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12576871 No.12576871 [Reply] [Original]

Was it Shakespearean?

>> No.12576878

It was quite Homerian with a tinge of Dantesque

>> No.12576901

It was very Randian.

>> No.12576903

Quite Landian

>> No.12576917
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It's Niechzean and Machiavellian

>> No.12576927

Guts!—I am sick at heart,

When I behold—Guts, I say!—This push

Will cheer me ever, or disseat me now.

I have lived long enough. My way of life

Is fall'n into the sere, the yellow leaf,

And that which should accompany old age,

As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends,

I must not look to have, but, in their stead,

Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honor, breath

Which the poor heart would fain deny and dare not.


>> No.12576935

not sure if O O O O Shakesphearean rag, but definitely reminiscent of greek tragedies

>> No.12577129

Wasnt it Shakespaherian

>> No.12577422

perhaps a bit of Macbeth, but just generally classically tragic I'd say

>> No.12577595

"I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more, is none"

>> No.12577741

I don't remember Shakespeare being a talentless hack.

>> No.12578701

You remember wrong.

>> No.12578743

it was quite typical of the post-bomb Japanese artistic movement of something edgy happening suddenly for the sole purpose of shock value.

>> No.12578848

It has a long-ass buildup and it literally sets the plot in motion, the fuck are you talking about

>> No.12578877

It's one of the most bitter betrayals imaginable. It was shocking yes, but also perfect for the story. Pretty sure most other generic shit anime/manga would not have dared to try something like that.

>> No.12578910

Berserk is literally known for the anime ending by having almost all the characters abruptly dying after being transported to the behelit dimension or whatever.

>> No.12578929

I don't get it. Griffith openly says several times that he doesn't give a fuck about the Hawks and that they're just mercenaries to him. Who did he betray during the Eclipse, again? More importantly, did he even have a choice? His other option was to remain a broken retard cripple for the rest of his likely short days.

>> No.12578930


>happening suddenly
the whole situation and internal dialogues lead to this moment from the very moment Griffith was cured
>something edgy happening suddenly for the sole purpose of shock value.
you dont know what tragedy is, drink bleach and kys you 10 IQ attention whore

>> No.12578946

you're the type of person I imagine to like ASOIAF

none of this shit is 'tragedy', it's pure schlock.

>> No.12578994

I don't remember that. I remember how he tried to stop Guts from leaving. I remember there being this athmosphere of trust and love for their leader among the band. So when they save his tortured ass and he kills everybody instantly when given the chance, it does seem like a great betrayal to me. Been a while since I read it though. Obviously that was the only realistic choice for his character but it makes it no less shocking. It's like when you know your toast is about to be done but the sound of it popping up scares you anyway.

>> No.12579026

they've all been disposable to him since the very first moment. it's never suggested that he gives a shit about any of them other than Guts, and that's only because he's stronger than Griffith.

>> No.12579039
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>so you're telling me everyon dies at the end of Hamlet??
>wow so edgy, typical post-Norman invasion British artistic movement, pure shock value

>> No.12579075

maybe we should add Final Destination to the list of works that are automatically good because everyone dies and that's like Hamlet

>> No.12579374

you're the one who's calling a classic greek tragedy trope "edgy" and with a "sole purpose of shock value" (typical meme non-criticisms)