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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 750x497, bulgaria-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12563779 No.12563779 [Reply] [Original]

What do they have to offer?

>> No.12563784

The only thing I know about Bulgaria is that they used to have an "empire," they got gangbanged in the Balkan wars and yogurt.

>> No.12563790

Lots of skinny girls from all the making themselves puke

>> No.12563791

Like most of the shit surrounding them: nothing. Nuke it all.

>> No.12563794

What do they have to offer when it comes to literature*

>> No.12563798


>> No.12563806

t. butthurt Romanian

>> No.12563809

I am Korean

>> No.12563817

even a bigger meme than Romania then

>> No.12563824

Yeah Korea is hell. Glad I left that k-poop piece of shit land.

>> No.12563840

unskilled labour

>> No.12563884
File: 123 KB, 750x550, haus-wittgenstein-fachada-sur-de-la-casa-en-su-estado-original-foto-de-1971-the-wittgenstein-house-bernhard-leitner-princeton-architectural-press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haus Wittgenstein, unfortunately
and thats about it

>> No.12563885

Georgi Gospodinov.
Macedonian here. Thumbs up for this guy.

>> No.12563947

Canetti's Bulgarian I think? He wrote in German though

>> No.12563961

Canetti is Chinese

>> No.12563980

There are some good Bulgarian books, but I am not sure how available are they in other languages. I would recommend “Wolf hunt” by Ivailo Petrov and “Avalanche” by Blaga Dimitrova. I also like the works of Dimitar Talev but they are all about Bulgarian historic events and a bit one-dimensional and as such I don’t think a foreigner would enjoy them.

>> No.12563991 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 1080x608, Kosovo-Map_Responsive_1080x608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they have to offer, except human organs?

>> No.12563997
File: 43 KB, 285x430, main-qimg-c10b122c314c0bd4e061ae42e217691f-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they have to offer, except human organs?

>> No.12564003

I think they gave cyrillics to Russia.
So they basically are precursors of Russian literature.
Also Azis is a modern day poet.

>> No.12564080

We both very well know, that Shiptars are never going to fulfill their fantasies, and that their "state" is just a product of Austrian meddling to stop Serbia from having a coastline.

Once the riverbed runs dry, the Shiptar will concentrate himself around Tirana again, leaving the rest of the lands for Slavic and Hellenic BVLLS.

>> No.12564181

I just looked up Bulgaria because I never heard of it . I now care less about Bulgaria than I did before.

>> No.12564306

I know a hot girl from Bulgaria but she only dates men 5-10 years older than me

>> No.12564436

Nicola Vapcarov for some nice comi poetry.
Mostly poetry is what we are good at. Novels I'm not sure they are that enjoyable for foreigners the classics deal with Bulgarian problems and identity.
Maybe something new I have heard good things , haven't read anyting tho.

>> No.12564445

Indian-looking esoteric gurus that teach their westernized amalgams of Yoga and other stuff in France, slavised Turks, and monks who eat their yoghurt with horse blood to attain eternal youth.

Pretty cool desu

>> No.12564481

Yoga gurus ??

>> No.12564691
File: 183 KB, 922x1330, omraam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanov. I know it wasn't really Yoga, but the guy looks like Sadhguru and his gymnastics look like Yoga.

>> No.12564700

I still can't believe Albanian is an Indo-European language.

>> No.12564706

Nothing of interest to the outside world. Almost all of the famous works deal with the Bulgarian condition and with the Bulgarian history that has led to said condition. The poetry is pretty cool but it requires knowledge of the language.

t. bulge-aryan

>> No.12564710

Peter Deunov was the real Bulgarian philosopher, I guess this guy was inspired by him to transfer it to France.

>> No.12564737



>> No.12564765

Me neither man, but then on the other hand, Tocharian and those weird Anatolian languages that seem to bascially consist solely of consonants are, too.

>> No.12565806

>T R I M O R E T A
daskala u uchiliste kaza 5 ama...

Veselin Hanchev
Penyo Penev
Pencho Slaveykov
Geo Milev
Atanas Dalchev
Hristo Smirnenski
Hristo Botev
Nicola Vapcarov

Lyuben Dilov 1927 - 2008 (the science-fiction writer. not his son)
Dimitar Talev
Pavel Vezhinov
Svetoslav Minkov

Hristo Vakarelski

>> No.12566092

Nothing. We have poetry, which is not good for being popular in other languages. We have a good modernist nazi vs commies through the eyes of a bourgie thot novel called "Tabaco"

>> No.12566124

>Serbia, Greece, Turkey and Romania

>> No.12566136

Don't lump in Romania and Turkey with Greece and Serbia(literature-wise)

>> No.12566290
File: 93 KB, 1024x738, 1024px-Intermediate_Region_FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greece and Turkey both have Nobel literature laureates, while Romania and Serbia have none. Goes to show balkanshits will always be serfs.

>> No.12566306

Lots of Byzantine archaeological significance. As for the people idk they're basically Slavs roleplaying as Greeks.

>> No.12566321
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 50e4d573d01445ea842c461feacda257_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well all of our writers in the 20 (and even 19th) century were antisemites,

>> No.12566341
File: 7 KB, 224x145, 224x145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobel prize
>for literature
Another way Jews can boost their numbers to show muh intelligence.

>> No.12566350

Just memeing man y'all are cool. It's living under gommunism more than anything that's the bane of literature.

>> No.12566361
File: 188 KB, 941x848, 3 moreta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invented the cyrrillic alphabet, and spread the idea of orthodox christianity to the kievan rus, and invented the first electronic computer

>> No.12566367

kys roach

>> No.12566389
File: 137 KB, 735x409, breaking-news-russia-bombs-turkish-capital-cockroaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying meds are on the same par as central asian oogaboogas with added muhummad DLC

>> No.12566402
File: 426 KB, 800x1161, DsiGDkiXQAAktvK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely (or not if you think about what Marxism does) books written during Communism have more erotica in them than the ones before.
But the number is smaller yes

>> No.12566441

Naturally, since pornography is a Jewish business and the best kind of weapon to dull the people's senses to the world around them crumbling to dust. You know the whole ordeal with Israel taking over the TV stations in Ramallah and broadcasting porn.

>> No.12566502



>> No.12566528

Bulgarians are the niggers of the Balkans. Literally dindu nuffins and WE WUZ KANGZ.

>> No.12566560


>> No.12566764

>this is what slavs phantasize about

>> No.12566912

>cyrrillic alphabet
not true

>invented the first electronic computer
what if 1/2 of him was


>Literally dindu nuffins
what did we do tho

>> No.12567649

We did invent it tho.
>Inb4 they where greek
Just think for a sek.

>> No.12567764

You literally didn't. Cyrillic is just bastardized Greek with a few borrowings from Glagolitic (which you did invent).

>> No.12567842

Mиcия нa Киpил и Meтoдий във Beликoмopaвия пpи княз Pocтиcлaв. Mopaвcкaтa миcия билa пpeдизвикaнa oт мopaвcкия княз Pocтиcлaв, кoйтo peшил дa ocвoбoди зeмятa cи oт чyждaтa нeмcкo-лaтинcкa цъpкoвнa и пpocвeтнa пpoпaгaндa, пpoпpaвящa път към влaдичecтвo нa гepмaнcкитe фeoдaли. Pocтиcлaв иcкaл дa cлaвянизиpa цъpквaтa, кaтo cъдaдe cлaвянcкo дyхoвeнcтвo и cлaвянcкo бoгocлyжeниe въpхy ocнoвaтa нa eднa cлaвянcкa пиcмeнocт.

i k'vo da mu mislq

>> No.12567856

I kirelicata e bazirana vurhu rabotata na kiril i metodii