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/lit/ - Literature

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12575700 No.12575700 [Reply] [Original]

If everyone on this board (and much of 4chan) is so high IQ, how does everyone here not get bored of similar shit being reposted for eternity?

"Hey, I just 'Bell Curve,' what should my opinions on it be?"

>> No.12575704
File: 38 KB, 216x296, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This guy is petty cool, huh?"

>> No.12575709

negroid sperm :)

>> No.12575713

>okay, i just finished reading Notes from the Underground. What other Dostoyevsky should i read and also what other books will make me relate to the main character so much?

>> No.12575715
File: 69 KB, 660x1000, 9ef604e7dac441af477c9c2f83007ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Where do I find a qt like this?"

>> No.12575719

Everything is doomed to decadence, 4chan now is nothing but the niche sector of media consumption for the edgy kids and weirdos, and stormfront propaganda factory and recruitment.

>> No.12575720

>If everyone on this board (and much of 4chan) is so high IQ

>> No.12575721
File: 34 KB, 780x585, pjt-jordan_peterson-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not that bad. He made me turn my life around and wash my dick.

>> No.12575726

Can you stop posting? You are so fucking argumentative

>> No.12575735
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>> No.12575746

"Based and Redpilled"

>> No.12575751
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 21476632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 170 iq

>> No.12575755

'Mr. Nabokov, I want to be a prostitute.' Nabokov looks up from the ten-year-old he's fucking and points to a dead-dog outside his office window.

'What kind of dog is that?' he asks the student.


'What is the name of that dog?' asks Nabokov. 'The one outside my window.'

'I don't know,' says the student.

'You'll never be a prostitute.' says Nabokov.

>> No.12575756


>> No.12575757
File: 94 KB, 665x759, DCod4l8UwAEh4Qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw too ugly and fat for a brain cell

>> No.12575774

Please understand, they have autism and go into meltdown when they see something new, that's why they post the same things over and over, it's part of the routine.

>> No.12575797

autism is the next evolutionary stage of humankind. we are the future. we look upon you neurotypicals the same way you look upon a cro-magnon.

>> No.12575816

Cro-Magnon had a larger brain capacity than modern man: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Cro-Magnon

>> No.12575822
File: 73 KB, 601x1080, 057DBEC0-E0E1-4C91-99F5-AFA290967E3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw with much wisdom comes much sorrow

>> No.12575827

literally means nothing

>> No.12575835

if u notice the places were there is high admixture of neanderthal there is higher intelligence, the place with no neanderthal admixture are backwards and violent

>> No.12575842

But the areas of the brain related to memory and higher cognitive functions likely were smaller than in modern homo sapiens.

>> No.12575843

Ok and what have you accomplished with your autism other than spamming things on an anime website?

>> No.12575847

The language center, too.

>> No.12575854

these are due to socio-economic factors and so on

>> No.12575861

and why do u suppose the "socio-economy" is different in these places "and so on" (trying to channel moron zizek?)

>> No.12575862

i refuse to "accomplish" anything as long as capitalism still exists. i refuse to contribute to this cancerous soulless world.

>> No.12575868


>> No.12575872


We create the spectacle

>> No.12575876

stop replying to me, inferior creature

>> No.12576403

>Is Infinite Jest a meme or is it actkshhhhully good

>> No.12576447

I fap to your posts after they make me horny

>> No.12576452

no really, where??

>> No.12576457

Just because things are similar over time doesn't mean that they're bad or not still enjoyable. Sex, every time, is just a repetition of the same basic mechanical motions over and over, but that doesn't mean it's not great or enjoyable due to repetitive similarities. Same concept holds true for music.

>> No.12576479

Colonialization has a lot to do with it. There isn't any way to act like it didn't happen and its not unreasonable try and help these people catch up with the world. Its the duty of the strong to help the weak.

>> No.12576482

I agree. I'm a below 70 IQ autistic, too.

>> No.12576487

IQ doesn't mean you have a short attention span. There's also the matter of refining your mind, which can only progress through repetition.
You'll barely ever get the best answer on the first attempt, even if the best answer is ignoring something.

>> No.12576490

I believe you're thinking of Downs Syndrome.

>> No.12576498

This board sucks. I'm not kidding. Why would anyone be belligerent in trying to defend it? It's very similar posts and recommendations that don't really go beyond a Freshman level lit understanding. I don't mean the IQs are egregiously low, but I do doubt the veracity of everyone here referencing their "personal genius." I don't think the best writers in America spend time on this surface level board; they probably spend time either interacting with like-minded (actually) educated individuals or, you know, read books.

Seriously, do we need more H.P. Lovecraft or Mishima or Nabokov or Dostoevsky threads? Nazi shit, again? How original.

>> No.12576516

Do you know what else can be repetitive through practice? Whistling. You know what doesn't improve your mind that much? Whistling. You know what else doesn't improve your mind? Daily threads asking about "how to meet a literary qt pi?"

>> No.12576532

>how to meet a literary qt pi?"

How do you do that by the way? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12576632

Africa was settled before Europe. Why then did cold Europe grow into a position to colonize the rest of the world?

>> No.12576736

I do see your point of course, but high IQ people aren't exactly easier to discourage than average or stupid people, and there's always at least some content that will appeal to each of these groups.
Now I don't know how factual this is, but I believe intelligence is also positively correlated with a need to "play", so depending on the environment you'll also see a lot of stupid stuff, or bait, in those circles, as long as it's not actively discouraged or unrewarding.
Overestimating your own intelligence in itself is a mark of the foolish, but you can also reach a point where you're forced to acknowledge you are genuinely more intelligent than the average person. Taking yourself too seriously never is a good thing however, but also something the less intelligent are more prone to do.
People being slightly above the curve on average isn't that uncommon in certain fields of online discussion in general, but most people aren't as smart as they think, especially the ones super serious about it.

>> No.12576792

What are some other books that make me feel proud for being white despite being an absolute failure of a human being?

>> No.12576812

All of them, because being white is inherently bad.

>> No.12576991

This is true but i don't know why anyone comes to an anime website expecting high level discourse. Fucking why? You'll get quality literary discussion with like minded writers and readers, probably in college. Not here.

>> No.12576997

>Smartest guy I know likes marvel pleb shit

>> No.12577648

If /lit/ is really “high IQ” then the human race is doomed. The board is populated with barely-literate memers who think they’re smart because they post their off-topic political threads here rather than pol.

>> No.12577671

Then you actually post something original or ask a unique question and it gets buried.