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12577102 No.12577102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12577145
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Anon here's a real obscure book which may help

>> No.12577147

haha based

>> No.12577471

what a meme.

>> No.12577498
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>> No.12577792
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haha lol same haha how funny is that haha

>> No.12577800

jus be hapy dood :-)

>> No.12577803
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Me too. Why are you anons depressed?

>> No.12577833

I agree, this board is shit. It's not much more articulate than the other boards, but the shitposting is bottom of the barrel. Not sure how old this board is, but the only remotely well-known meme this place had produced was "Bugs... easy on the carrots."

>> No.12578083

I think if I knew the problem I could create and execute a plan of action to solve it.

>> No.12578085

Don't you mean big chungus?

>> No.12578097

Oh, so that's what it's called? Okay.

>> No.12578102
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>I have pursued nothing meaningful my entire life
>I feel empty as a result
>therefore life must be meaningless

>> No.12578117

This book unironically helped me through a depressive episode.

>> No.12578161

like man i'm gonna kill myself... like i don't even have a gf lol and like... my dad wants me to get a job or something, fucking lol

>> No.12578254
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hey libtard snowflakes
depression doesn't even real
man up, start lifting, be yourself, and you'll stop being """"depressed""""

>> No.12579213

Unironically this

>> No.12579289

dumb slut

>> No.12579314


>> No.12579323

>mfw this actually worked lmfao

>> No.12579340

The satire is valid, but in defense of anyone who might have ever said this, I've yet to hear it disproved by experience. Most depression I think would be solved with some sort of occupation.
As Johnson writes:
>The safe and general antidote against sorrow is employment. It is commonly observed, that among soldiers and seamen, though there is much kindness, there is little grief; they see their friend fall without any of that lamentation which is indulged in security and idleness, because they have no leisure to spare from the care of themselves; and whoever shall keep his thoughts equally busy, will find himself equally unaffected with irretrievable losses.

The original was about sorrow caused by loss, but I think the method of resolving both states is essentially the same.

>> No.12579392

im sure working will help cure people knee deep in depression over the futility of their 9-5 lifestyle lol. they just havent been pulling up those bootstraps hard enough

>> No.12579547

I wasn't speaking about a "job," but focusing your thoughts on almost anything but what clearly makes you less happy. If this doesn't work, I would recommend consulting a psychiatrist who can prescribe anti-depressants.

For a time, some events understandably cause a profound level of sadness that cannot be repelled or ignored, but few people can say they have a source of sadness that is impervious to both diversion and medication. If there is a better treatment for depression, or depression should be considered some malady whose dissipation can not be expedited, I would like to hear arguments for both beliefs.

Most of us could be happier if we tried harder to correct our thoughts and actions, yet as much as we value happiness, we consider success too uncertain, we fear failure, or we find what little happiness we have to be sufficient, or something not worth overcoming our natural indolence. Depressed people are merely in a state in which the our natural disposition is that of misery. I would not say that in any state of agony, the utmost happiness is a matter of choice, but considering depression to be incurable and insurmountable by natural efforts only helps those would rather not make the effort to lighten their spirits, and would rather think of themselves as blameless and not superadd to their natural misery which they would rather think as impervious the guilt proceeding from a sense of negligence or a defective inability to improve their disposition.

>> No.12579559

This but unironically

>> No.12579564

Why do you want hapiness in the first place? Hapiness is only a feeling that comes and goes.
What matters is satisfaction, making kids and staying alive. Even your parents figured that out, it's the reason you are here.

>> No.12579590

This is besides the point. Whether one wants happiness or satisfaction, they probably have what they consider to be an insufficient amount if they are depressed, and the question is whether anything can be done to lessen the intensity or duration of that state, and if so, what methods should be used, or what remedies shall be applied?

>> No.12579596

People are only depressed when they feel they have a sense of entitlement to what they think is a "good life" and are unable to reach it. Lower your standards

>> No.12579725

Somebody didn’t read Sickness unto Death

>> No.12579818
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Working hard helps with depression because working hard usually involves using organizational and focus skills. Depression is a point on a spectrum of mood, major depressive disorder is a real thing, neurological imbalance causing persistent depressive mood

I do meditation, and have looked into Cognitive and Dialectal behavioral therapy. Most of this is just a fancy way of keeping yourself distracted and viewing your situations objectively, and teaching you emotional skills your parents should have taught you if they weren't insecure manchildren themselves. Working hard distracts you. It gives you something to focus on OTHER than your problems. You feel what you think and you think what you feel, you just need to find a way to modulate this part of your brain

Your doctor doesn't give a fuck. They will give you medication usually and send you to a psychiatrist. They work with BONES n shit dumbass, not BRAINS. He probably has an ulcer from listening to people come in with mood complaints. Psychiatrist will tell you ya got a mood disorder or it's a personality problem due to life experience and genetics, and then either keep you on antidepressants or take you off of them, and lastly tell you to go speak to a psychotherapist. It's probably the latter. Psychotherapist might tell you that you have a 'personality disorder' or not. Psychotherapy and counseling is mostly just going to teach you CBT and DBT skills, and give you a place to vent, and general advice on how to feel better in general. Possible to do it yourself of course, but it's much easier with a psychotherapist. Obviously depression and self directed learning don't really fit well

The groundworks of CBT are from Stoicism from what I understand. Maybe start with stoic readings or meditation

>> No.12579879

The pharmacology side of mental health treatment is barbaric

>> No.12580150
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It really is

I took ADHD medication for 2 years, which slowly encouraged aggressive and impulsive behavior, increased emotional sensitivity, and paranoid thinking. Stopped taking that after I started getting mood swings. Then I started getting genuinely delusional, went to the hospital babbling about how I have OCD and need SSRI's. They believed me, gave me antidepressants, which numbed me out then started making me manic. Was a while ago, recently started taking low dose antipsychotics, feels sluggy and I forgot to refill my bottle and gave myself 3 days of puking and migraines. People with schizophrenia are treated with like, 12 times my dosage during the day. No clue how that would feel.

While it sounds shitty, I no longer think there's a goblin hiding behind a fence or that there's bats coming from the sky to attack me at work randomly, and my hallucinations are rendered near comical, if not just indicative of stress. I am not even properly diagnosed with anything. A psychiatrist who spent 8 years in training talked to me for 30 minutes, said 'idk haha maybe schizophrenia' and I spent 3 years googling shit until I figured it myself based on genuine genetic info (not going to bore you with details of a disorder nobody cares about). They reduce anxiety and random past emotions pretty well too. I think they're also used for PTSD treatment. That's the reason I do keep taking them. As for the rest, stimulants, SSRI's, benzos, garbage to me, and I rarely see people benefit from them in the long run.

This book is written by someone similar. I thought it was going to be mostly psychotic ramblings about the lore of his psychosis, impression I got from the amazon page, and while his writing style is a rambling sense like this awful post, it's an interesting insight into the head of someone most psychiatrists would say is insane. He goes on about how his diet impacts his 'ghost bugs' (some sort of hallucination he has that sounds v painful or uncomfortable) heavily. Like eating lots of green vegetables and different herbs. I just saw some study posted about how schizophrenia has basis in the gut biome of patients (When you get down to it schizophrenia is more of a collection of things wrong than a disease), thought it was interesting he went off about his diet being the most important thing. He basically said his psychiatrist at this point just sits there and records his diet changes and affects. Just an interesting look into someone that most psychiatrists would consider loony.