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File: 82 KB, 520x705, Ron.P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12574855 No.12574855 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12574868

What a disgusting piss hand kike

>> No.12574885


Now this is poetry

>> No.12574887

honestly, this is probably one of the most authentic folk sources for the human condition in modern society.

he doesn't write particularly well, but he expresses his ugly truths of racial inferiority, atomization, loneliness etc. with perfect candour.

>> No.12574889
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Grug sure is pissed off these days

>> No.12574954

>Someone like Elliot Rodger is not an alien from outer space. He is not something foreign that we can condemn and denounce away. He is not some primitive barbarian on the peripheries of civilization. He is produced by the society around him.


>> No.12574972

I really do want a full series production anime called The Supreme Gentleman starring him

>> No.12575041

I thought this was a retarded/meme post, but if it were made into a comedy, it might work, except the ending, and the general aversion to something so tasteless. Other than those elements, the manifesto gives plenty of material. The style would be similar to WataMote, and would just be his frustrations with not getting laid.

>> No.12575047

keep telling yourself that you homosexual little fuckwit

>> No.12575052

or it could be like that rachel corrie play, lol
do zoomers know rachel corrie

>> No.12575053
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>Only documented approach of a Woman in Autobiography
>One time, as I was walking across the huge bridge that connected the two campuses, I passed by a girl I thought was pretty and said “Hi” as we neared each other. She kept on walking and didn’t even have the grace to respond to me. How dare she! That foul bitch. I felt so humiliated that I went to one of the school bathrooms, locked myself in a toilet stall, and cried for an hour.

>> No.12575056


>> No.12575060

Nigga only play I know is assplay

>> No.12575065

bold move

>> No.12575074

>How dare she! That foul bitch.

bro! i read that in the voice of david colaci, the reader for the celine audiobooks, that is EXACTLY the kind of shit celine would say (in translation naturally)

>> No.12575097
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Is Elliot Rodger the D.H. Lawrence of the 21st century?

>> No.12575107
File: 157 KB, 860x860, 1549581374841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, based Rodger is literally the Celine of our time.

>> No.12575110

>Women are not drawn to indicators of evolutionary fitness. If they were, they'd be all over me.
I don't care what you think about Elliot Rodger, this is fucking poetry

>> No.12575116

>Women are not drawn to indicators of evolutionary fitness. If they were, they'd be all over me.

>> No.12575117

>bro i seriously am the fucking Underground Man

>> No.12575119

he kind of is

>> No.12575121

Screenshot of article?

>> No.12575122


>people take this clown seriously
America was a mistake.

>> No.12575129

his dad had hollywood connects and his mom was a hooker to the stars, he should have tried to get some acting gigs, holy shit he is sooo fucking gay, i would say this is a skit for youtube, except he actually fuckin did it, lmao

>> No.12575136

He talks like a real life Patrick Bateman, it's hilarious.

>> No.12575143

his dad was the 2nd unit director to the first hunger games movie. the guy was rich and priviledged. but of course he just had to blew it all because "muh i dont get poosy, chicks = bad :'("

>> No.12575149

minus the cleverness and wit and humour

>> No.12575172

I'm talking about his cadence, but whatever.

>> No.12575175

Jacobite is an honest site, no ads. Click on it pls, they deserve it :(

>> No.12575176

oh alright, you could've specified, though.

>> No.12575181


>> No.12575190

I mean, it's got a good refrain

>> No.12575196

What a pussy.

>> No.12575200

If Ron and Elliott made a child and that child wrote a book what would that book be like?

>> No.12575207
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>“Hi” as we neared each other. She kept on walking and didn’t even have the grace to respond to me. How dare she! That foul bitch. I felt so humiliated that I went to one of the school bathrooms, locked myself in a toilet stall, and cried for an hour.
Holy fuck, how is this even real.

>> No.12575212
File: 55 KB, 597x371, 1547840500369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he actually wrote it, probably it was someone from /tv/

>> No.12575214

that shit is rad af right

>> No.12575220
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, 1503428224523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I began to have fantasies of becoming very powerful and stopping everyone from having sex. I wanted to take their sex away from them, just like they took it away from me. I saw sex as an evil and barbaric act, all because I was unable to have it.

Based and Kantpilled

>> No.12575224

as an actual autist i remember this one time someone randomly greeted me and i was so taken aback by it that i barely managed to murmer out a hello, which he obviously didn't hear because he repeated "i said hi!" in a playful manner. i realized i had to raise my voice and act more confident but i raised my voice too high and basically shouted I SAID HELLO. he must have thought i was the most rude person on earth.

>> No.12575236

at least he was aware of his own resentment, but maybe thats why he couldnt use some excuse for voluntary celibacy as a cope, too self aware, but at the same time totally not

>> No.12575238

based. Fuck normalfags

>> No.12575244

>I said hi!

old bitch at work does that all the time, she doesn't realize at 80 maybe she cant hear too good

>> No.12575248

Some of this stuff could have come from a psychotic Chris Chan.

>> No.12575256

Funny how even as he's giving his sincere last words to the world he's talking and sounding like someone acting out a role.

>> No.12575273
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>> No.12575275

Every time I read excerpts from this thing it makes me laugh, it's almost like a comedy novel.

>> No.12575277
File: 185 KB, 719x545, Screenshot_20190210-222335_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clicked on one of the news articles linked in the wiki and found this as the top comment.

>> No.12575281

Please remember to have empathy for Roger. He was a human being and a product of his time, as the Jacobite shill said. Mocking him is cathartic, but you're only making it worse.

>> No.12575282


>> No.12575285

it would be rad if the russians. iranians or some other state intelligence service bank rolls an eliot rodger movement in the united states in an attempt to rip apart the social fabric

>> No.12575366

There is no cleverness or wit to anything that Patrick Bateman says, and misinterprets the meaning and sincerity behind most things that he hears, taking them litetally or far too seriously, which is where the humor stems from.

>> No.12575373

And he*

>> No.12575384


>> No.12575690

you could have prevented this

>> No.12575711

how come that kid who shot up the supermarket where he works never gets any love from the incel neet psycho crowd? he was a big fag into anime n shit, and made a bunch of melodramatic videos leading up to the murders

>> No.12575727


>> No.12575732

Made me kek

>> No.12575750

are you talking about the danny phantom guy?

>> No.12575754

>i didn't want to go college
>i didn't want to go to work
>it just wasn't for me


>> No.12575763

I really really hate people who water-down our existence to the struggles of sex.

>> No.12575771

6ix9ine’s spiritual successor, he came in an unlikely form.

>> No.12575780

The whole thing is like that, he is beyond caricature

>> No.12575784

weird, i feel the same way about people who try to water down our existence to class struggle

>> No.12575789

lol ya can u believe this guy had his mind blown by a fucking childrens cartoon, when u compare rodger to other spree shooters its clear the supreme gentlemen really is on another level intellectually, probably because he's from an elite family

>> No.12575795

Well, in his case, it was probably true. And he wasn't getting any, which was why he was miserable and then eventually psychotic.

>> No.12575807

That's great and all but when's he gonna get his own Wikipedia page? He deserves it. More so than someone like Dylann Roof.

>> No.12575820

this is so surreal and detached from reality I actually like it

>> No.12575824


>> No.12575825

Okay? I’m not sure if this is some confused dig at my comment.

Even in cases like his, it’s more of mental disease which constricts around their mind. If people were allowed to have any sort of reflection on their lives and memories, I guarantee you these obsessive behaviors would cool off.

>> No.12575838

It went way beyond not having sex for him. He was totally incapable of normal social interaction, he did not understand people or how to act, and he had insane mood problems and narcissistic delusions of grandeur.

>> No.12575840

wikipedia is designed to erase you (and me and all of us here) and will only mention those figures in connection with us that enable that goal

>> No.12575846

FUCK /tv/ really does have the best memes

>> No.12575863

at the cost of complete dysfunction

>> No.12575878


>> No.12575881

Meh, there are worse boards, like this one frankly. Boring aftbqh

>> No.12575918

I swear some of this reads like it was taken from Notes fro Underground.

>> No.12576961
File: 19 KB, 393x590, 1548956480478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy shit he is sooo fucking gay
So he was just closeted?

>> No.12577139
File: 18 KB, 346x346, cat in the hat vs the grinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12577162

Well, he's something of a founding father of the beta uprising.

>> No.12577170

You’re a fucking autistic faggot loser if you can actually relate to that kid. I mean he’s painfully awakward. It’s beyond clear that he has some form of autism or whatever. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.12577194

He’s got those low and wide sperg cheekbones . It was all genetic

>> No.12577202

He was right about everything.

Giving rights to women was a grave mistake no other society would ever do in its right mind. All sane societies kept their women on leash. We live in an anomaly which will only become more absurd as time goes.

Elliot is an epitome of a modern man. He IS the modern man. Self-hating, depressed, lonely racemixed mutt with no place and no person to belong to, with lots of money, but without love and hope, steadily heading towards disaster.

>> No.12578438

>If we can’t solve our problems we must DESTROY our problems... One day incels will realise their true strength and numbers and will overthrow this oppressive feminist system. Start envisioning a world where WOMEN FEAR YOU.


>> No.12578461

>Only documented approach of a Woman in Autobiography
holy fucking kek

>> No.12578472

How low is your IQ that you consider that funny?

>> No.12578482

sexual attraction feels disgusting to me. I hate it. I wish it didn't exist at all

>> No.12578518

>I did, however, pass by one young girl, and she was like a goddess who came down from heaven. She was walking alone, in her bathing suit, with her luscious blonde hair blowing in the wind. I couldn’t help but slyly admire her beauty as we passed by each other. I was scared. I was scared that she might view me as nothing but an inferior insect who’s presence ruins her atmosphere. Her beauty was intoxicating! And then, just as we passed each other, she actually looked at me. She looked at me and smiled. Most girls never even deigned to look at me, and this one actually looked at me and smiled. I had never felt so euphoric in my life. One smile. One smile was all it took to brighten my entire day. The power that beautiful women have is unbelievable. They can temporarily turn a desperate boy’s whole world around just by smiling.
that's kind of sweet but really sad

>> No.12578528

"I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did. It reminded me of how pathetic I was, that at the age of twenty-two, I was still a virgin."

Literary gold.

>> No.12578544

>women shouldn't like men that look better than me
>women should be materialistic whores and like me for my money

He had some good ideas, but was ultimately a hypocrite to hide his unbearable personality.

>> No.12578551

So he wasn't gay?

>> No.12578555

Wait, is this real?

>> No.12578561

Im pretty sure his problem wasnt women liking other men, it was a crushing sense of inferiority for women liking other men but not him

Whether or not he had any qualities that would have warranted for him to be liked is completely irrelevant, he straight up admits his downspiral and obsessive idea of having been left behind began already at 14 at which point nobody knows who they are and anyone with a boyfriend/ girlfriend is simply lucky

>> No.12578565

How low is yours that you don't?

>> No.12578566

Only in as far as he was obsessed with himself

>> No.12578571

Has to be stop motion.

>> No.12578586

Dude wasnt even ugly and prob could of got laid. It really must of been the tism. Kid must of got to man vaccines. BOOM

>> No.12578590

ill add to this however that I really dont feel sorry for him at all even if I would agree/ understand with alot of what he said. He was from an extremely privileged rich family and he literally looked good enough that he could have probably been something like an instagram model if he just went through the extra effort of maxing himself out at all. He was literally good looking, rich and he didnt even fucking look "asian", as if that was a detriment to anything either if he did. He had no excuse and its actually pathetic that his problem really was that it was apparently too fucking impossible for him to be a bearable person instead of playing WoW all day. Get some actually fucking productive hobbies

>> No.12578595

Lol, in reality this is how most women will act as well. They will at least be polite and say hi, at worst they may be taken aback or make it clear that you're weirding them outa little bit.
In all likelihood TSG probably sounded like a mouse and the girl didn't even hear him.

>> No.12578597
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>> No.12578602

Please fuck off with your incel enabling.

>> No.12578610

>tfw you will never trigger a mass shooting with your dick

>> No.12578612

>While I was playing WoW after dinner at mother’s house once, I heard my sister watching the new show Avatar: The Last Airbender on the television. I decided to check it out. I soon found myself really enjoying it. It was a magnificent story set in a fantasy world where people can control the power of the elements. Once I watched the first episode, I was hooked on the story. Prince Zuko was my favorite character; he was a banished prince who was trying to regain his rightful place in the world. I always related to him. Avatar: The Last Airbender became my favorite T.V. show.
zuko fans confirmed incels

>> No.12578614
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>> No.12578615

His parents were retards who turned him into a non-entity. We need to stop referring to those with material wealth as rich.
They were spiritual lumpenproles.

>> No.12578622

>I had a lot of fun playing it while drinking the special mountain dew flavor that was released with the game; Mountain Dew Game Fuel, it was called. The game definitely lived up to its expectations, and to my surprise I found myself playing it more than WoW for the first couple of weeks.
The way he phrases it, it sounds like an old guy talking about a brand of wine, but it's just fucking Mountain Dew
>Ah yes; Mountain Dew Game Fuel, it was called.

>> No.12578623

Nuke california anytime

>> No.12578684

he was debilitatingly autistic. should people like that even be kept alive?

>> No.12578704
File: 193 KB, 1144x794, 1549580017849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is a best case scenario elliot

>> No.12578711


>> No.12578714


>> No.12578763


Not bad thnx for this find anon

>> No.12578783
File: 161 KB, 1366x768, cuckson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12578801

Doesn’t this dude hate black people

>> No.12578861

Even black people hate black people.

>> No.12578953

Is this from one of Sam Hyde's Powerpoint presentations?

>> No.12579595


>> No.12579640

that is such an accurate description

>> No.12579648

120 and i consider it hilarious

>> No.12580704

this man is living it up

>> No.12580720


>> No.12580828

Those despairing posts about genetic determinism you find on /r9k/ and incel forums can honestly be pretty devastating if I'm in a depressed mood. Only icycalm writes diatribes as brutal as those

>> No.12580872

W-what? Elaborate?

>> No.12580880

Why would determinism get you down? Such a silly argument against determinism, as you can`t predict the future anyways.

>> No.12580895

>I frequently started asking myself. This was an all-boys school… How in the hell were those boys even able to meet girls to have sex with?

>> No.12580896

Of course you do, you mental midget.

>> No.12581516

130, I didn't laugh or anything but it's humorous

>> No.12581561


>> No.12581644

140 here. I had the slightest thought, an imagining, that I might snort or breathe out in response. I didn't but I found it quaintly entertaining.

>> No.12581681

>Halo 3 came out in November. I got my mother to buy it for me on the very day it was released. I had a lot of fun playing it while drinking the special mountain dew flavor that was released with the game; Mountain Dew Game Fuel, it was called.

>> No.12581689

I think another part of the reason is he grew up in Hollywood, the nexus of fakeness. This combined with literal autism creates a person who is so dissociated from reality that he believes the images he sees on tv are accurate representations of real life. Hell, there are parts in Elliot's manifesto where he thought how the characters acted in movies are how people acted in real life, like the good guy always gets the girl and things like that.

>> No.12582518

Well, how?

>> No.12583661

Literally me

>> No.12583696

But not systematically, of course.

>> No.12583704

I'm glad you enjoyed the article. It's one of my favorite pieces of cultural criticism written in recent memory as it is directly and positively immediately applicable

>> No.12583734

I dunno famalam

>> No.12583743

You will never hear the sounds of her chad bf's penis plunging into her vagina.

>> No.12583785

this triggers my fomo

>> No.12583806

No. That's why euthanasia should be legalised. I'm a Eliot Rodger follower and I'd readily apply for voluntary euthanasia

>> No.12584003

He's misanthropic enough

>> No.12584014

No really, it does sound like the style of Céline would write.

>> No.12584048

Having sex is disgustingly easy, that's why we are overcrowded, he was legit 89 iq.

>> No.12584092

>Never insult the style of Elliot Rodger. I’m the most stylish person in the world. Just look at my profile pic. That’s just one of my fabulous outfits. The sweater I’m wearing in the picture is $500 from Neiman Marcus.
This reads like it was straight from American Psycho.

>> No.12584128

They're devastating because they're absolutely true. All self-improvement comes down to tricking women you have good genes, which wouldn't be necessary if you had good genes in the first place. See: male models. Of course, women do the same when they're wearing lipstick and high heels.