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12576278 No.12576278 [Reply] [Original]

Name a bigger epitome of boomercore

I'll wait

>> No.12576279

no, you've got it.

>> No.12576283

Jonathan Franzen

>> No.12576287
File: 54 KB, 727x727, Ian-McEwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12576302


>> No.12576323

jimmy buffett

>> No.12576334
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Nick Land

>> No.12576480
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hello fungus people of alpha centauri im Becoming-New!!!! *holds up heart* my name is Nick but you can call me TEH FATHER OF ACCELERATIONISM!!! lol... as u can see i'm very neoreactionary!!!! that's why i came here, 2 meet NRx like me OwO ... i'm 57 years old (i still read scifi tho!!) i like 2 read Das Kapital w/ my Grand Dragon (im racist if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite book!!! becuz its SOOOOO TELEOLOGICAL!!!! hes cyberpunk 2 of course but i want 2 meet more dialectical materialists =) like they say “organz crawl like aphidss upon the immobile motor of Becoming!!!” lol ...neways i hope 2 make alot of new rhizomes here so give me lots of commentses!!!! Y'AI'NG'NGAH YOG-SOTHOTH H'EE-L'GEB F'AI THRODOG UAAAH <---- me bein lovecraftian again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!!!

hyperstition and immunocrash,


>> No.12576560

Bill Bryson.

>> No.12576575

best writer of all times

>> No.12576579


>> No.12576826


I'm curious why?
Everything i've read of McEwan had a healthy dose of oldtime'y morality thrown in.

>> No.12576879

I have Don Delillo’s phone number.

>> No.12576884

Fucking keked

>> No.12576943

I only read Amsterdam and I thought it was such limp bourgeous tripe

>> No.12576979

holy kek (but seriously, what the fuck happened between Fanged Noumena-era Land and retarded Twitter Land?)

>> No.12577021

Fucking based. How?

>> No.12577034

>Everything i've read of McEwan had a healthy dose of oldtime'y morality thrown in.
No, McEwan is almost the opposite of what they believed in, he is boomer scum

>> No.12577056


Boomers don't like Don DeLillo or Ian McEwan. Boomers like shit like James Patterson, Clive Cussler, Danielle Steele, Jodi Picoult, and Stephen King (who is way better those other authors, but still).

>> No.12577065

Nick is the archetypal Gen X (Xoomer).

>> No.12577070

He is 57 years old.

>> No.12577087
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the epitome of boomercore would be the literary equivalent of bernando bertolucci

>> No.12577514

Isn't he basically a China shill now?

>> No.12577533


DeLillo's shit is too weird to be boomercore.

>> No.12577651

Henry Miller?

>> No.12577676

>Boomers don't like Don DeLillo or Ian McEwan.
Oh they do, the middlebrow ones
>Boomers like shit like James Patterson, Clive Cussler, Danielle Steele, Jodi Picoult, and Stephen King (who is way better those other authors, but still).
Also boomer writers but for working class chaps

>> No.12577679

>DeLillo is too shit to be boomercore.

>> No.12577699

this. source: my middlebrow boomer parents

>> No.12578691

well Amsterdam is literally a cautionary tale

>> No.12578817

unironically pynch. delillo is at least more open to the possibilities of pragmatic nuance within the simulacra that implies some transhumanist currents. see: Murray Suskind. With Pynch, everything’s just a weed induced conspiracy and subtle humanist hopes which is literally the hippie movement in a nutshell.

>> No.12578845

yeah I actually agree strongly but pynchon is a holy cow around here because his books are full of memes

>> No.12578859

>he hasnt read mason & dixon

>> No.12578904

true I haven't read that one but I read several of his others and they are basically drug-fueled paranoia