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12563198 No.12563198 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about picking this up for $20, but it looks like a lot of it is just raging against Jews.

I get tired of the obsessive anti-semitism in some fascist literature. It comes across as very nigger-tier to me. Can anyone confirm if this book has any interesting/inspirational things in it, or is it mostly a giant Jew-bashing ragefest?

>> No.12563257

it has a lot of interesting stuff in it

>> No.12563395

complete snore-fest, don't bother with it
$20 for a copy of this garbage is a joke

>> No.12563462

Yeah that's the impression I got from skimming the PDF

>> No.12563820

>Muh jews
>Muh past
>Muh glories
>Muh action
I summed up the book for you

>> No.12563986

If you want a decent case against the jews and a look at romania fascism, arguably the second most extreme in history, take it.
If you want to sole any social problem, then no, it's solutions are basically orthodox dictatoship.

>> No.12564057

What's the most extreme form of fascism?

>> No.12564187

Reading Ron Unz and Paul Gottfried (both Jews) on the subversion of Jewish organizations push has made antisemetism seem less paranoid to me, but yeah, it can get excessive. You might try St. Nikolai of Ohrid instead. Although I have not read Codreanu.

Kerry Bolton whom I see wrote the introduction is pretty good despite being a Hitlerite and a heathen, neither of which I care for

>> No.12564226

Your mom

>> No.12564413
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And that's all that matters, don't like facts?
Read some Jewish books then, pic related

>> No.12564600

No I'm aware of the JQ, but the rabbid obsessive anti-semitism of some right-wingers reaches nigger-tier levels sometimes. They literally just sound like niggers screeching about "Whiteness".

Racial resentment turns people into effeminate whiny bitches. Doesn't mean you can't acknowledge Jews are doing some psycho shit. But also there are some good Jewish ppl out there too.

I read that Corneliu convinced his followers to raid a Jewish town of 4,000 people. This is what I hate about racial resentment. A lot of those people were probably just regular working people, but for some reason it's super based and redpilled to go attack them cuz they're Jewish. These doofuses don't even end up getting the elitist Zionists most of the time, they just get a bunch of fucking shoe shop owners.


>> No.12564684

Negroes don't use that term

That Jewish networks and organizations control finance and media (which they use to subvert sexual mores and white identity) is undeniable, states literally pass laws that ban boycotting Israel and require state employees to proclaim support for Israel. If Russians had the same presence in finance and media as Jews, and state employees had to pledge support for Russia, and boycotting Russia were illegal, we'd say we're in very very serious trouble. This is where we're at with Jews.

Corneliu lived in a time when comnunist revolutionaries were often working class Jews, that's not really relevant to today of course.

>> No.12564696
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Unlike today, maybe, antisemitism in Romania then had its reasons

>By 1825, Jewish population in Wallachia (almost completely Sephardi) was estimated at between 5,000 and 10,000 people - of these, the larger part resided in Bucharest (probably as much as 7,000 in 1839); around the same time, Moldavia was home to about 12,000 Jews.[33] In parallel, the Jewish population in Bukovina rose from 526 in 1774 to 11,600 in 1848.[34] In the early 19th century, Jews who sought refuge from Osman Pazvantoğlu's campaign in the Balkans established communities in Wallachian-ruled Oltenia.

>When Charles von Hohenzollern succeeded Cuza(that was anti Jewish immigration in Romania) in 1866 as Carol I of Romania, the first event that confronted him in the capital was a riot against the Jews. (Against the immigration of Jews)
Carol was OK with the Jews, some say that's the reason Cuza was dethroned

>By 1900 there were 250,000 Romanian Jews [...] 42% of Iași population

>antisemitism also tended to surface in on the left-wing of the political spectrum, in currents originating in Poporanism - which favoured the claim that peasants were being systematically exploited by Jews.

>The popularity of anti-Jewish messages was, nevertheless, on the rise, and merged itself with the appeal of fascism in the late 1920s - both contributed to the creation and success of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu's Iron Guard and the appearance of new types of anti-Semitic discourses (Trăirism and Gândirism). The idea of a Jewish quota in higher education became highly popular among Romanian students and teachers.

In this book you have exactly this, the perspective of a Romanian student, Codreanu, and how he became aware about the JQ, the events that lead to him creating the Iron Guard and more

>> No.12564701
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>obsessive anti-semitism in some fascist literature. It comes across as very nigger-tier to me
But that is just par for the course?

>> No.12564753



>> No.12564772

>Negroes don't use that term
The intellectualized niggers like Michael Dyson do. Average niggers just say "whITe boi" in a frustrated way

>normie jews were commies
ah interesting

There's reasons for anti-semitism today but being an anti-semite still turns you into a faggot. I think Nietzche talks about this a bit.

Interesting stats though I can see how that'd be a problem

Maybe i'll still pick it up

>> No.12564808

Nietzsche thinks Jews destroyed his beloved antiquity. He just hated Germans even more

Jews rant far more about ebil white man than Negroes dk

>> No.12564816
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Well one more thing I can tell you is that not all Jews were persecuted,
My mothers village, in Bucovina, had a pretty large number of Jews (not anymore they emigrated during Communism)
They had more problems with the communists than fascists (my grand grandmother was an orphan from the age of 14 because her family was deported to Siberia, and some Jews had the same fate)
And my father worked in Israel in the 90' as an electrician for some Romanian Jews that emigrated there also from Bucovina.

I would honestly say that the Jews in Romania had it better, relatively

>> No.12564832

>Jews rant far more about ebil white man than Negroes dk
Niggers and Jews aren't that different from each other. They both embody a very resentful feminine spirit. There's a reason they usually work together

>> No.12564842

Its really cringe man. Especially when you try to defend yourself and your people from being raped, tortured and killed. Also blood libel is not real, Noah Goldstein proved it with his professional theology.

>> No.12564874

Yeah but is the book good

>> No.12564988


>> No.12566779

Of course redpilled

>> No.12566840

Căpitanul salvează de la înec un evreu. „Nu contează că e evreu şi vă rog să reţineţi pentru totdeauna că nu împotriva evreilor ca atare trebuie să se îndrepte lupta necruţătoare a unui legionar autentic, ci contra celor ce fac rău României şi Bisericii creştine” (Revista „Cuvantul Romanesc”, septembrie 1994, Hamilton-Ontario)

>The captain rescues a Jew from drowning. "It does not matter that he is Jewish and I pray forever that it is not against the Jews as such that the cruel struggle of an authentic legionary must be directed against those who do evil to Romania and the Christian Church" (The Romanian Word Magazine, September 1994 , Hamilton-Ontario)

>> No.12566952

They very often hate each other, I knew a black guy in the army who sympathized with Hitler just because he hated Jews. They are allies of circumstance, not of nature.

>> No.12567192

You you burn in hell for blasphemy mutt. Lynch yourself.

>> No.12567211

Jews don’t control finance at all brainlet
>admitting to being Romanian
How you think you’re better than a Jew is impressive to me

>> No.12567234

This is a good book. Redpilled.

>> No.12567245
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>Jews don’t control finance at all brainlet

I love this board.

>> No.12567246

imagine not being an anti-semite in 2019

>> No.12567280

I'm not an anti-semite. I'm a counter-semite

>> No.12567401
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Kondo-sama is unironically more anti-semitic than Codreanu. Res non verba.

>> No.12567672

Fucking based.

>> No.12567687
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>> No.12567709
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>> No.12567711
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could this be...

>> No.12567731

It is quite sad really. Any fascist movement is almost immediately squashed by international finance and the democratic, liberal countries that it controls. This is somewhat to be expected since it is in the interest of the international to prevent any national movements that would give them independence. Some countries had better runs than others, but in the end they all succumbed to international evil. I'm afraid that it'll only get worse from here.

>> No.12567844
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>leaving out the best fascist
Typical Nazi apologia.

>> No.12568102

What I would enact if I found myself in the Oval Office