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/lit/ - Literature

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12574194 No.12574194 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever gotten good dating advice from a book?

Camus' the Fall has some genuinely useful bits

>> No.12574202

Yeah ofc! Why else would i even read?

>> No.12574215


>> No.12574301

I think a lot of 19th century books written by women are great to understand a woman's emotions and thought processes. Obviously Jane Austen, but also George Eliot, The Bronte Sisters, etc

>> No.12574304

ehm... *feet* ..

>> No.12574327

no girl is ever going to want me so what's the fucking point.

>> No.12574370


>> No.12574383


>> No.12574395

reading a good erotica so you can dream about it later anon.

>> No.12574409

I vaguely can remember that part, so I can't completely recall it. I think I told Clamence "Hey, stop stealing my moves" back when I've read it.

I'm not sure what my game is right now.

>> No.12574467

Can you give us the tips from the fall please ? My wife left me

>> No.12574484

>My wife left me
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.12574487

Anyone can pull a girl. Just stop being fat, wear decent clean clothes, lift weights, and be hygienic. If you sincerely do all that and still can't into women then it's time to think about kys yourself.

>> No.12574539

No, it's a pyrocynical joke :^)

>> No.12574555

Nice legs tho

>> No.12574565
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>terrible with women
>get lucky and girl asks me out in HS
>date for 8 years
>never have sex, both waiting for marriage
>thought I was going to be with her for the rest of my life
>she left me 4 years ago
>have no experience talking to women
>have no friends anymore
>constant anxiety and depression
What book do I read to fix this? Does Camus have a solution?

>> No.12574580

12 rules for life

>> No.12574593

>>never have sex, both waiting for marriage
you deserve misery for being this much of a retard

>> No.12574613

The point of being a hardcore christian is getting married as son as possible and making kids, not waiting for almost a decade to not.

>> No.12574621

Become a millionaire and have whatever woman you want. All women are whores. Sad but true.

>> No.12574625
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My brother is dating a girl who he found out is following the advice of pic related, what's he in for?

>> No.12574630
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>girl asks if my reading hss taught me anything about women
>well anon I'll bet I could teach you about women
>but not about humanity

>> No.12574631

>Wait for marriage
>For 8 years
What the fuck? What this guy said >>12574613

>> No.12574663

Sounds like you're pretty far gone anon, I would skip all the preliminary cuck literature and move straight onto Schopenhauer.

>> No.12574673

this, the major redpill on women is Schopenhauer

>> No.12574699

nietzche said that philosophers can't get married. the fact that you're on this board means you probably have no chance.

>> No.12574709

all of that for some lazy skinny fat girl? hmmmmmm

>> No.12574727

Women aren't lazy about their appearance

>> No.12574917

give recommendations, please

>> No.12574956

Nothing will change if you have sex outside marriage.

>> No.12574958

I haven't been in a date in 4 years, I genuinely don't remember how to talk to women in a flirty way face to face. Regardless socialization isn't something I was always good at even with my close friends, I might be unironically autistic.

>> No.12574964

I was ever good at* I meant

>> No.12574974

I honestly do not know when a woman is flirting with me or if shes being nice

>> No.12575089

No. Go take a shower and calm down, go read something.
Stop giving that many shits about being alone, unless you are post 35 years of age you are still fine.

>> No.12575102 [DELETED] 

same. i especially hate it when some chaddy little shit is like woah she wanted the dee, and im like she was just seemed like a friendly person to me

>> No.12575113

same. one time a chick showed me a fucking selfie of her pussy that she had on her phone, and i still wasn't sure if she was interested in the dee, god i hate autism

>> No.12575146

I'd like to think that I would have picked up on that one.

>> No.12575158

i did eventually hit it like two months later lol thinking about shit like that is super "sui fuel" as a certain community says

>> No.12575160

westoid women are lazy slobs

>> No.12575161

how about books dealing with the lack of sex (sexual frustration)

>> No.12575188

Its almost the only thing society expects from them desu senpai.

>> No.12575218

Not about their looks.They spend a ton of time and energy on hair alone. And shave everywhere. My friend told me more than once her arm got tired just from shaving and she often wished she could have someone else do it like her hair.

>> No.12575223

good lord i would ejaculate on the feet of the girl on the left until i died of cumming

>> No.12575243


>> No.12575253

>Just stop being fat, wear decent clean clothes, lift weights, and be hygienic.
Literally did all that, my problem is every time I talk to a woman after about 2 minutes I start realizing she has the mental capacity of a child and I lose interest.

>> No.12575254

best be trollin nig

>> No.12575450

Why are Asian women such tiger goddesses about their foot hygiene?

>> No.12575456

The woman on the left has feet that remind me of Meana Wolf's tiny toed tootsies

>> No.12575561

I just want to pop a boner my dude, I’m not casting off women entirely. I’m trying to switch to erotica instead of watching porn, isn’t that a good thing?

>> No.12576005

You’ve got to find one with a distinct talent, like a musician, artist, or maybe an academic in a different field than yours. This way, even if she’s lacking in general, there’s still grounds for some respect and admiration. Either way you’ll catch feelings at some point that force you to let go of that cynicism, temporarily at least.

>> No.12576010


>> No.12576451
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It depends, erotica can depict sexual themes that can be even worse than the ones you already have with normal porn.
Either way the wiki has a nice set of recs.

>> No.12576508

He's in for mind games and bitchery.

>> No.12576520

No book will fix it

Try meditation

>> No.12576531

My problem is when I start talking to an attractive woman I realize 2 minutes later I have the mental capacity of a child and lose interest.

Seriously, I have nothing to say to men my own age let alone women. Only in my books do I feel any higher functions. I couldn't care less about anything going on around me. My life is of no importance to me. What am I going to say to a woman?

>> No.12576534

How do I into meditation?

>> No.12576664

if you’ve spent any time on this board you know the answer to this question and it’s Houellebecq

Start with Whatever or The Elementary Particles

>be me
>talking to qt girl
>so what do you do for fun
>I give the most basic bitch generic answers
>I know how atrociously boring I sound
>Have started faking interest in sports/drinking to establish rapport with normie girls now

Maybe this is a tough pill to swallow, but I’m starting to think that autistically reading philosophy and literature (and taking about it online with strangers) isn’t a legitimate hobby unless you’re a student. I just graduated college and have been working for ~6 months now and have realized that the overwhelming majority of people, even “smart” people, just think it’s weird to have academic interests outside of university. Anyone else relate to this?

>> No.12576680

>Maybe this is a tough pill to swallow, but I’m starting to think that autistically reading philosophy and literature (and taking about it online with strangers) isn’t a legitimate hobby unless you’re a student. I just graduated college and have been working for ~6 months now and have realized that the overwhelming majority of people, even “smart” people, just think it’s weird to have academic interests outside of university. Anyone else relate to this?

Yeah, I graduated 6 months ago too and I'm actually getting even deeper into my reading recently. I guess it's possible that this is just an objectively bad hobby. I honestly hadn't considered that lmao

>> No.12576686

>Maybe this is a tough pill to swallow, but I’m starting to think that autistically playing vidya and watching streams, E-Sports (and taking about it online with strangers) isn’t a legitimate hobby unless you’re a student. I just graduated college and have been working for ~6 months now and have realized that the overwhelming majority of people, even “smart” people, just think it’s weird to have gaming interests outside of university. Anyone else relate to this?

>> No.12576693

A woman's care for their appearance correlate with her self-esteem I suppose

>> No.12576694

Nice catch.

>> No.12576707

No Longer Human taught me to "apprentice in women" with whores. Once I've fucked a hundred or so and I'm no longer desperate for sex I will exude an experience and confidence that will make women I actually care about naturally attracted to me.

>> No.12576750

Yeah, I mean it definitely alienates you from people a little. I work as a consultant and people think it’s odd I don’t read WSJ or [insert basic business book here].

On the other hand it’s also one of the only things I really enjoy doing. Just am starting to realize that I’ll need to intentionally cultivate other “normal” hobbies to have shit to talk to people about

>have an assigned mentor at my job
>hey will anyone care if I print like 50-100 pages on the company printer for personal stuff once in a while
>nah man, nobody would even notice. Do you have forms or something?
>No, sometimes I have PDFs I wanna read, but it’s hard to read on my comp
>Oh, like books?
>Sometimes, or papers, essays, kind of whatever I get into
>Yeah dude (voice gets louder in the office), nobody will care at all, but if you read PAPERS for fun we might need to take you to a happy hour STAT

It’s a good job lol, but it kind of amuses me to continually be reminded that most people only studied because they were forced to. College courses must have been an absolute slog for them then.

although they still probably had more fun than me fml

>> No.12576754

>>date for 8 years
>>never have sex, both waiting for marriage
What were you waiting for you retards?

>> No.12577062

>good dating advice
Never happened to me in book nor everywhere else.

>> No.12577152
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>> No.12577264

There are plenty of options, from learning an established type like transcendental meditation or vipassana or kriya if you live in a major metropolitan area.

>> No.12577294

Id applaud you if this actually happened. But we both know it didn’t.

>> No.12577344

A little ball busting is pretty standard, I doubt he found it that weird

>> No.12577405


>> No.12578206
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exactly the same here
dont even bother its really not worth it. You're better off if u get a qt trap bf

>> No.12578242

They look like a couple of monkeys.

>> No.12578343

Notes From Underground and White Nights by Dostoevsky.
Seriously, the kind of people who surf 4chan should read these.

I think i'll stop being an edgelord and finally read these ladies.

Just keep trying dude. The same thing happened to me (except we actually fucked). Get out of the house and into the habit of socializing. Also, read the books i suggested.

If you don't possess the basic emotional ability to relate you'll never fuck anyone other than a prostitute or a really drunk girl if you're lucky. Unless you carry large amounts of blow around with you.

Fight club?

I feel. I try to sublimate it into "politics" or some kind of deleuzian resistance.

>> No.12578370

well what are they?! spit it out!

>> No.12578405


>> No.12578912
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>date for 8 years
>never have sex, both waiting for marriage

>> No.12579324

My Twisted World

>> No.12579366
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>he fell for the christian girl abstinence meme

I did too

>> No.12579457


>fell in love with a preacher's daughter at 14
>girl was an absolute saint
>was really eager to have sex but held my urges for a while
>finally got to fuck her two years later
>fucked as often as possible for the next two years
>went through a depressive episode
>got into drugs
>never cheated but became distant anyway
>she went off to college
>told her not to worry about me
>eventually stopped responding to her texts
>haven't fucked anyone since
>haunted by recurring dreams of her
>will never forgive myself for defiling her purity

be glad you didn't.

>> No.12579520

Hahaha I thought Christians weren't supposed to be gay.

>> No.12579553

The problem with doing all that is realizing that you're putting far more effort into being healthy and attractive than 90% of women, so you lose interest in all but 10% of them.

>> No.12579577

I'm not a Christian. I actually made fun of her faith sometimes. I think that may be the most hurtful thing I did. Never realized that she was trying to save me.

>> No.12579659

thanks, didn't think the wiki would have that kind of thing.

>> No.12580085

even though i'm highly autistic and deprived of social skill but i would have thought of that as an invitation to cunnilingus
very alpha move on her part i would also think that she is very assertive because most women just mirror your attitude but this one goes ahead in a very tactful way

>> No.12580320
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You recognize your wrongs, and are genuinely sorry for them. That's a step further than most

>> No.12580333
File: 118 KB, 640x863, Jezebels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stoics will guide you

>> No.12580372

I'm fat and wore a walmart tritone tee and adidas "pants" when I picked up my current gf. Literally just stop having a toxic "woe is me" personality and pretend like you enjoy yourself.

>> No.12580384

The Rational Male
No More Mr Nice Guy
Top posts of all time r/The Red Pill

Women are simple creatures.

>> No.12580386
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if youre the guy who keeps trying to start softcore feet threads but they keep delving into actual discussion, then thank you youre doing important work

>> No.12580432

>date for 8 years
>no experience talking to women
epic bait
