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/lit/ - Literature

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12563621 No.12563621 [Reply] [Original]

What is the purpose of Literature?

>> No.12563631


To convey ideas, using the medium of writing.

>> No.12563644

To further the Revolution, of course. It concerns me that you even feel the need to ask such a thing. I’ll be informing the Commissar of this.

>> No.12563718

Literature doesn’t need a point. If something you’re reading “has a point” it’s very likely it’s not literature.

>> No.12563899

To spread lies and keep people away from true knowledge.

>> No.12563920

Fuck off Plato, no one invited you

>> No.12564365

Make people comfortable with life

>> No.12564383

It has all the purpose we put into it, anon. I wish it were all for creating beauty.

>> No.12564384

To 让哲学变为群众手里的尖锐武器, obviously

>> No.12564386

Verse has a public responsibility.

Good verse is a public service.
Its method is theology.

Bad verse is a crime.

>> No.12564546

Why do the Chinese propaganda posters have the protagonists with thick eyebrows?

>> No.12564550

To distract our dear comrades from the Tienanmen Square massacre

>> No.12564903


Mao's gay fantasy

>> No.12564995

Fucking retard

>> No.12565084

Remember when this shit was cutting edge propaganda? It almost seems honest, these days. Posters of "We're the government and this is what we want you to think." Nowadays the "government" doesn't really even exist, and the "propaganda" are people (and machines) who represent themselves as the demographic the (owners of) the governments want you to dislike

>> No.12565118

It's the closest to telepathy we have.

>> No.12565426

That’s not a purpose that’s a quality

>> No.12565506

To exist

>> No.12565581


pleb spotted.
Literature is for pleasure alone, namely, the pleasure your mind gets from projecting meaning over an aesthetic experience.
Conveying ideas is something science and philosophy do. Literature does not explain anything nor wants to explain anything to you. Literature puts an experience in front of you and leaves you to judge it. There is no final meaning nor importance of the experience separatedly from your individual life experiencing it, contrarily to what happens for philosophy and science, which are explanatory codes aiming at independent truth value.

>> No.12565620


>> No.12565651

t. Nabokov

>> No.12566127

To reveal that which shows itself as that which shows itself in the manner in which it shows itself.

>> No.12566148

to make me feel smart when I'm actually a total fucking retard

>> No.12566149

To give life to timeless characters like Winnie the Pooh

>> No.12566153

Depends who wrote it

>> No.12566159

>What is the purpose of Literature?
To spread propaganda.

>> No.12566243
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This unironically

>> No.12566257

To distract man from the problem of existing in the world

>> No.12566258

Literature, like all art, is for pure aesthetic pleasure. Any and all political literature (and art) is at best a poster and at worst an advertisement.

>> No.12567920


That is a purpose better filled by things other than Literature.

>> No.12567936

You're joking but it's true. All art is intrinsically leftist and progressive in nature. Each book gets us a little bit closer to the revolution.

>> No.12568008
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>All art is intrinsically leftist and progressive in nature.

>> No.12568910
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hahaha "revolution" hohohoho "leftist" hehehehe "progressive"

>> No.12568942

>Literature, like all art, is for pure aesthetic pleasure.


>> No.12569035

>Bad verse is a crime.

By whose definition?

>> No.12569154

Yea published scientific literature is only for pleasure and not for learning. (I'm being ironic)

>> No.12569164

90 bucks is nothing. I spend more than that in a day.

>> No.12569173

to make bok

>> No.12569190

If we define literature = art + writing
then art = the artificial unpractical psychological creation.
and writing = writing

>> No.12569201

Good times

>> No.12569204

>the "propaganda" are people (and machines) who represent themselves as the demographic the (owners of) the governments want you to dislike
The fact that this works so well is ominous

>> No.12569212

Varies by genre. Generally it simulates the brain through a type of hallucination. I guess it's supposed to have a meditative effect to work for a large number of people, but really whatever conclusions you want the reader to draw are at the author's whom. Then again there's also just straight genre fiction, which usually has no moral, at least not a meaningful one, and it's also written to be less absorbing, so as not to accidently leave any change in the personality of the audience

>> No.12569538


FPBP here, dumbo spotted. The purpose of literature is to convey ideas, using the medium of writing. This is a satisfactory definition which encompasses all forms of literature—this is necessary to such a definition as literature includes fiction, non-fiction, and other genres (certain kinds of speculative philosophy can be classed as between the two, for example).

Your complaint has multiple problems: first, literature is broader than the fiction-related genres which your desired aesthetic pleasure probably (but not necessarily) refers to. Second, "conveying ideas" is a general phrase which encompasses and subsumes your particular (wished-to-be) conveyed idea: the receipt of aesthetic pleasure, so you've restricted your universe of discourse when no such restriction was necessary. The third point is just a slight negative variant on the second: "conveying ideas" is not the same thing as "explaining things", but rather a broader former category which again includes and subsumes the latter.

Now, if you wanted to argue the purpose of /literary fiction/, then you might be onto something. But not literature qua literature, which includes law, political books, scientific writings, and the trilingual fold-out instructions which came with the band saw.

Simply put, "conveying ideas" is a general phrase which covers every sort of idea which may be written or spoken of, and "in writing" covers every medium of communication which can conceivably be referred to as literature, as we understand the word. In closing and to reiterate, you're dumb.

>> No.12569978

to make girls think I'm smart

>> No.12569987

some asian people do look like that, Emomali Rahmon for example

I wonder if the rural areas where Mao took refuge in was more filled with that kind of phenotype than the typical Han Chinese