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File: 894 KB, 2592x2160, stalin anarchism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12569447 No.12569447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is marxism so unattractive as a scientific and sociological truth because it requires sacrifice? I mean its clear that humankind face three options: nuclear war, environmental catastrophe or the violent overthrow of the capitalist class. Are humans simply too pussy to overthrow the capitalists? I mean, overthrowing the capitalists is the least destructive option, but it is still going to kill around a billion people and leave deep scars on the Earth. Either way, no matter what, we're fucking in for it. I doubt most of us alive today are going to make it to 2070.

>> No.12569455

You wouldn't accomplish anything by 'overthrowing the capitalists' and it's a childish dream to think you would. Nuclear war, environmental problems, and other issues would still exist in whatever retarded post-revolution civilization you ended up with.

>> No.12569475

Let's destroy the system that improved billions of lives in the quickest way in history, and let's substitute it for a system that has failed whenever it was tried. Yay!

>> No.12569506

>sociological truth
I doubt you even understand what you are saying, but the short answer is no, it's not unattractive and also not unattractive "because it requires sacrifice".
>three options: nuclear war, environmental catastrophe or the violent overthrow of the capitalist class
Hopefully all gonna happen at once so people learn a good lesson.
>Are humans simply too pussy to overthrow the capitalists?
Pretty much. Why sacrifice the comfort, however little, that capitalism gave you, for the life of a rebel and uncertain future?
>overthrowing the capitalists is the least destructive option
>least destructive
Doubt, but it's the only option to get rid of capitalism.
>it is still going to kill around a billion people and leave deep scars on the Earth
Maybe, maybe not.
>I doubt most of us alive today are going to make it to 2070
Well, this is a bit of an oldfag board, so the average will be like 70 then; even if most yet live, barring some major advances in the sciences most will be dead by 2080 or 2090.

>> No.12569598

Why would I overthrow the only group reducing world poverty?
Capitalism is self sacrifice for the future of your family instead of gov imposed sacrifice for the other.
How can a central body decide value effectly without the free market to set that value? Equity in a resource limited world ironically leads to inequality.
None of you soft ass zoomer ubran retards will survive for more than 3mo in a revolution. Think about how soft all your friends are, they can't survive w o wifi let alone an armed uprising. Meanwhile we'll be fine w all the food and arms so try it pussy. The best part about a communist takeover is they end up killing a bunch of communists in a purity spiral.

>> No.12569620

>tfw Heaven is Marxist

>> No.12569630

>fighting his own imagination
>smashing his own inventions
>heatedly asserting that he is smashing his opponent

seems like the kinds of thing a ruthless paranoid dictator like Stalin himself would do tbqhwy

>> No.12569647
File: 66 KB, 363x387, 74700874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barring nuclear scattershot, 2070 will still be livable, but that generation will be faced with some real challenges, absolutely.

It's not a dream, it's a nightmare, but it's also going to be reality. Of course we ought to have a revolution sooner so we can address the environmental issues in a timelier manner.

Lets REPLACE it. Because it's going to cause our extinction

>> No.12569667

>Why would I overthrow the only group reducing world poverty?
You mean the only group reducing rich peoples poverty.
Before you disagree I suggest you find some evidence.
India is still a poor shithole with Capitalism.
China is improving thanks to Socialism.
Europe is stagnant with some mixture of stuff;
and all across the board it's mostly the rich that reap the benefits, while the average persons purchasing power barely increases or even declines; except in Socialist countries - especially when you take into account the fact capitalists and especially the USA try to destroy those countries.
>Capitalism is self sacrifice for the future of your family
Really makes me wonder what you're smoking.
For the majority of people is self sacrifice for business owners and stockholders, while socialism is self sacrifice for society.
>How can a central body decide value effectly without the free market to set that value?
Central planning is not an universal feature of socialism and laissez faire capitalism helps nobody except those already rich.
>Equity in a resource limited world ironically leads to inequality.
Materialism leads to inequality, correct.
>some poorly spelled delusion shit
Your only defense is paying other poorfags to defend you. Don't rely on that. How hard are you? How long do you survive without your riches? Odds are you are even more dependant on luxury; and especially your descendants will be, who never worked hard for it.

I reply only because all of your arguments are poor to an entertaining degree. If that's bait, good job, you made me laugh.

>> No.12569671

>Why would I overthrow the only group reducing world poverty?
meme stat

>> No.12569752
File: 170 KB, 790x350, 2018_08_steven_pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ubermensch worshipper.

>> No.12569755


>> No.12569779

imagine thinking that socialist countries have failed because of socialism and not because of external motives.

>> No.12569788

Marxism is unattractive as any kind of truth because it is all kinds of false, and because Marx's writing is aesthetically unattractive.

>> No.12570934

>say they reject religion
>literally deify leaders

what did marxists mean by this?

>> No.12570953

deifying leaders, or any "great men of history" for that matter is diametrically opposed with historical materialism

>> No.12570954

Imagine genuinely making this cop out in the face of 100 years of failure because you personally read some books

>> No.12570964

then explain OP's pic

>> No.12570976

its a meme

>> No.12570983

its a meme that deifies stalin, say what you want about it "just being a joke" but every joke has a kernel of truth to it

>> No.12570984

Imagine assuming that humanity isn't inherently faulty and that socialism would only work with individuals truly selfless, like machines.

>> No.12570989

Please leave

>> No.12571002

I would agree with Marx on many issues except class theory, dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Other theb that ok.