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12574920 No.12574920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature that examines this phenomena [spoiler:lit]and how to overcome it?

>> No.12575019

Why do you want to overcome it?

>> No.12575446

because its not healthy to perceive all women like this but I can't stop

>> No.12575476
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>> No.12575493
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>> No.12575512

Just go to college and take a few grievance studies classes.

>> No.12575513
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>> No.12575520
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>> No.12575526

She's really cute.

>> No.12575531
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and so naive too, she only wants simple gifts

>> No.12575537

What is this?

>> No.12575538
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>> No.12575543
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>> No.12575548

have you read Crime and Punishment? She's a real life Sonya

>> No.12575565

the madonna-whore dichotomy is wrong. all women are whores.

>> No.12575584

One wonders if the life of an Internet porn “star” is even more empty and painful than that of a prostitute traditionally.

>> No.12575650

sex is meant to carry at least a modicum of sentiment. even a whore must be able to feel something beyond brute, mechanical action. im sure every prostitute in existence has at least one story of "that guy" who fell in love with her or at the very least managed to muster up a semblance of one-sided emotional attachment that only a truly pathetic shell of a human being is capable of. and not all of these cases ended up well for the whores, like there's a chance of ending up on the wrong side of a delusional stalker. pretty woman was a modern day fairy tale. for lack of better words, classical prostitution still had *soul*

modern pornography doesn't even have that. just two (or more) broken humans, utter empty husks, engaging in a mechanical action for the pure spectacle of it. it's a business so utterly depraved and utterly /CODIFIED/ most adult artists work as escorts and there's no doubt they enjoy that job infinitely more

>> No.12575832

There is no "complex," it's an empirical observation of reality

Some women behave a certain way and are labelled appropriately.

Some women don't behave a certain way and are labelled appropriately.

There is no "nuance" to be had. There is no "normal person-child-murderer complex." It just is. If you don't murder kids, you are probably a normal person. If you murder kids, you are a child-murderer. If you don't fuck lots of strangers, you are probably a normal person. If you fuck lots of strangers, you are probably a whore. Simple as

>> No.12575877

except she's retarded

>> No.12575886

My soul is tamed by such innocence.

>> No.12575897

All women are simultaneously madonnas and whores.

Isn't amateur porn supposed to be different ?

>> No.12575902

Why would a normal person be classified as a madonna ? The original madonna was a virgin and the only human born free of sin as per Catholic theology.

>> No.12575923

Even better.

>> No.12576119


Not gonna lie I just cried like a little bitch over this.

>> No.12576124

It is pretty tear inducing indeed.

>> No.12576153

People don't actually define non-whores as Madonnas, it's a fictional psychological scenario intentionally designed to exacerbate the difference between whores and non-whores for rhetorical purposes. In reality, non-whores are simply normal people--not perfect, but certainly not whores

>> No.12576155

Why is Pokemon Black so expensive? It came out like 7 years ago

>> No.12576156

>its not healthy
Why not?

>> No.12576164

This is why we need socialism. In the USSR her mother would have been forced to work, the lazy bitch.

>> No.12576166

Nintendo never lowers their prices, it's just what they do

>> No.12576171

you'd stop crying if you ever heard her tard voice

>> No.12576179

That's because they know their worth. Have you notice how Sony's exclusive go to 20 dollars in less than a year? It takes a way from the experience. If I play a premium game I want to play a premium price. If they are asking cheap for something supposedly premium then it can't be too good.

>> No.12576425

To call the Madonna/whore complex an “empirical reality” is nothing more than an attempt to claim power over women’s bodies. It’s not a description of the world, it’s a way of bracketing off all female experience into two reductive categories or extremes so you don’t have to deal with the complexity of a real hooman being.

>> No.12576431

Hangover Square or the transcripts of the Neville Heath case

>> No.12576434

> t. Jew accountant at Nintendo

>> No.12576439

A porn star who is genuinely retarded. People feel like she's being abused by the industry

>> No.12576442

this is messed up wtf

>> No.12576535
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Take the 2D pill. No more sacrificing your life-force to these women. You can never win with 3DPD!

>> No.12576566

The Madonna-whore concept is a defensive one to make critique of whores seem malicious and ridiculous.
Nobody tries to "claim power over womens bodies" with it. Disliking and shunning whorish tendencies is a social norm and shaming these women is the means to enforce it.

Next you'll tell us that talking about health risks and sanitary issues of fat people is trying to lease their folds.

>> No.12576580
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>power over women's bodies
>femal experience
>complexities of human being


>> No.12576589
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>I don’t really need another child in my life, when I’m still one

>> No.12576593

women are literally whores that end up being our mothers

>> No.12576603

Honestly I feel like it would make it worse. I’m a different anon but me personally I have a soft spot for retards, so if she actually sounded retarded it would make the situation feel all the more tragic.

>> No.12576616

No fucking wonder. Imagine being a 20 yo woman and being fucked by roidtards with inhuman dicks on a daily basis

>> No.12576658

You’re thinking of it in a one sided way, the entire point is that it’s critical of the dichotomous nature of the complex. It’s a prescriptive claim about what women SHOULD be, not how they actually are, by defining women in two contradictory terms it gives you power over the entire spectrum of women in between by reducing them to polarities.

>> No.12576672

This is basically where ressentiment begins. We are born in filth and stink and despise our mothers for not being the pure and virginal spirits we want them to be,m.

>> No.12576697

The Madonna-whore complex is aimed at men. Specifically those that find hot sluts attractive while wanting their wives to be saintly Madonnas. It's not prescriptive how women should behave, it's an accusation leveled at men, how their desires are pathological, a complex.

>> No.12576719

Let's say you want to take your wife out to dinner at an excellent restaurant. You've got a raise at work, it's your anniversary, there's some sort of excuse to spend big on a luxurious meal together. You decide to consult reviews of local establishments by food critics. The two regular restaurant critics in your local newspaper regularly post reviews, but they seem to have radically different tastes. The first one professes a taste for cheap fast food joints as much as he does haute cuisine, and when you consult his blog you find that his entire life seems to consist of hopping from burger joint to taco truck, gorging himself on meals of all kinds. This manifests itself in his criticism - his preferences are exclusively high fat, high sugar and high salt, and he seems to indicate scepticism towards the very idea of food at some kind of elaborately conceived, artisitic, transformative experience into which one invests a level of respect and emotional significance. The other critic posts reviews more sparingly, and never of 'cheap eats' joints or burger bars. He doesn't have a street food blog or a Twitter full of selfies with burgers and milkshakes. His best reviews are of high class restaurants. He celebrates the ingenuity and integrity of chefs that develop and nuture flavour combinations, treating food as an art to be appreciated by diners. He emphasises the 'full experience' of a meal at an excellent restaurant, of the skill that goes into constructing a menu of complementary courses. This, of course, is not something you can eat every night - he and critics like him will always emphasise this point - but it is something to be appreciated and savoured for the edifying pleasure it is. To eat with this delicacy of taste is to be a gourmand for life. It is to emphasise the respect one feels for the chef and for the art he produces. You could eat like the first critic - stuff yourself every day on anything you can find, reducing food to the level of base, lower pleasure as much as possible - or you could eat like the second critic, recognising the role food plays in one's life as something that nourishes one and yes, brings pleasure, but also as an edifying force, something to be celebrated and appreciated with delicacy of taste, appreciation of balance and respect.

>> No.12576748
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I’m not quite sure how this relates to OP’s question. Sounds more like you’re making a porn analogy or something

>> No.12576755


>> No.12576799

Her mother is disabled and needs expensive medications

>> No.12576880

I just saw a couple of her videos and holy fuck, she legitimately seems retarded. Wtf man I feel genuinely terrible. Can the porn industry actually get away with this shit, if she actually is retarded? Isn't this abuse or some shit?

>> No.12576882

Hmm I wonder, can (((the porn industry))) get away with this?

>> No.12576897

>(((the porn industry)))
why the fuck can't they just leave her alone, good god
hearing her attempts at moaning with a dick inside her gives my dick an anti-boner and my heart a sad-boner :'(

>> No.12576902

This phenomenon.

>> No.12576908

Name of the girl?

>> No.12576918

Hannah hays, i think

>> No.12576937
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Hold me bros, this is too sad

>> No.12576939
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Sex and Character has ideas similar to it though it never mentions it by name

>> No.12576964
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oh lord no, she has a GoFundMe for her twin sister's back surgery. I can't handle this :'(
my heart is broken and my faith is decimated. please don't resuscitate me till she's saved

God have mercy on us.

>> No.12576975

At least you can watch her get fucked by a 10 inch BBC.

>> No.12576992

funnily enough if you make a thread about this video on /pol/ it gets deleted by (((mods)))

>> No.12577081

Watching this I certainly felt less "pity" for her as she seems more intelligent and non-retarded than I assumed, but the questions (not necessarily the interviewer himself) really felt disrespectful and almost insulting to a decently intelligent girl. Really hope she makes enough money soon to live well with her family.

>> No.12577090

What kind of sick emotional porn is this? Disgusting.

>> No.12577113

>she's literally crying on stream thinking about her accident at 16
welp time to kill myself, i really can't take anymore of this

>> No.12577154
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Christ-Cain Complex
Literature that examines this phenomena [spoiler:lit]and how to overcome it?

>> No.12577195


I would say that the inability to view different people as individual people from the get go/inability to tangibly form a proper perception of a person is unhealthy as with most black and white thinking

Pretty blatant sign of underlying psychological issues

>> No.12577224

I think the questions were submitted to the interviewer by /pol/fags.
Her situation is pityful not because she is "retarded" as many ppl say, but because she got involved in porn straight put of necessity.
Yeah it gets me all the times too, anon. For other anons it's around 23:50

>> No.12577230

It's called "reality in the contemporary world".

>> No.12577236

/pol/ is not exactly famous for their compassion to pornstars. And even they felt bad for her.

>> No.12577251

Recognizing that some women are sluts and some women are not sluts is not unhealthy. It is reality.
And knowing that reality is good for yourself.

>> No.12577252

>laying bare her entire life story: her single mom, the love of her parents, her step dad, her absent biological dad, her accident, her back and knee pain, her PTSD and anxiety, medication issues, insurance problems, porn industry experiences, and support lizard, literally all the pain points of her existence
>and she stills approaches it with dignity and calm
she deserves better than this shit world

>> No.12577285

You’re right to say it’s a pathology but it’s one which is sustained by centuries of cultural pressure and expectation on women to fall into one or the other category, even though man desires a contradictory amalgamation of both (Ie a virgin who is a slut but only for me). Because such an identity is impossible, it has to be prescriptive because it isn’t describing anything that exists in the real world. A pathology can still be put to work in a performative way, even if it isn’t immediately apparent that that’s what it’s doing.

>> No.12577337

Do people jack off to "reality in the contemporary world"?

>> No.12577338

Thank God, she seems to have the self-respect and dignity to stand up for herself. She's certainly not stupid but the constant barrage of "r u retarded" must be hurtful. I wish her nothing but the best, lads.

>> No.12577340


>> No.12577341

i´m glad i´m not the only fucked up person in this pathetic world

>> No.12577356
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This ruined my day and possibly the ones to come.

Where are you my Lord ?

>> No.12577372

Of she was born in a country with public free healthcare probably she could have gotten by with a simple minimum wage job.
USA is a capitalistic shithole with such a brainwashed population that fiercely defends lobbies' interests before their owns because FREEDOM.

>> No.12577399


100% Agree, misunderstood what I was replying to

That lack of knowledge led me to turn myself miserable and mentally unstable

>> No.12577426

What's up with this thread? I genuinely don't understand why so many of you are in distress,care to explain.

>> No.12577462

Why do people even watch “professional” porn anymore?

We live in an age of readily available doujins and freelance camgirls. Both of these have far more soul and are more arousing than pro porn because the person making it more often or not has a passion for what they’re making. The fact that girls like the one in this thread are suffering because of the big industry is just the icing on that shit cake.

>> No.12577478

I remember I read about one diabetic American who had to quit his job and move across the country to care for his sick mother. He tried to set up a go fund me for his diabetes medication while he looked for a new job, came up $10 short and died.

It's just tragic.

>> No.12577497


Boys who can't experience emotion without reacting rationally

>> No.12578158

Not everyone likes to walk to chinese cartoons, especially not normalfags. As for camwhores, you have to be a cuck to donate to some bitch you've never met and will likely never meet, just to see some cleavage when you can do that for free.
>the person making it more often or not has a passion for what they’re making
Yeah, I'm sure the doujin artist REALLY cares when he's drawing one-handed and camwhores REALLY care about her "fans"

>> No.12578346
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>she will never make you believe you have a soul

>> No.12578355

seconding this

>> No.12579086
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>> No.12579092
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>> No.12579103
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>> No.12579168


>> No.12579319

I still haven't gotten any literature recommendations to cure my mother-whore dichotomy

>> No.12579336

there's no reason to cure it. Go read Infinite Meme or something

>> No.12579428

This is a Hannah Hays sympathy thread now. Gtfo faggot.

>> No.12579585

Gen 5 games were the best in the franchise