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/lit/ - Literature

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12563599 No.12563599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12563605

Lit on why two nukes were not enough?

>> No.12563611

that's rubbish anon, i love women and i want them to be able to vote and find it tremendously sad they only received the right to do so this late. i love women and i want them to be as happy as they can be

>> No.12563612

Because they're libs, sage

>> No.12563617
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why stop at women?

>> No.12563619
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It only encourages them. (The politicians)

All should be allowed their vote in small scale direct-democracy for localized functions and decision making.

>> No.12563624

Lit on white minorities?

>> No.12563625

The female creature is ruled by emotions, and thus unable to think rationally. A woman's favorite book is Harry Potter, and it is no coincidence that it is the highest level of literature they have ever read, or will indeed ever read. Does this mean the woman should not be able to vote? Consider: in order to participate in democracy, it is in the best interest of society that its participants are well-informed on current issues. But for a populace that is ruled by emotions, are they not vulnerable to emotional manipulation?

A society with a voting woman is a society ruled by oligarchs who manipulate the "democracy" facade.

>> No.12563632

Democracy is garbage and if we have to have voting it should be restricted again to white landowning males over the age of twenty one, preferably also properly (PROPERLY) educated in the artes liberales.

>> No.12563637

women will never be happy under democracy
its just not a happy system

>> No.12563691

They should, but with some exceptions. Receiving any alimony or child support payments from a former spouse or mate should redact their right to vote. They already made one bad decision, let's not let them make another. Also those on food stamps or within the 1% tax bracket should have their right to vote waved. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12563702

i agree with this. but regardless of the system, women should have the personal power they deserve. personally im a noob to politics, the only system i'd support is a philosopher-king/philosopher-queen setup

>> No.12563738
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>They think they're seeing democracy.
>While under a capitalist economy
It's like you've never heard of the word 'corruption'

>> No.12563746

nobody should be allowed to vote

>> No.12563780

Indeed, and it only gets worse when the politicians are women too.

>> No.12563782
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>> No.12563799

It would be more effective and less slippery-slopeish to just say no to women voting due to their tendency for more emotional decision making. Basing policy upon exceptions rather than averages is foolish, and if the few rational women are truly rational and insightful they will understand it's for the best.

>> No.12563802

We'll never be able to stop the global alienation. Capitalism or not, it's gonna be intergovernmental organizations establishing treaties that everyone on earth will have to follow til the bitter end.

>> No.12563816

Only net positive tax payers should be allowed to vote

>> No.12563829

I don't care which one votes, but the there should only be one vote per family. Otherwise, politicians can play the young against the old, men against women, etc, continuing to divide us through identity politics. One vote, One (land-owning) family!

>> No.12563831
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Should narcissists vote?

>> No.12563832

This is the /lit/ board and you fools haven't even read Plato or Aristotle's critiques of Athenian Democracy. They complained about the people being too emotional as well, and only men could vote in Athens. None of you are nearly as clever as you think you are. People in general are swayed by emotional pleas and bullshit - not just women

>> No.12563846
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The Assemblywomen by Aristophanes. Pretty funny satire/comedy that kinda makes sense even now.

>> No.12563848

If the rest of us have to why shouldn't they? Voting is immoral in the first place. Stop pretending women don't sin.

>> No.12563853

Of course, but women moreso. What, degrees don't matter? Fuck off.

>> No.12563855

He's mocking male speakers in that text. Aristophanes loved women, he must have got the best whores.

>> No.12563860

It's not directly about women participating in democracy (the play's message was "the men in Athenian democracy right now are feminine pussies"), but the message is basically the same: female qualities don't belong in government.

>> No.12563868

not this again please

>> No.12563959

Democracy is a shit system to begin with

>> No.12563985
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>Give up
How brave

>> No.12563989


>> No.12564101

Why should he? Are you getting tired of wearing butterfly's corpse and need a new host? Pick another namefag not anon

>> No.12565210

>implying anyone can be happy under democracy
This. Women should have the same personal liberty as men, and the ones who are intelligent and capable enough should be our leaders. Democracy however, cannot work if it is anything other than direct democracy.

>> No.12565227
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Wile i agree that women should vote, i don't agree that idiots should.
If the vote of a scholar has the same weight as the vote of a pot head then we are simply muddying the waters of democracy. It (semi) worked in Athens because the populace was educated and understood the value of intelligence. While i do understand that all classes of people should have a say in the government, there should be a test to see if they are smart enough to make a choice based on their political beliefs and not based on a popularity contest.

>> No.12565251
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We haven't any fully functional democracies.

>> No.12565315

not sure theres much relevance in that considering how many men act like women nowadays, and im not even talking about trannies

>> No.12565332

Women are borderline retarded and are strung along by their emotions and pursit of living a pampered, carefree life. Men do hard work and are capable of more complex thinking and actions.

>> No.12565390
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