as is possible, then he would certainly spare an otherwise decent person with a few mistaken beliefs, for the very simple reason that I myself would. In fact, its hard to see why God would condemn anyone to an eternity of suffering. Suffering in itself is bad, and the fact that the suffering exists in the soul of someone "evil" does not make that sufferring any better or justifiable. We must elevate it to a metaphysical axiom that suffering is bad (whoever has to endure it).

>> No.12579971

Thoughts on ecclesiastes which deals with this exact point?

>> No.12580017

>but you mean to say you literally believe the stories of the Bible? Why is that, and why dont you believe Islam?
I believe the stories because I have faith. I have nothing to lose by believing in them literally, while one who says “I’ll believe this but not that”” just ends up on a slippery slope, not knowing what to believe, falling into the danger of losing faith, and basing everything off reason alone. I think the Bible contains truths that are beyond our comprehension, and I will believe every word of it, literally, and figuratively, if my understanding allows me. As for Islam, I’m not a Muslims because Islam just doesn’t have the foundation that Christianity has. Jesus was predicted by the OT in numerous ways (Isaiah 53, references to the “Son,” the prophecy of Bethlehem(“house of bread”), etc.) Islam just seems like a rip-off to me. A talented man named Mohammed takes advantage of the polytheism around him, and slowly starts to convince people of his new religion. And he tried to connect all this back to Judaism. It just doesn’t make sense. And simply put, Jesus is far greater than Mohammed will ever be. So that’s that.
>If a personal God really exists and is actually omnibenevolent and omnipotent so far as is possible, then he would certainly spare an otherwise decent person with a few mistaken beliefs, for the very simple reason that I myself would
Omnibenevolence is not mentioned in the Bible, if I’m not mistaken. God made the universe for HIM, not us.
>for the very simple reason that I myself would
Well, you’re not God, so that thinking just falls apart.
>In fact, its hard to see why God would condemn anyone to an eternity of suffering.
Suffering is a natural result of rejecting God. If you don’t have the material, and you don’t have God, what do you have in the afterlife? Nothing but burning desire, never to be relinquished.
>We must elevate it to a metaphysical axiom that suffering is bad (whoever has to endure it).
Obviously not, since it exists. Human suffering is not so bad to God as it is to us. God has absolutely no reason to create a world without suffering.

>> No.12580019

I do believe Jesus is the son of God. I also believe that that is a metaphor. I also believe that that metaphor is true, and the amount of emotional conviction fundamental christian put into believing in the bible stories is appropriate to how true they are.

Nature is the mother, as it gives birth and destruction to all things. Nature also gives rise to potential.
God is the father. Analogous to the archetypal father role, God judges those who do not act in good faith. Jesus is the son of God. These things are all true statements, it's just that they are spoken in mythological language.
Humans have argued over what the "true" god is because what "god" basically is is the ultimate ideal. The word "sin" comes from archery, and it means to "miss the mark". This is why the 7 deadly sins are "true". For example, no matter what kind of moral relativist thought experiment you can come up with, lying is always a suboptimal way of problem solving, even if it produces short-term convenience. Telling the truth means more than just not lying, it means not uttering things that tear holes in the fabric of reality, as deceiving people does do, as it forces them to live in a world that is not real.

>> No.12580062

God will punish those who act irresponsibly. The old testament is full of stories that basically follow "civilization is built up, the state gets arrogant and leans towards corruption, a prophet comes and warns them but the state is willfully blind, and then it collapses. The state rises again, hoping that it will learn from the past and stay awake and truthful to god, but the same thing happens a bunch of times. Then the tower of Babel is the story of a state built so massively that it could rival god, but the state fragments from the inside "they began speaking different languages". This story is important because its lesson is that no state, no matter how large or good, could sustain itself as a replacement for region because it would just fragment from within. Then the bible turns to the New Testament, and the lesson is that the individual is the ultimate sovereign entity, and the individual should strive to render their mental "state" the best it can be. That is a sophisticated concept that no other religion has come to articulate, and it's the philosophy that the west is predicated on. Lo and behold, the west is doing better than anywhere in the world.

>> No.12580073

Woah, slow down there with the postmodern weltanschaaung, Frank Schaeffer.

>> No.12580081

1 John 4:1-6
>Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

>4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 5 They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

>> No.12580102

God is the father because he disciplines humanity. If humans don't act in faith to God's 10 commandments, bad shit goes down. Mother is nature, father is god, and god is the ideal state of being.
Jesus is the son (and the saviour). As the culture of the past is always outdated, the son's existential role is to embody the wisdom of the past, use it to innovate new solutions for the problems of the present, and thus transcend.

>> No.12580111

It doesn’t make them want to do anything in that direction, Kierkegaard.

>> No.12580118

None of these passages conflict with anything I said. You don't understand what "mythological language" means. You can believe in the stories literally if you want, but there are many higher levels of abstraction.

>> No.12580120

Doesn't it basically just say that everything is vain and pointless except for worshiping God? Not a terribly sophisticated or unfamiliar philosophical proposal.

>> No.12580127

Just stop. This type of thinking is relying on your own reason. You’ll ditch it in a week or a month for something else. Faith is the only way for stability in this world, and you don’t have it. Your words can cause others to lose faith, which is one of the worst things you can do. You can still have faith, though you might not think so.

>> No.12580159

Stop trying to save people. You're preventing them from having actual encounters with their issues.

>> No.12580183

You don't understand what I'm saying at all. I believe the Bible is a crucial part of western society that we can't lose. Everything our culture has is built on the Bible. I have faith in the Bible. If you have faith in something, you act it out. I have faith in the bible just as you do, the only difference is that I believe the stories are brilliant works of art that represent something real beyond articulation and you believe they are historical accounts of events that literally occurred in time and space. We both believe in the thing that's "real beyond articulation", the only difference between us is that you don't make any distinction between the symbol/metaphor itself and what the symbol/metaphor represents.

>> No.12580229

Someone post it...

>> No.12580241
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>>If there is no God, if there is no Judgement Day, if there is no divine justice after death, then there is ultimately no reason to care about anything at all

>> No.12580279


>> No.12580482

And if God is not benelovent, then the only reason to worship him is because of your own greed and attachment to materialistic desires (viz. the most hedonostic desire of all - the demand for a blissful immortality). Why should I worship a being that made the world with the intention and purpose of causing evil? (note: Im not simply reiterating the problem of evil, which traditionally asks why a good God would allow for suffering since this problem is irrelebant per your hypothesis; my issue is rather with a God who is, as you describe, not good in the first place.) The only reason to worship such a God, that is, one that isnt good is because you think ypull end up in heaven, but in this case ypur desires are ultimately empty, hedonistic, and selfish, and hence we're left off where we started - nothing matters accept the pursuit of pleasure, with the ultimate pleasure being heaven.

>> No.12580498

This "realization" is simply another Christian dogma. Many people, not only atheists but people of other faiths, have and do get on fine without believing in an ultimate divine justice. Jews didn't even believe in this shit until like the 2nd century BC.

>> No.12580599


>> No.12580648

But evolution doesn't produce perfect results, it produces results that are adequate to a particular environment. So it's possible that much of the Bible's 'wisdom' is poorly suited to our modern environment or simply wasn't that great in the first place. In that case, believing it to be the word of God and rejecting any teaching that contradicts it could be quite harmful. Many people will argue that that is indeed the case.

>> No.12580665

underrated post

>> No.12580738

You literally can’t do anything that isn’t for the purpose of some benefit or the avoidance of some form of suffering. So I’m not sure why you’re criticizing the fact that Christians are trying to save their immortal soul. What, you think they should try to ruin it, instead? And as for God’s goodness, only the believers get to experience it, because they are closer to God. Those who accept God’s will and love Him will be better off than those who don’t. God is never defined as a being that is perfectly good to humans, anyway. He is God, the creator of the universe, omnipotent, and omniscient. Why should God think like a human, and desire that suffering should not exist? Would that even be a better world than this one? Why is it that humans create literature in which the characters suffer? Why aren’t all our stories filled with rainbows and sunshine?

What exactly is your complaint?

>> No.12580750

>Why should I worship a being that made the world with the intention and purpose of causing evil?
Because that is how you escape evil. The choice is heaven or hell. Why WOULD you choose hell?

>> No.12580788

You don't but you go on regardless.
You pretend there's meaning, or you ignore it or you craft your own. Live a life well lived or suffer? In the end it matters very little. If you are afraid of death then that's just a natural response. Try to distract yourself till nighttime comes.

>> No.12580820
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cuz god'll probably have me on some real strict shit. No sleepin all day, no gettin my dick licked.

>> No.12580855

Work is for saps.

>> No.12580864

There is a distinction between having faith in a particular religion (Christianity) and rational arguments for the existence of God (Aristotle)..

>> No.12581016

I am an atheist who doesn't believe in god, or any sentient higher power, or any higher power at all really. Yet I still have faith, more than most christians I believe.

Lmao, what does that even mean? And what does it have to do with god? Meaning is more or less a synonym for message. You think all this information we have in our universe would exist if it wasn't relaying some message?

>> No.12581063

>I'm an atheist but I have faith

What do you have faith in?

>> No.12581240

Except western civilization is predicated on christian philosophy? Unless you think the west is harmful.

>> No.12581311

thought i told you.

the message

>> No.12581332

No. Im not making the practical or normative claim that theyd be better off not trying to get into. That is a willful and/or retarded misrepresentation of what I said. Im making the ethical and existential claim that if you say that existence is meaningless without god, because everything is pointless and then you die, blah blah, then I dont see why an immortal existense somehow rectifies that. The desire for immortality in the Christian sense is ultimately hedonistic, sensuous, and materialistic insofar as it represents a desire to extend and continued attachment towards corporeally and temporally characterized existence.

>> No.12581343

>the message

>> No.12581358

>The desire for immortality in the Christian sense is ultimately hedonistic, sensuous, and materialistic insofar as it represents a desire to extend and continued attachment towards corporeally and temporally characterized existence.
Spiritual pleasures are far from being materialistic. You wouldn’t understand that difference because you haven’t experienced it. Heaven isn’t a constant dopamine rush. And even if it were, it’s not as if that pleasure would be as destructive as hedonism in this life. Hedonism in this life is unsustainable, and only leads to suffering when you’re without that pleasure. You’re making a bad comparison and seemingly criticizing Christians for wanting to go to heaven. I don’t really see where you’re coming from, dude. There’s nothing more meaningful than trying to secure infinite bliss amid the possibility of an eternity in Hell.

>> No.12581397

>You think all this information we have in our universe would exist if it wasn't relaying some message?

>> No.12581409

>There’s nothing more meaningful than trying to secure infinite bliss amid the possibility of an eternity in Hell.
eww, maybe to you

If that's what you mean by meaning, you can have that.

>> No.12581415

I have experienced 'spiritual pleasures', I just dont subsribe to your particular metaphysical framework. My point is that if you truly have faith in some sort of non-materialistic value to life, that must be the end of the matter. One cant simply stop short at the desire for immortality, and decry the world as meaningless without it. If one completely and fully believes in something higher than the material, then this belief must extend past any desires, demands, or expectations of whatever that thing is. Life is miraculous enough as it is and humans should be satisfied with the opportunity to experience existence regardless of whether they are immortal or not.

Btw many Christian philosophers would agree that it is unwise to project your assumptions or metaphysics onto God (e.g. Pseudo-Dionysius, St. Augustine, and many others).

>> No.12581495

If God is all knowing his purpose cannot be to understand as he already would understand...
Dammit you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12581765

How can God know something if it doesn’t exist? Anything perceived by God necessarily exists.

>> No.12581801
File: 9 KB, 163x171, 1547528563774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disprove the argument from contingency right fucking now.

>> No.12582053

You can't prove the universe is contingent. Just because parts of it are, doesn't mean the whole is.

>> No.12582135

contingency is inherent in phenomena as its the mechanism thru which they arrive as phenomena in the first place - that which isn't contingent, isn't existent - contingency enters into the definition of existence itself, not merely an alleged aspect of existence.

>> No.12582138

The chick you posted is really hot I can't stop staring at her face. What's her insta?

>> No.12582164

that a fuckin painting bro on god

>> No.12582287

>Everything our culture has is built on the Greeks.
Ftfy m8

>> No.12582301

I think it's based off this br instagram thot. Kelly? There's a bit of a resemblance.

>> No.12582384
File: 78 KB, 960x720, 1532127382581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still get sad thinking about her, poor girl. It's a fitting image for this thread

>> No.12582407

Of course you can take history as far back as you want but it's not like western tradition is predicated on greek polytheism

>> No.12582415

just explain your position you fuck

>> No.12582434

Lara Tolosa Chaneton

>> No.12582439
File: 26 KB, 290x434, IMG_4943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey stupid. Living is FUN and that is why it's worth it. I will like my ancestors get children and live for ever.

Religion is a fairy tale for kids and stupids. Learn science and marvel.
If you don't know how to enjoy life you might as well hero.

>> No.12582452

Not who I was thinking of at all. They don't even look remotely similar. The instagram account I was thinking of is @lywi.gr

>> No.12582460

you mean a member of /pol/?

>> No.12582468
File: 73 KB, 750x700, 1549522459773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically I believe the way the world is, and the universe, is not simply random but according to some ultimate metaphysical law. This single law will unite not just gravity and quantum mechanics, but entropy and evolution. It will explain consciousness, and from it an algorithm for true AI could be derived.

I expect it to be a priori, perhaps mathematical in nature. The closest thing we have to it now would be Euler's equation. But if that were the human, this law would be the ubermensch.

More to come

>> No.12582471

shut up nigger

>> No.12582477

so you mean you believe in a principle abstraction of the religious depictions of god as that which is ideal/true in all forms that humanity has yet to articulate?

>> No.12582485

my penis is god

>> No.12582486

weird that lack of meaning leads to buddhism... where everything has meaning.

>> No.12582526

then who the fuck are you thinking about? no one in this thread posted that thot of yours

>> No.12582537

I guess so, but in the most extreme abstraction possible. Either way I don't think you can really call an equation "god"



It took me a while to understand this, but the crux of Euler's formula is that any rotation is really just a decay with an imaginary lifetime. This follows quite evidently from the equation. Similarly, any decay is really just a rotation with an imaginary frequency, which is a bit harder to see from the formula but just multiply both sides by i in your head and that's the gist of it.

I expect the new law to be in the same format, but instead of dealing with values, it will deal with functions, or operators, and instead of relating decay and rotation, it will relate all functions with itself. Of course it could be something completely unrelated.

You might be skeptical, and you should be. Otherwise it wouldn't be faith.

>> No.12582647

>Just read Pascal
Absolutely this.

>> No.12582648

1Co 15:12-26 KJV
12] Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?
13] But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:
14] And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
15] Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
16] For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
17] And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
18] Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
19] If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
20] But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.
21] For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
22] For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23] But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
24] Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
25] For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
26] The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

>> No.12582651
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This site desperately needs a religion board so all you faggs can fuck off there forever

>> No.12582666

>17] And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.

Act 5:31-32 KJV
31] Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
32] And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

Rom 10:9-13 KJV
9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Act 2:38 KJV
38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Joh 3:16 KJV
16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Joh 14:21-23 KJV
21] He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
22] Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
23] Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

>> No.12582687

Spiritualism is and always will be i inherently intellectual.
You are and always will be incomplete by denying yourself such a crucial aspect of the human experience.

>> No.12582724

No it isn't. No it won't.

>> No.12582736

I don't care. Stop shitting this board up with your cancerous threads

>> No.12582856


>> No.12582975


>> No.12583004

I always had a thing for power bottoming a broken religious boy.

>> No.12583012

Updike's In the Beauty of the Lilies

>> No.12583088

Look to your roots and you shall find the answers you seek.
Spoiler and protip: Christianity is not your roots

>> No.12583172

That person is absolutely repulsive.

>> No.12583201

>Getting your life back is called hedonism by these poor fools.
Is that to say that you consider hedonism to be truly living life?

>> No.12583227

I've already gone through most of the teenage boy stages:
Atheism -> Christianity -> Atheism -> Archetypal paganism -> Deism -> Deism and pseudo-catholicism

I hope I will grow up before I hit 30.

>> No.12583243


You should abandon that Western "Christian" mindset, it keeps you away from Him.

>> No.12583281

kys faggot

>> No.12583292

>there is no God
>there is no Judgement Day
>there is no divine justice after death
-------------------------------------------------------> this is where you fuck up
>ultimately no reason to care about anything at all

If you weren't a manchild and had the slightest ability to empathise, the folly of your conclusion would be obvious.

>> No.12583444

absolute coward. either face the absurd and meaningless existence or pray for faith. you are far more stupid than you think you are

>> No.12583928
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Are you actually serious?

>> No.12583953
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Yeah, but it's not like life all of a sudden has no purpose behind it. In fact, this revelation should make you value it more.

>> No.12584076

>*worships literal roots*

>> No.12584086

Yeah okay but my ancestors worshipped a mountain and I don't live on said mountain. Now what?

>> No.12584108

Yeah, he is.
It’s a stupid conclusion.
“Oh, there’s no morality anymore? I guess I can go kill everyone now” really lame reasoning of a spaz

>> No.12584184

Get fucked, tranny. Go play somewhere else.

>> No.12584425

Why do Asians loook like distorted demons from hell. So fucking wrong.

>> No.12584459

religion invented books

>> No.12584568

Because omnipotence would make God knowing of ALL things, which includes things which do not exist. Because ALL things does not mean 'only things which exist'. Basic definitions. You're on /lit/. Learn what words mean.

>> No.12584844

>If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Say I believe in God, acknowledge and even verbally declare that Jesus is the Lord of his kingdom and people, and I believe that he resurrected Jesus, but I don't trust that motherfucker. Am I still saved?

>> No.12584852

It’s not really a thing if it doesn’t exist, is it?

>> No.12584913

It has to be a thing for you to be talking about it. It's simply a nonexistent thing.

>> No.12584939

I can speak of nothingness, that doesn’t mean it exists.

>> No.12584948

Existence precedes essence. Nobody really knows what they're doing here, though for some people it bothers them so much they have to make up a reason to believe in.

>> No.12584963

Then it's a nonexistent thing. So it is a thing.

>> No.12584971

If it doesn’t exist, it can’t be known. Omnipotence isn’t what you think it is.

>> No.12584974

>Existence precedes essence
Neither is preceded by the other. There is no essence without existence and their is no existence without essence.

>> No.12584997
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>> No.12585017

>multiplicity is bad and the one is good for some reason because it just is I dunno lol

>> No.12585025

Omnipotence doesn't exist either.

>> No.12585026

Didnt Deep&Edgy make this?

>> No.12585176
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>I watch a not-even-wrong jay dyer video

>> No.12585253
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ITT fucking retarded philosofags trying to use premises and definitions to follow "logic" in the way of making it seem like there has to be a god.
You know for a fact that the universe isn't as logical as we think as we've seen in Quantum Mechanics so why would all your rigged common sense be the "truth"? It's pointless, it's like being a medieval priest saying that earth is the center of the universe or our solar system based on the logic of that age, jesus.

>> No.12585292
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"as we've seen in Quantum Mechanics"
think again

>> No.12585719

best answer methinks