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12567356 No.12567356 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she hate Foucault so much? Also what does /lit/ think of Paglia?

>> No.12567371

I'm never sure if her writings are consistent over time, because it seems to me that she always sells her brand of anti-feminism to the feminists as well. Previously more so than today.
And who doesn't hate Foucault..

>> No.12567377

>And who doesn't hate Foucault..

i dont. i think he was relatively based & redpilled. unironically.

>> No.12567382


>> No.12567398

>Claim AIDS is a capitalist lie to discredit homosexuality, drug use and black people
>Die of AIDS
what did Foucault mean by this?

>> No.12567411
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Foucault while getting fisted in the ass had more virility of thought in one brain wrinkle than you have in your entire body

>> No.12567420

Shouldn't that be Bordiga?

>> No.12567421

what he meant was AIDS was a capitalist invention as in it was literally invented in a laboratory by america which is actually true

>> No.12567426

No it wasn't, it was produced from faulty vaccins who were contaminated with monkey blood serum. Or if you want to get really technical, it was a punishment sent by God against fags and drug users.

>> No.12567433

>actually true

Please have some dignity.

>> No.12567439

>(((faulty vaccines)))
suck my dick CIA nigger

>> No.12567457

Religion really is the worst conspiracy theory
>life sucks because of sky dad
>but we still love him
fuck off

>> No.12567595

t. Butthurt AIDScel

>> No.12567610

she's a brainlet with less cogent arguments than him.

>> No.12567617
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>> No.12568095

She sounds interesting when she’s talking about things you only vaguely know about but as soon as she moved onto something you’ve read it falls apart and you realise what a fuckin retard she is.
She wanted to synthesise Freud and Frazier and combined Freud’s tenuous linkages with Frazier’s unconvincingly tenuous argumentative method.

>> No.12568103

Bitter for sexual reason that was two or three decades ago. Highly resentful and deeply hurt.

>> No.12568121

so she's been shitposting here with us the whole time?

>> No.12568201

Don’t think she has the patience or the humility to

>> No.12568305

...you sure you are not talking about any other site?

>> No.12568312

the CIA niggers glow in the dark

>> No.12568356

Why, posting here takes a certain type of character imho. You also can’t shout someone down or unload sophistry on them

>> No.12568550

no he meant he literally didnt believe it existed and was just a psyop to make gays feel bad

>> No.12568596

Paglia is great. One of the few female public academics I actually respect. When she talks, you can tell she's trying hard to be sincere. She speaks passionately, something that is severely missing from modern discourse.

Her views on sex and gender are essentially correct. In a nutshell, she claims there is some crossover with the predatory instinct and male sexual drive. In the olden days, she says women understood this and conducted themselves accordingly. Men, too, understood this and were taught how to control and harness this energy, turning it towards productive work in society. But now, modern feminism has villified what is essentially male nature and blamed it for all of its problems in society.

This mild opinion is now verboten in modern universities because of how crazy these institutions are now.

>> No.12568947


>> No.12569002

Never heard of it

>> No.12569413

Paglia is often based but is too across the board to really be able to characterize t. feminazi
Yes you can

>> No.12569600

Atheism is the worst excuse.
>dude bad things happen
>why would a loving God let them happen
>I asked God a question and he didn't answer
>FAKE lmao
Fuck off.

>> No.12569602

Why do female authors all look like men?

>> No.12569623

Why do all pretty women you'd fuck wear makeup, anon?

There's dozens of arguments to refute your dumb imaginary friend, anon. Just shut it.

>> No.12569629

>Why do all pretty women you'd fuck wear makeup, anon?
Ummm... I only fuck women who don't wear makeup.

>> No.12569632

>I can't see it, therefore it's not real

>> No.12569645

i.e. your hand

>> No.12569648
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n-no you... h-hehe

>> No.12569660


>> No.12569678
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Well I feel the same really. I just don't think they "all look like men" for not wearing any, and being generally older or whatever.

>> No.12569760
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i don't know but i hate him cause he's a pedo faggot
imagine listening to someone who was literally pozzed lmao

>> No.12569763

wtf I love the federal government now?

>> No.12569840

foucuault is great. read Discipline and Punish (but actually read it this time) and tell me it isn't ABSOLUTELY BASED

no jordon memerson bs

>> No.12570080


Rush Limbaugh praised her recently on his radio show (a month or two back), so she can't be all bad.

The way he told it, he was younger and naive, and attending some press function back in the early 90s or so. Various American liberal (in the American political sense of the word, calm yourselves) media types were there, including IIRC Sam Donaldson. Anyway they broke off into dinner tables and Limbaugh was assigned to sit with Pagila, and in the later telling, Limbaugh realized that the PTB's seating-expectation was meant to lead to some reportable stir between the feminist and the radio host. As it happened (per Limbaugh) the two got on just fine and had a nice conversation. Limbaugh recently praised some other piece of hers IIRC, this goes back to that two-ish month old radio broadcast.

Although old, Paglia is also a bisexual white woman which is just playing life on easy tutorial mode, it should be said.

>> No.12570499

I doubt she ever dated Foucault

>> No.12570517

But this story just comfirms what I'm saying here >>12567371.
She's not really a feminist but people take her for one. If she wasn't in this game since forever, she'd not be considered a feminist in any way. She's mostly agreeing Jordan Peterson, except she's not really concerned with the history of the Soviets.

>> No.12570769

Why does going against the grain make her an anti-feminist?

>> No.12571292

cuz she an uggo, dat bitch mad she woke up this mornin anyone with a more than 2 synapse chains wouldnt bother even refuting foucalt as if it were something worth refuting

>> No.12572319

Behold the best post on /lit/

>> No.12572830

it's a good post indeed

>> No.12574198

i've been meaning to read her tome but probably never will. her poetry criticism is pretty ace tho, but prob a bit too 'pop'/irreverent for the autists of /lit/

>> No.12574216

elaborate on her criticism

>> No.12574469

>Why does she hate Foucault so much? Also what does /lit/ think of Paglia?
Paglia is fantastic both as a thinker and as a writer. (as a speaker not so much)
Foucault is a retarded degenerate, let us speak no more of him.

>> No.12574486

there is a sinister asp3ct to female sexuality, as well, though it has more to do with entrapment and dissolution of boundaries than predation.
at least, this is one way to interpret some of the major themes of our literary canon
men are leopards; women are fly traps.

>> No.12574521

i think it was less foucault qua foucault and more the academic tendency he came to symbolize. her problem was really specifically with hacks. like how many who took umbrage to derrida really had a problem with the paul de mans of the world

>> No.12575496

It's so ironic how much she shits on feminism when it's because of it she has the right to do so.

>> No.12575626

Why does she claim to be a tranny

>> No.12575643

This is the dumbest shit I’ve read today lmfao. thank you, anon.

>> No.12575676

>Feminism never did anything. It never happened, dude.


>> No.12575682

>Feminism did anything but serve the interest of capital


>> No.12575694

It's nice but let's not overrate it.

It's miles below frogchad poster's threads.

>> No.12575697


>> No.12575717

she objects to those strains of feminism that are most audible and visible in the mainstream today, which have actually been coopted by the queer liberation movement and directed toward ends not at all in the interests of women.
she is still a strong proponent of the goals of first- and secondwave feminism.
she appears with unsavory characters in public mostly because she has been sanctioned and deplatformed by everyone else, and because she still seems to believe people can have valences of agreement and others of disagreement, and can remain mutually intelligible to each other, without digging trenches and salting the earth between their differences

>> No.12575718


>> No.12576182

Bullshit. If she believes she's a feminist she's lying to herself. She's a gender traitor.

>> No.12576205

whatever dude

>> No.12576211

That's reasonable. I guess I'll give her a second try

>> No.12577579

>there is a sinister asp3ct to female sexuality, as well, though it has more to do with entrapment and dissolution of boundaries than predation.

book on this topic? it´s pretty interesting

>> No.12578287

just talk to any woman

>> No.12578317

there's paglia's own sexual personae, more specificall y the chapter on spenser's faerie queene
i just woke up so i'm a bit foggy, i'll think of some more titles later

>> No.12578320

shes retarded

>> No.12578795

>directed toward ends not at all in the interests of women
can you name a couple?

>> No.12578803


>> No.12578823

She does claim to be a trans men since a few years ago right?
She has a lot to say against last feminist trends but they allowed her to start identifying as trans, or so it seems

>> No.12578840

>as a speaker not so much
what? shes a better speaker than anything else. she's very passionate, vehement, bombastic and sincere
the exact oposite to jordan peterson

>> No.12578875

Reactionary af and clearly hates her own vagina more than anything
Idk why she hates fouceault but maybe he complimented her pussy or sth

>> No.12578884

nothing wrong with being reactionary desu

>> No.12578925

the ultimate destruction of the category 'woman', for one, which renders both the history and the current reality of women's subjugation and abuse *as a class* completely illegible.
that's probably the biggest issue
'female-identified' men dominating the gathering spaces of women's political action groups, and subordinating the original goals and intentions of those groups to the narcissistic concerns of the intruding party. think 'trans rights are women's rights' and the whole shared bathroom nonsense
that's another

>> No.12578954

she basically just means she's mostly butch. in the parlance of the day she'd probably be referred to as 'gender-non-conforming'. in this she's fallen halfway into the trap of genderqueer lexical manipulation, which is like a continuous sleight of meaning, perpetual equivocation

>> No.12578967
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>> No.12578981

>the ultimate destruction of the category 'woman', for one, which renders both the history and the current reality of women's subjugation and abuse *as a class* completely illegible.

How are they, that is, the new wave of trans-inclusionary feminism, rending women's subjugation and abuse void? They are merely saying what a woman is is much larger and more fluid than previously stated by a patriarchal society.

>> No.12579020

Give one argument

>> No.12579051

the problem is not in expanding our conceptualization of 'woman', but 1) in extending the domain to include elements that are not women, but simply mentally ill or childishly deluded; 2) as in the previous post, ultimately eliminating the category of 'woman' altogether. and the issue here is that thia isn't actually am 'ultimate' goal, as in a totally 'genderless' future utopia where anyone can be whatever they want, but rather a live political project whereby women are pushed to reject not only the received trappings of feminitiy and to subvert gendered expectations, but to deny in themselves and others the reality of 'female experience' altogether. not only are they 'no longer women', but there 'never really was' anything like 'women' at all; the term has no referent.

>> No.12579091

Thanks for expanding on your original post. I appreciate it.

>but to deny in themselves and others the reality of 'female experience' altogether.
This is actually quite interesting. I don't really have a deep understanding of any wave of feminism, but by virtue of having attended university recently my suspicion is that again, the response would be that current feminism seeks to expand what that female experience means, and to highlight other types of experience, e.g. genderfluid/queer expressions. Furthermore, it would seem that the previously put "female experience" was nothing more than a masculine dominated and enforced standard of experience.

Again, just thinking on what I've usually heard from the anti-TERF crowd regarding this topic.

I really do want to read Paglia, and this tread confirms my interest.

>> No.12579346

>but to deny in themselves and others the reality of 'female experience' altogether. not only are they 'no longer women', but there 'never really was' anything like 'women' at all; the term has no referent.
Sounds scary, as you can easily jump from "there never really were women," to "there never really were humans."

>> No.12579962

>passionate, vehement, bombastic and sincere
Sure, but I have a strict rule about not hearing the word 'okay' more than 5,000 times per hour.

>> No.12580166

can i ask you what is your background?

>> No.12580245

in what sense? education? i have a bachelor of arts
i throw pizzas for a living

>> No.12580460

ok, thank you

>> No.12580633
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I love her. I think she is very gifted in seeing connections.

If you go watch her interviews she used to say that her “Writing was more geared towards what would be happening over the next few decades”. And basically everything with feminism that she was saying would happen has happened.

I haven’t read her books but I checked her art history book from the library and I really learned a lot. She does a really good job giving people who know nothing about art history “The Big Picture on Art History/Appreciation”. It’s really packed full of info and stays interesting/entertaining.

>> No.12580719

Only the good ones do (And there aren’t many), The biggest stumbling block for the vast majority of women in life is their need for social acceptance. The ones that are good authors are the ones who can over come this trait. Think Emily Dickinson and Flannery O’Conner.

>> No.12581031

nice meme critique. She's actually pretty based, and this is coming from a leftist PoC

>> No.12581052

based wagie philosopher

>> No.12581171

You've sold me, where should I start with her?

>> No.12581970

i don't know how much of any of that you're actually going to find in her. i read her for her literary criticism, and for that you might as well start with sexual personae. somewhat repetitive in its through-line, but it really is a masterpiece of the long essay form, and can be read for that quality alone.
her political commentary i find woolly and indistinct, not of much interest.
if you want her thoughts on the state of contemporary feminism, though, she just published a whole book on that subject last year: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/126099/free-women-free-men-by-camille-paglia/9780375725388/