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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 260x400, 9780099511755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12577243 No.12577243 [Reply] [Original]

Is this edition any good? It's the cheapest I could find.

>> No.12577273

Just get it, you fuck. One thread had to die just because you're indecisive about buying a book? What could another edition offer you more than the text? Are you telling me you're one of these idiots who read forewords, critical introductions or afterwords? Jesus.

>> No.12577303

Its good

>> No.12577308

The book on the other hand

>> No.12577371

Is pretty great

>> No.12577375

For me to poop on

>> No.12577386

A use of the book that Pynchon himself would be proud

>> No.12577392

Yea, I wish I had bought this instead of the retarded deckle edge edition I own.

>> No.12577409

I have it and it's fine, haven't tackled the book properly yet though

>> No.12577415

That edition sucks

That edition sucks niggers

>> No.12577425

Yes. A thread about which Instagram thot you would want to have brap in your mouth died so that someone could ask a question about a book on a literature forum.

>> No.12577431

No, that would be you, Marvy.

>> No.12577432

Well I remember some people bitching on /lit/ about certain editions of GR, so I prefer to ask.

>> No.12577443

It's fine. The editions to avoid are the older Vintage editions and the one with the green Where's Waldo-looking cover.
You can buy one of the original (1973) paperbacks from abebooks for like 7 or 8 dollars.

>> No.12577444

This is the best one out of the new ones. The Penguin edition is a mess to navigate through.

>> No.12577457


That's the orange cover right?

>> No.12577460


>> No.12577464

Yes. Vintage is perfectly fine.

>> No.12577590

Thank you, are used copies generally alright?

>> No.12577591

Imagine being this much of a pseud that you don’t know certain editions have rampant typos. Sorry but I think iFunny is more your speed.

>> No.12577633

Depends on the seller really. I've bought used books from ebay that have been classed as "good" and gotten pristine condition 1st editions. Conversely I've also bought books classed as "good" and received ones that smelled so strongly of tobacco that it stunk out my room and one that had had its front cover ripped off.
The seller in that listing has 5 stars, abebooks is typically a pretty conservative site, ratings wise, so you should be ok. It says in the disclaimer that there might be writing in the margins, in my experience that's a rare occurrence.

>> No.12577659

Awesome, I'll be buying that edition. Thank you.

>> No.12577669

Anon, please don't be bullied by the pseuds here.
That edition is fine. The only one you have to worry about is the first edition of the penguin's deluxe because of misprints.

>> No.12577837

not a good edition if you're fussed about paper quality. might be the worst i've ever encountered in a book that wasn't a tv manual

>> No.12577856

What's the point of this thread? Are you so poor that you have to buy an edition of a book that might be of low quality? Even if that were a concern for you, just download a version online. I think you want to talk about books without going through the effort of reading them, which is more challenging.

>> No.12577877
File: 24 KB, 600x418, pepe_ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this much of a sperg

>> No.12577887

What the fuck are you even on about I just asked if certain edition was good or not do you have some kind of mental disability friend

>> No.12577890

Its meh

>> No.12577903

I still don't see the point. The answers here are what you would expect, and the likelihood that this book would somehow be deficient was extremely small. It would be like asking on /tv/ if some DVD was an acceptable version of a film when there's no reason to expect that it would be different from any other version.

>> No.12577946

You don't know how editions work or something do you think threads have to be made specifically so you can find a point in them I don't think so you narcissist

>> No.12577974

Well, that is why I was asking the question. I didn't see the question was pointless, only that I do not see the point. Maybe my speculations were presumptuous, but those are what occurred to me. I would see the point in asking about editions if there have been changes to the text, or if there are commentaries, or if the contents are arranged in any special way, but I do not see the point if it is just the text with little to no frills.

>> No.12578004

>It would be like asking on /tv/ if some DVD was an acceptable version of a film
But this is frequently relevant.
Some editions of films will be missing scenes, will be in full screen without advertising it, etc. same goes for book editions. Look into the history of odd editions of books like Ulysses, storm of steel, and yes gravity’s rainbow.

>> No.12578035

I qualified saying there wouldn't be a reasonable expectation that the movies will be different, like if I were asking for the best version of some anime shit.
If editions of modern works, (as opposed to works like that of Shakespere, where it is more understandable), do have additions, omissions, and changes, then I was unaware of this. This frankly smacks of incompetence on the part of publishers, as they have a fairly simple and primary job of publishing works accurately, the neglect of which is not excusable.

>> No.12578046

Mistakes are made sometimes, how could you not have thought about that?

>> No.12578149

That is not my experience with books generally. I've found maybe a handful of errors in books that I have read, and nothing to be a factor in selection. Of the book book where I remember there were errors, it was a somewhat niche book about the current research on a particular issue, meaning it is more excusable than for a classic from a modern author.

>> No.12578825

Reading this edition now and it's good

>> No.12578865

>This frankly smacks of incompetence on the part of publishers, as they have a fairly simple and primary job of publishing works accurately, the neglect of which is not excusable.
Exactly. Which is why OP would ask if that is a good edition, especially given GR’s track record of having a few bad editions. You’re just saying dumb shit and then stating the obvious.

>> No.12578878

>GR’s track record of having a few bad editions.
I was unaware such a record existed. I merely asked the point of the thread, gave the reasons why I thought it was pointless, which were also the reasons why it comes across as inexcusably incompetent on the part of the publishers. I fully admit my initial ignorance on the subject.

>> No.12579053
File: 9 KB, 214x317, MV5BNWUwYTkyNGMtOGJkNS00NmFiLTkyMjEtNTI1OTNmZGJhYjE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_UY317_CR51,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joaquin Stick

>> No.12579367

That's why you should /lurk/ before posting instead of assuming dumb shit.

>> No.12579379

Well, I made assumptions, but I said nothing incorrect. The only post that mentioned errors with this book's edition was >>12577591, and I could not tell how reliable that was.

>> No.12579400

Shut the fuck up you worthless newfaggot retard jesus christ

>> No.12579551

No, I do not think I will, as much as I think this place does not live up to its pretentious, and there are remarkably few "thoughtful, well-written posts."

>> No.12579562
File: 60 KB, 600x399, 1t0amw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely yikes and cringepilled

>> No.12579567


>> No.12579578
File: 157 KB, 638x501, 1549272066982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.12579580

No, I don't.

>> No.12579610

just read a book and lurk

>> No.12579668

what happen to slothrop, bros?

>> No.12579695

well if OP lurked he wouldn't have made the thread

>> No.12579709

You're responding to me, OP. I've lurked here since 2012. I know there's an infographic on Pynchon editions to avoid. I was just too lazy to search in the archive (sorry).

>> No.12579729
File: 158 KB, 454x404, rrN1XeX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going
oh man
Don't apologize to that faggot. The infamous one was the early runs of the frank miller cover. I ordered a vintage years ago and instead of rainbow rockets or the whered waldo one which was the thumbnail. It was silver colored with an orange star on the front. I gave it to my brother in law and I'm going to have to figure out how to get another copy that isn't the rainbow rockets because that cover looks literally gay as fuck with the white and black rockets in the forefront

>> No.12579777

Not me ;)

>> No.12579896

>>he's still going
that was my first post ITT

You BETTER be fucking sorry. I asked this same question yesterday:
>don't want to waste a thread on a dumb question
Then YOU had to go ahead and waste that thread anyway. lol jk I'm just pretending to be mad

>> No.12580546

He got what he wanted all along.
For no one, not even us readers, to be able to know his every move. Beautiful.

>> No.12580564

yes its the best looking cover imo

>> No.12580652

Personally I find the first edition cover more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.12580697
File: 56 KB, 600x922, vintage2000fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cover I had. I want to get it again. I gave it to my now-brother-in-law after my wedding, but now I'm mad about it because I don't want the rainbow cockrockets cover

>> No.12580830

>being this insecure

It's okay to be gay/bi Anon

>> No.12580867
File: 22 KB, 331x500, cl49_us-pb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh the modern vintage cover is supremely gay. I actually just ordered new copies of GR and TCoL49 five minutes ago. I did some legwork and lord willing I will get pic related as a cover. The first one I had. I have bought and given away TCoL49 3 times now. GR cover should be where's waldo or silver with orange star cover. I'll post when they arrive.

>> No.12581043
File: 45 KB, 800x546, 1534733066288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12581388
File: 863 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190211-223632_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ttw OP cover is literally the shittiest one of all time

>> No.12581396
File: 709 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190211-223840_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12581405
File: 716 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190211-223926_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12581412
File: 45 KB, 350x534, 445955b1f7cdb6306b01a0c4d4a8ff07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12581540

Way too macabre.

>> No.12581604

Its not inaccurate at all.

>> No.12581692
File: 21 KB, 368x230, 2019-02-11-233458_368x230_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I found the Tristero

>> No.12581699
File: 47 KB, 260x400, 27196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I don`t know about that buddy.

>> No.12581708

This one and the blueprint cover are the best. I enjoy the hardback 1st edition cover too, but those cost like $1000

>> No.12581749
File: 188 KB, 889x1329, Screenshot_20190211-235126_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12581766

That's perfect lol wtf. Those covers are great for GR

>> No.12582201

I found this one in a second hand book store for $5.

Every instance of someone saying "jesus christ" in vain has been scribbled out in red pen, yet the dreams of gang rape and scat dominatrixes go untouched.

>> No.12582743

Someone post the Japanese cover

>> No.12582822
File: 1.52 MB, 1222x3649, A lit Guide to Pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12582827
File: 33 KB, 300x414, tommy pinecone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12583371

Shit chart. Only good information is about the frank miller cover and it doesnt even matter anymore.

>> No.12583419

Nice opinion.

>> No.12584372

The entire rest of the chart is a "nice opinion" and people have been saying that since that faggot made it 5 years ago with his faggot opinipns