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/lit/ - Literature

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12565599 No.12565599 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do, from a writing standpoint, when you've seen so many themes, motifs, feelings, and ideas explored in so many books, movies, and other media? I mean what do you do when you've felt every emotion under the sun, but none of them were your own? When you're affected so strongly by other works, but look inward and find nothing? I'm not saying I have no ideas - I think I have some - but all my feelings are 'meta' so to speak; I have strong feelings about reading a book, that I want to express in writing, but I don't want to make my narrative about another narrative, and I also don't want to copy somebody else's narrative. But again when I look inward, I have no narratives. The only narrative I have in life is that of observing other narratives. Given this, none of my writing seems worthwhile, in fact it seems downright banal because it's really just me trying to express how I felt about a particular narrative. Ontop of this I have no sense of objective correlative, so everything I write is in monologue form, or taken from some incredibly transparent perspective/narrator.
What do? What do u think about all this? Besides the obvious notion that im incompetent.

>> No.12565801

Go get some life experience

>> No.12565913

no you dont understand - experience is only a starting point, a formality - even if I had experience it wouldn't mean anything. All my experiences are emotionally dead. The real world to me is emotionally dead, ignoble, and contemptible. Experiences don't enlighten me, they cake on like mold. They don't give me art, on the contrary they make me realize that life falls short of art. How can I extrapolate anything from this. I get punched, I tell the story, I'm still empty. No, narratives are personal, intrapsychic things, which must come from the realization of ones own inner tendencies both intellectual and aesthetic. My inner tendencies are based on ephemeral feelings caused within me by anime shows and classical music. Do you see my problem. I can't do this anymore...

>> No.12565956

>life falls short of art
No shit, Sherlock. If life could live up to art, almost nobody would bother with art. Art should be about enahncing reality. Also, what do you even want to write about? If you're an observer, you should go with it and write about other people's narratives and the emotions they stirred up in you. If you don't want that, then look for something that might inspire a worthwhile story: an episode from your past, a seaside town you visited in your childhood, a weird photo you saw once, your crush in middle school. Literally anything can jumpstart a story.