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/lit/ - Literature

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12562501 No.12562501 [Reply] [Original]

He's one of the most well read people I know. Been reading since 4; 20,000 books in his life, he's also Russian and can speak & read 7 languages (French, English, Russian, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, and Latin).

I gave him my copies of Blood Meridian, Ulysses, and A confederacy of Dunces.

3 Weeks later and he said they were all pretty bad.

Confederacy of dunces was the best ("it was readable, but pretty boring")

Blood meridian was the second best/worst ("If I was on an island and that was the only book I had I could find something about it that I like")

Ulysses the worst ("Awful, a book not for pleasure but for scholars and professors, like reading a textbook, except more difficult for no reason")

I told him about this community and he said "they're a bunch of young kids who want to impress others with how difficult their literature is".

His favorite books are:

* The Bible

* Montaigne's Essays

* Essential Dialogues of Plato (Jowett translation)

I'll post some of his library below in pictures.

>> No.12562504
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>> No.12562509
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Sorry they're behind a glass case

>> No.12562510

Which translation of the Bible? Sounds like a hebetated faggot though

>> No.12562517
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>> No.12562523
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Might be time to put him in a home desu

>> No.12562524
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and sideways for some reason

>> No.12562530
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>> No.12562541
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>> No.12562545


King James ("Most poetic, most beautiful, not most accurate, but I'm not a scholar")

>> No.12562549

he's based and correct
introduce him to infinite jest next

>> No.12562556 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a godly grandpa

>> No.12562559


But it’s crap.

>> No.12562571

shut the FUCK up

>> No.12562573

based gramps

>> No.12562585

I fucking hate your guts please kill youself

>> No.12562591

Oops meant to reply to:

>> No.12562595

How did he manage to read 20000 books and not read Ulysses.

>> No.12562596 [DELETED] 

In the light of God, Anon remembered all of the destructive things he had said in his life, and he wept 10 000 tears.

>> No.12562602

none of this happened

>> No.12562611


He had read Joyce before and did not like Dubliners. Thought it was boring, and felt no need to try anything else. He has a limited time and will only read authors if he feels they have something worth reading.

He read it at my request.

>> No.12562613

You’re not impressing anyone


>> No.12562614


I have photos of his library. If you don't believe me (for some weird reason I would be making this up) then just leave the thread.

>> No.12562618

Why would that make a person weep? That I can cause people agony with aural figments never ceases to amaze me. It's like a super power.

>> No.12562621

>I have photos of his library
unimpeachable evidence

>> No.12562630


Exactly what he was talking about. Sarcastic young kids trying to impress.

>> No.12562633

Wipe your nose. It smells like your grandpa's ass.

>> No.12562637

keep posting I want to see more of your bookshelves

>> No.12562716

This. I was enjoying them. Which Vidal is that?

>> No.12562751

Hah, implying that’s the goal here. Unlike you, I’m anonymous with each post and I don’t give a shit about how I come off in my posts and most of the time just lurk because I come here for entertainment. All I wish to gain from posting my hate for you is that it will register, that you will grow to understand that I, anonymous, hate you. I hate you so strongly that witnessing your death would bring the sort of ecstasy people experience in religious states or hardcore drug use.

>> No.12562761
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cool it with the autism

>> No.12562774
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It doesn’t mean anything to me though.
If you’re sincere, this anger is only agitating you. Fyi

>> No.12562784


Those weren't my bookshelves and those were the only photos I took. I can show you my personal collection of books if you guys are interested.

>> No.12562792

>Blood meridian was the second best/worst ("If I was on an island and that was the only book I had I could find something about it that I like")

That's funny because the reasons McCarthy is so revered is because we are on somewhat of an island in terms of contemporary literature.

>> No.12562797

I’m only as sincere as someone can be about something as absurd as this. But I still mean every word. I bet you like the attention tripfag, I bet you’re flattered by it

>> No.12562807

He is completely right. Based.

>> No.12562813


What’ve you been reading?

>> No.12562819
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I don’t read faggot

>> No.12562885


You do read, you're just scared of being judged on what you read.

>> No.12562894

Oh, you must "read"! What is it? Evola? How about Dugin?

>> No.12562896

i want to give butterfly a big kiss on the lips!

>> No.12562905


I don't know who those people are.

I read mainly chess books, philosophy, and novels.

>> No.12562923

Thoughts on Houellebecq?

>> No.12562925
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>I don’t read
>I read mainly chess books, philosophy, and novels.
I bet your "Russian" grandfather is "BASED ORDODOX :D" as well?

>> No.12562933

Now make him read Gravity's Rainbow... by force.

>> No.12562934


No he's a russian Jew. He's not christian (although he does believe in a god). He reads the bible because he finds it to be a very beautiful book.

>> No.12562941

idiot frogposter

>> No.12562945
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>> No.12562958

haha nope, I just bounce around 4chan trolling for (You)s, I haven’t read in years and when I did it was shitty fantasy

>> No.12562990


You're reading right now.

>> No.12562993

I'm using text to speech faggot

>> No.12562996


You read signs when you go into a mcdonalds

>> No.12562998

>Jowett translation
Oh no no no no no

>> No.12563002

>not enjoying Ulysses

i dont care how fucking old your pap-pap is he's a pleb and his shitty opinions don't justify your own

spooked ass nigger faggot

>> No.12563007

>e/lit/ists get fucked by boomer: the thread

>> No.12563046
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Here's my collection, incase you don't believe it.

>> No.12563064

Have you read Stefan Zweigs chess story

>> No.12563067

I understand not liking Ulysses, but a well read person should at bare minimum one be able to enjoy Dubliners and Portrait. You're grandpa is mistaken.

>> No.12563068



>> No.12563071

He sounds like a huge brainlet. Reading lots of books doesn’t automatically make you a smart person

>> No.12563097


Who knows, I personally liked Ulysses and Portrait (never read dubliners though). Some people just don't like certain works or styles.

After reading so many books (he reads very quickly, whenever he's not working or doing anything important he's reading) he just reads books that he really likes over and over (I also forgot to mention in the original that he loves all of shakespeare's works. He adores them, the plays, the sonnets, all of it).

His thoughts on the book were pretty much that he could spend his time better elsewhere.

>> No.12563103



>> No.12563112
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>(Jowett translation)
and that's how you know it's bait.

>> No.12563119

>read 20.000 books in his long life
>haven't read Ulysses

OP is a faggot

>> No.12563126

jokes on you, I don’t leave the house, mommy tends to all my tendie needs

>> No.12563130

I have that same collection of Poe
I have that same collection of Sherlock Holmes
I have that same edition of The Master and Margarita

>> No.12563135


Until I lended it to him the only work he read by Joyce was dubliners and didn't like it so he abandoned Joyce unless he was given a reason to pay attention to him (which was me giving him my copy of ulysses and asking him to read it).

He doesn't read to go down a list. He reads for enjoyment.

I personally enjoyed Ulysses but he didn't (he doesn't seem to enjoy Joyce's style in general).

>> No.12563191

Your grandfather sounds cool, anon. I'm the only person in my family who reads so I hope one day I'll have a grandson who'll show me the books his friends like. And I hope I can read as much as he has.

>> No.12563208


thanks anon :)

>> No.12563210

Nobody is obligated to enjoy something simply because you do (or pretend to). Stop being spineless pricks who read for a false pretense of superiority and instead develop individual preferences.

I have a lot of respect for your grandfather's love of reading.

>> No.12563216

>prides himself on being a polyglot
>reads Plato in translation

>> No.12563221

your family is a confederacy of dunces

>> No.12563222


He can't read greek.

He also doesn't pride himself on being a polyglot. He constantly downplays it. He never actually told me he can read and speak 7 languages, I had to have my grandmother tell me while we were making salat de beouf.

>> No.12563228


Thanks anon :)

>> No.12563233

I respect and appreciate your gramps’s opinion. The only basis of conversation Ive had with some older foreginers is Plato and the Bible so I get this perspective. The man likes what he likes.

>> No.12563246

>(or pretend to)
>read for a false pretense of superiority

>imagine being this mad you can't grasp the infinite beauty of ulysses

>> No.12563262

>but a well read person should at bare minimum one be able to enjoy Dubliners and Portrait.
not trying to be an ass, but why?

>> No.12563293

Fucking based grandfather, Dickens is that one writer people all agree is good but don't take a chance to read him. His books are truly comfort books I bet he has more than David Copperfield

>> No.12563315


He has around 20 box-like thingies with glass that was made for him by a friend. Each of them can store like 80 or so books, I think?

He definitely has more Dickens, I don't know how much but he likes him.

>> No.12563398

Post more of the shelves pls.

>> No.12563405

there's something wrong with you dude

>> No.12563422

I told him about this community and he said "they're a bunch of young kids who want to impress others with how difficult their literature is".

Did you show him any threads here? Tell him about John Green, Tao Lin, Rupi Kaur, DFW, Harold Bloom and Pregnant Anne Frank. /lit/ has a lot of good memes.

>> No.12563438
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disliking Blood Meridian is unacceptable

>> No.12563451


20,000 books? wtf. how old is he? in 80 years that would be 250 books a year, that's like an entire book every 1-2 days for an entire lifetime?

i don't believe you but maybe you could be exaggerating. why dont you tell us more about ur gay old grandpa. what has he done with his life? his vocation?

>> No.12563458

sodomite homosexualists detected. the only options for Plato are Jowett or Greek.

>> No.12563486

The beauty of Dubliners and Portrait is basically self-evident, It honestly does not compute with me that someone cannot recognize this beauty unless they have colossally misread Joyce. Ulysses is a tough read so I understand that, but Dubliners and Portrait are such short books, and by such an immensely poetical talent. I don't get it.

>> No.12563510

>"they're a bunch of young kids who want to impress others with how difficult their literature is".

>> No.12563576

Ulysses had a fascination with excrement that usually signals a narcissistic and neurotic mind and I don't find it pleasing. Can you give me reasons for why these are somehow essentials aside from just "it is"? I was expecting you to tear me a new ass about prose or something, y'know?

>> No.12563603

zomg Le Old guy red books!!

It’s nice you have this relationship with your grandfather but what kind of thread is this..

>> No.12564045


>> No.12564063

Confederacy of Dunces is bad

>> No.12564100

>meaningless drivel

learn to postivistic-realism

>> No.12564134

OP's grandfather simple has little ear for english prose, that's it.

>> No.12564176

well he's a russian kike, so probably an immigrant, it's not a surprise his english is bad

>> No.12564193

Most old Russian kikes that I know don't care about philosophy. Actually, most people that read(a bunch) don't care about philosophy as much as your grandpa(or this board).

>> No.12564200

>Montaigne's Essays
He's an ubernormie mediocrity who cares

>> No.12564363
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Where do I start with this fellow?

>> No.12564388

It’s breddy gud

>> No.12564497

If he's really as well read as he says he is there's no way he hasn't AT LEAST read 2/3 of those books if not all of them.

>> No.12565057

Sounds like your grandpa is a cool guy. I wish I had a grandpa like that. You are lucky OP.

>> No.12565080


Your grandpa is a brainlet OP

>> No.12565125

his essays
but that's it

>> No.12565170


Hes 73. He reads very quickly.

That was the figure he told me but he could be exaggerating.

He worked as an engineer most of his life

>> No.12565987

Oh my lads. Let us pool our laughter against this autist. Hopefully you're just trying to make us laugh because the sad clown act is working.

>> No.12565998

Sperg-tastic post. You fit right in!

>> No.12566010

>dear /lit/: my slave driving jewish russian oligarch grandfather who had to scream at peasants in 7 commiebloc languages is a typical STEMlord psued who venerates Dickens
None of these are surprising facts OP.

>> No.12566042

photo all library at one pic? you low rez fucking lier

>> No.12566045

Whats the third one on the top?

>> No.12566062

Epic bro.

>> No.12566536

>all these faggots buttmad that people with genuine intrinsic love of reading don't pay attention to their snobby meme trilogy
wish I could get some beers with your grandfather, he sounds like a cool dude and he has a really cool collection

>> No.12566547

We're shitting on OP who gives a fuck what some old USSR jew thinks about books written in english?

>> No.12566564
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>favorite book
>the bible

>> No.12566579

>favorite book - The Bible
small brain
>favorite non-fiction - The Bible
big glowy brain

>> No.12566601

>some guy blogposts about his grandpa
>/lit/ eats it up
alright i'm done with this garbage website, this place is no different from reddit at this point

>> No.12566624

See you tomorrow reddit

>> No.12566638

Based. Dubliners sucks at well.

>> No.12566768

favorite textbook - The Bible
exploding brain

>> No.12567476



>> No.12567569

I like grandpa already

>> No.12567816

Is ur grandpa a kike lover?

>> No.12567878

>Been reading since 4; 20,000 books in his life
Let's say he's 80
There are 29219.3759 days in 80 years
So you're saying he's read a book almost every other day of his life?

>> No.12568284

Anyone who falls for this LARP is either underage, newfag or intellectually stunted. Or all three.

>> No.12568302

he didn’t know about Joyce after reading 20000 books?

>> No.12568314

fake and gay

>> No.12568373

based grandpa

best "worldly advice" is not "jusburselfanon," its "Be your own Grandpa"

>> No.12568553

>they're a bunch of young kids who want to impress others with how difficult their literature is
This is exactly what an adolescent retard hopes a """true""" intellectual would think about the people he (the retard) has to deal with.

>Awful, a book not for pleasure but for scholars and professors, like reading a textbook, except more difficult for no reason
>more difficult for no reason
You insult your real grandpa by putting him on the same level of this mockery

OP you're a fucking brainlet and with this stunt have eternally locked yourself into the pseudo-intellectuals' box. Good job, I guess.

>> No.12568853

This thread is shit. SAGE

>> No.12569137

What do you like about it?

>> No.12569145

I just told my distant aunt about /lit/

She has read 3,000,000 books but never heard of James Joyce.

>> No.12570557

an attasck on chess

>> No.12570576

absolutely patrician grandpa

>> No.12570593

savage and based pilled frog postet

>> No.12570601

>Ulysses the worst ("Awful, a book not for pleasure but for scholars and professors, like reading a textbook, except more difficult for no reason")
While obviously a satire, there is some truth in the joke.

"Highbrow" literature, just like other arts, is more oriented to scholars or experts rathen than to the general public.
A "normal" person would find Ulysses as interesting as listening to Schönberg Wind Quartet.

>> No.12570615

OP never claimed his grandfather never heard of Joyce, just that he never read Ulysses.

>> No.12570655

>tfw no grandpa

>> No.12570672

Based grandad destryed forced /lit/ pseudofaggotry with one sentence

>> No.12570759

If your grandpa is 80 years old, 80 - 4 = 76 years of reading, which equals roughlt 27.000 days to read 20.000, so your grandpa read on average a book every 1,35 days for basically his entire life. I call bullshit

>> No.12570789

>no ones replied to this

>> No.12570796

>has spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on books

>> No.12571577


He is a "kike". As am I.

>> No.12571589

Why would someone who is not a Christian have The Bible in their three favorite books? What a turgid book.

>> No.12571643

Based. He's right about the three books you gave him. Poor grandpa that had to read that garbage.

>> No.12571692

>His favorite books are:
>* The Bible
Yeah sure.

>> No.12572073

99% sure his gramps is just a rich jew who has a 20k book library at home.

>> No.12572170

your grandpa sounds like a faggot

>> No.12572187
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>> No.12572206

Bible might be many things, but a "favorite book"? Give me a break.

>> No.12572215

based. sounds like he couldn't give a shit about what he should like and why and just reads what he wants without pretense.
unlike this board (me included) which feels the need to like and defend certain books because "you're supposed to" or you're a "brainlet".
Has your grandpa read lolita or nabokov in general? what does he think of him?

>> No.12572396

>favourite book is the bible
Yeah right. Either way this guy sounds like a retard.

>> No.12572667

>French Italian Spanish and Latin
>4 different versions of the same language
How did he keep track of 20,000 books if goodreads didn't exist until a few years ago? He have a notebook with a list somewhere? What are the 20k books, all paperback bargain bin fiction? There's not 20k books in existence worth reading. I want to know how he arrived at that number.

>> No.12573661

250+ books per year since age 4...
Liar liar pants on fire