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12566971 No.12566971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12566977
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>> No.12566987

I hope that fever kills you all.

>> No.12567010

They don’t understahd anon. All haters of Kondo-sama are haters of order. Order is a critical function and goal or human existence.

Therefore people who hate Kondo-sama must be purged. ‘‘Tis the season. Hoho...ho

>> No.12567019

>linking to the Daily Stormer

You're a fucking faggot, OP, and I hope you die.

>> No.12567024

Because social retards on social media (the only people using social media these days, it seems) made her into some bizarre fucking moral paragon despite the fact that she's just a TV personality that talks about organizing your personal space. If she didn't get the unwarranted attention that she got, you wouldn't have other social retards complaining about it.

>> No.12567031

Racist. East Asians have higher IQ than whites on average.

>> No.12567033

They thought they could have their cake and eat it too. They thought that they could push horrible Feminist agenda and ruin traditional male/female dynamics, and that men would be forced to just suck it up. They thought that no matter how much they ruined things, we would stick by their side.

But Asian women didn't get the memo. They saw degenerate feminism for what it is and were like "fuck that". Now all the men that feminists thought they had trapped have moved on to Asian girls and they are left alone in their own penis-envy.

>> No.12567036


>> No.12567040

>They don’t understahd anon. All haters of Kondo-sama are haters of order. Order is a critical function and goal or human existence.

This is why Leftists hate her.

>> No.12567041

Fuck you.

>> No.12567043

What's wrong with Daily Stormer or that article?

>> No.12567047

She exposes the inferiority of their ideals -- their fall from grace.

>> No.12567049

The daily stormer is the best media outlet and if you disagree you are a brainwashed NPC and you deserve a slow death by rectal cancer.

>> No.12567052
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>> No.12567075

The Daily Stormer is only read by ugly people. Only ugly people are ever dedicated white supremacists, because they realize nobody likes them so they fall back on ideas of racial superiority to make themselves feel better.

>> No.12567082

>tfw dailystormer is now pro-racemixing with asians

Our sons shall be named Elliot and we'll groom them to be incels. Then the beta uprising will finally come at last.

>> No.12567084
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>> No.12567091
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So predictable

>> No.12567129

>getting this angry at a satire website

>> No.12567153

This is what watching MSM does to you.

>> No.12567159

Point what is wrong in the article or fuck off, kike.

>> No.12567160

These are the people who complain about fake news

>> No.12567198

It is a verbatim Japan Today article.

You still can delete your comment, Shlomo.

>> No.12567216

What? Saying you have yellow fever is racist? Whiteknighting all "East Asians" with IQ statistics just confirms what I'm saying

>> No.12567222

East Asians > Whites

>> No.12567265


East Asians > Whites >>>>>>>>>>> Niggers

>> No.12567291

She is a Goddess

>> No.12567299

>not recognizing the greatest satirist of our age

Sour grapes, Schlomi?

>> No.12567334
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She triggers the kikes so much, I love her.

>> No.12567393
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>> No.12567473

>a traditional asian woman going for a white man
that's kind of contradictory don't you think? the white men who marry in asia usually only get the bottom of the barrel
but the good thing is that it's usually enough for them

>> No.12567527

wrong board you fucking faggot

>> No.12567535
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The bitter roastie fears the cute feminine.