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/lit/ - Literature

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12565952 No.12565952 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about getting older and just being disappointed with life and yourself in general?

I'm 28 so I don't mean senile old, just "too old to start major changes in your life and switch paths" old.

>> No.12565968

>too old to start major changes in your life and switch paths

Keep telling yourself that so you never realize the only thing stopping you is yourself, not your life circumstances.

>> No.12565972


>> No.12565979

>dude radical individualism lmao we're all just atoms bro literally no one is ever affected by anything outside of themselves its literally all you bro you're the only thing that exists and you will the universe into being xdd

fuck off

>> No.12565985

Keep that defeatist attitude up. No wonder you're such a loser.

>> No.12565989
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None. Anyone smart enough to write a book realize you can change at any moment, especially at such an early age, and in these changing times.

>> No.12565990

my diary desu

>> No.12566001

he's right though, 28 being the Point of No Return is more a reflection of a culture that worships youth and beauty than anything else

>> No.12566002

And let me guess. You are unsuccessful because you tell yourself you don't need the success that you secretly dream of, and instead trudge along in your boring life telling yourself that your crappy life is what you've always wanted.

>> No.12566009

No, I'm unsuccessful because I'm a lazy sack of shit with no self-discipline. I'm not happy with my place in life but I don't blame anyone else for it and I don't act like there's absolutely nothing I can do to change it.

>> No.12566018

at least you're a male, right? otherwise you'd be completely dead already
I hope you smoke so you can experience the awesome jump backwards that happens if you stop smoking and immediately get younger and cooler
sry no rec

>> No.12566019

What life would you not be disappointed with? Why aren't you doing that? If these two don't align you have bad expectations or bad habits

>> No.12566021

>too old to start major changes in your life and switch paths
lol no

>> No.12566060

Late 20s might seem young, but in practical terms it isn't. You have bills to pay, a job that you plan as a stepping stone in a career so you take it seriously, you're already focused on serious dating and you have to make it work because now marriage is in sight, you're moving all the time, etc.

Very few people can be like "hmm, this is a good time to go back to college or learn a new skill!". Some are lucky enough to have free time due to their circumstances, but most aren't. We already look at the life we have now as a template for the next decades.

>> No.12566069

If you hate your life and dream about radical changes, chances are you won't have very many commitments.

>> No.12566079

>Late 20s might seem young, but in practical terms it isn't. You have bills to pay, a job that you plan as a stepping stone in a career so you take it seriously, you're already focused on serious dating and you have to make it work because now marriage is in sight, you're moving all the time, etc.

sorry u let adult responsibilities decrepify ur soul nigger homo

>> No.12566087

nigga your real life doesn't start before you're at the very least 30. anything before 30 is just experimentations.

>> No.12566088

Say that fucking word again. Go ahead. Try it.

>> No.12566187


>> No.12566197

>he thinks he's not getting married

>> No.12566207

there is literally no reason to marry unless you're in some christian backwater american state where you HAVE to marry.

>> No.12566226

Come join The Pale King reading group, I think it would be right up your alley.

>> No.12566252

not him but i'd love to join the reading group but the pale king doesn't interest me at all. next one is in a couple of weeks, right?

>> No.12566279

The reading groups aren’t really that organized or scheduled, they start up randomly according to whatever book seems to be hitting the /lit/ Zeitgeist currently. You’ll have to wait or drum up interest for another book yourself.

>> No.12566293

>you're already focused on serious dating and you have to make it work because now marriage is in sight

This is your fault for falling for the "I'll just have fun in my early 20s and not take relationships seriously" meme. Marrying simply because you feel you have to because of a certain age, and neglecting serious relationships beforehand is what led you down the wrong path. If you treated your earlier relationships more seriously, you could have a wife and more stability in your life right now. Instead you are going to marry some used up woman who also is marrying out of age-obligation, and you will turn over in your sleep thinking of all the good girls you passed up in your younger years to "have fun".

The best time to get married is early 20s when your chances of finding an innocent virgin girl are highest. Through the stability that marriage with a good girl will provide, all the other pieces of life will fall in place effortlessly.

>> No.12566295

Y is u acting so hard

>> No.12566298


Look an animals gotta eat but you're doing it wrong if you are interacting with these things naively. You've been bred and raised to gravitate to these notions as natural or neccessary. This is what is creating the perception of not having time to learn stuff - you are constantly so anxious about accomplishing the next """milestone""" that you never just fucking stopped to think about what YOU were doing, but that isn't even your fault because the entire thing is designed to produce exactly this. You are supposed to be convinced very young that you are to get a respectable job, start a family - PLEASE do not think I am claiming there is anything inherently bad about these things; you may well find more genuine happiness working WITH (you still seem to be working FOR) the system than outside it, it has literal material advantage, REAL POWER, but the illusion that this power configuration is all that may be - or that it is insubvertable - is precisely is MECHANISM OF CONTROL. It is painful that you divide your time into "free" and "nonfree" because it betrays exactly the issue at hand. You long for a freedom you know you don't have but willfully submit to the system that confines you because it is by that same system that you are even able to live and make sense of the world (at first) and this manifests in doing *exactly what you hate*

>> No.12566302
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Sugaru Miaki’s Three Days Happiness

Anyone here read Sugaru Miaki?

>> No.12566322

listen to this anon. there is joy to be found in work and family but the despair you feel at being deprived these things is 80% conditioned, the other is legitimate and only years of struggle and inner work will help you overcome it

>> No.12566410

nigga learn to be succinct

>> No.12566461

Are words to difficult for you? Maybe >>>/tv/ is more your speed Anon

>> No.12566485

fuck u

>> No.12566534

God should learn to be succinct. Maybe then we wouldn't be here listening to OP, but I have a feeling stuff like this will keep happening for a while.

>be succinct
>tell me the


>> No.12566566

That said, I should try being more succint. It's not as if there isn't proper context for it, though I do enjoy just rambling on 4chan in my """freeeee tiiiiiiime,""" lol

>> No.12566575

Based and redpilled.
Can confirm what this anon said.
I met my wife when I was 14. Now 24 getting married soon and both have education and also jobs going that we like because they are brining us closer to our ideals.
The jist of the matter is that if you get serious early on in life you have it all figured out just in time. Sure there will be mistakes and disruptive forces of life but with a partner that knows you well and loves you you are much more resilient and ambitious.

>> No.12566583

If you're a man you can marry later, no problemo.

>> No.12566611

You are SUCH a faggot. 28 is nowhere near the point of no return. Might as well kill yourself then.

>> No.12566619

Freedom is acting with you own will free from the coercion of society and free from the animalistic urges of your Id. This does not mean that you can't interact with society at large to gain what you WANT. It's all about finding your freedom (which is truly not that easy in our system of dehumanization) and then fighting for it relentlessly since you know it to be right for you.

>> No.12566631

>I met my wife when I was 14. Now 24 getting married soon
you're a fucking loser

>> No.12566646

Say that to my face after I told you that she is the only girl I had sex with. And to my knowledge she hasn't had sex with another guy aswell ;)

>> No.12566669

Good on you Anon, will you have kids?
I don't think I want them and marrying without planning to have kids is retarded.

>> No.12566852

I know it's a meme these days, but reading the Stoics helped me greatly.

>> No.12566907

My diary desu

>> No.12566916

>tfw already 24
>still not a successful millionaire

Will this suffering ever end?

>> No.12566929

inshallah! I cannot believe that anyone over 16 posts here, nevermind looks to /lit/ for life advice.

>I'm 28
What in the creators name is wing with you? What has impeded your development...... video games, anime, maybe you're cognitively impaired.

>> No.12566948

Kant didn't publish the first Critique until he was 57. It's never too late.

>> No.12566956
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Tidy up.

>> No.12566994

the wanderer, knut hamsun

>> No.12567165
File: 848 KB, 1050x1042, Timbercar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you're letting societal expectations run your life

>> No.12567248

based dkr poster

>> No.12567292

>"too old to start major changes in your life and switch paths"

Sorry the owl didn't deliver your train tickets to Hogwarts, anon. I guess now all there is left for you is to grow up.

>> No.12567335

*fast forward 7 months*
hey gouys i am thinking about divorce ,because my wife had sex with another guy, saying she "just was curious how it feels with another man" and that our marriage "should be open from now on". books for this feel?

>> No.12567350

Dude ive fucked up alot. I'm 26 and I plan on 35 being the prime of my life and working toward that goal. I'm certainly disappointed with life and myself but neither of us are too old to change. I'm two weeks sober now and I'm 7 months into learning a trade I plan on owning a business. The last time I was sober was 6 years ago.

>> No.12567379

>6 years straight up drunk
>still writes coherent semtences and uses /lit/
i tips my fedora to you sir

>> No.12567387

dep... never mind

>> No.12567405

but muh race and the prospect of not being completely lonely

>> No.12567507

>hey guys i married my wife only after she fucked a 100 guys because I'm sure that she won't want to fuck other men after she has had her fun times

>> No.12568777

Timber is the most /lit/ diddy kong racing character.

>> No.12568813

bumper and tiptup are also pretty based

>> No.12568819

Try being mid 30s married with a kid, pets, mortgage. You can still drop everything and change your life OP. I cannot.

>> No.12568821

God I wish I was a kid again playing Diddy Kong Racing.

>> No.12568835

Tiptup was pretty good but I don't think I played with Bumper very much

>> No.12569073

I liked a badger in a video game, underrated species