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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.12569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I increase my reading volume most effectively? Is it better to read 1 page as fast as possible, and rest 1-2 minutes between pages, 10 pages at moderate pace with a 3-5 minute rest?

>> No.12634

You should superset fiction and non-fiction

>> No.12640

You don't want to read to failure. Reading faster just comes as you read more.

>> No.12730

Depends on the font size.

>> No.12825

What literature program are you on?

>> No.12854

strongreads 5x5

>> No.13337

JUst fucking read? There's no trick; reading is patience. Maximum comprehension comes with leveled reading and contemplation after every page or chapter.

>> No.13427

i have been doing starting reading and right side of my head is visibly larger than the left. what can i do to fix this imbalance?

>> No.13449

OP seriously? This is basic stuff.

First you need to warm up with some audiobook samples. Next, read some easy stuff, maybe a kids book or two. It has to be something braindead and non-demanding (I prefer Harry Potter but it's to your judgment), and you NEED to do it slowly. You don't want to overexert your neurons.

Now this next step is crucial. After a few pages, immediately drop the book, run over to your bookshelf, pick out something really difficult, like Atlas Shrugged or Mein Kampf, open it and read as quickly as you can. You see, the trick is confusing the brain signals; this forces your brain to adapt to new situations better, strengths your synapses (basically makes your brain stronger), and VASTLY improve your reading speed. Do this for about 4-5 pages, but whatever you do, don't read the 6th page! This will ruin any gains you would have made from this set. Rest for 15 minutes and then do it again a few times.

Hope this helps!

>> No.13490

Enjoyment from reading doesn't actually come from skimming the pages. Rather the reflection one has after reading.

>> No.13511
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It depends, are you're reading Hegel or Harry Potter? If you're actually reading something dense you're going to have to take some time on those paragraphs bro.

>> No.13555

Is sub-vocalization the devil?

I had always assumed the way your were supposed to read was to have the words run through your head as if they were spoken, at the rate of spoken speech

but im learning that's not the case and im hamstringing my reading rate

>> No.13809


>> No.13841

You should have added some accessories