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/lit/ - Literature

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12560003 No.12560003 [Reply] [Original]

The only languages necessary to learn to be /lit/ are
>Ancient Greek
Other languages are largely useless for literature, change my mind

>> No.12560009

>wanting to be "/lit/"

>> No.12560011

Man 13 languages? That's all? I had no idea it was that easy

>> No.12560012
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>> No.12560033

>Machado de Assis

>> No.12560045

>God tier
Ancient Greek, Latin, Portuguese, Chinese
>Ok Tier
Persiab, Italian, French, Russian,Spanish
>Low tier
English, German, Any scandinavian language, Any other picture trash manga "language" that isn't Chinese
>So irrelevant it does not even deserve a tier
All african languages, all other slavic languages, Arab languages

>> No.12560047

>8 literal whos

no thanks

>> No.12560052

>Machado de Assis
É por isso que portugays tem fama de brainlet. Lingua fudida do krl. Literatura medíocre. Portugays só faz merda.

>> No.12560067


>> No.12560084

Arab languages are simply dialects.
Few of the Arabs today can even speak the language of old.
Arabic is by far the hardest and most complex language there is, with the biggest number of vocabulary and the "weight" system used in poetry is unmatched, not to mention how beautiful the calligraphy can be.
If Arabs had anything worth studying, it's their language, and the fact that this goes almost always unnoticed shows either how dim-witted, narrow-minded or eurocentric most people who post here are.

>> No.12560088

Id probably be dead before I even get the chance to master these all in the same life and read what I want in its corresponding language lmao. Just try and learn 3 or 4 maybe 5 and read translations if there is something you MUST read in another language

>> No.12560236
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Cala a boca macaco brazuca de merda, só porque no teu país não te ensinaram a ler não quer dizer que não a /lit/ portuguesa não seja das melhores

>> No.12560255

I already have almost native levels in spanish and english.
Should i learn french or portuguese next? Im inclined for french

>> No.12560263
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>not including Modern Standard Arabic

just wanted to let you know that you're a faggot.

>> No.12560311

>not including Sanskrit
you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.12560737

English, spanish, german, japanese, french and russian
Outside that there's not enough content to justify the years it takes to become proficient just read the closest translation (italian or portuguese -> spanish, any germanic language -> german, etc.)
Pick your favourite
Ordered from easiest to hardest to read(not speak or listen): english, spanish, french, german, russian, japanese

>> No.12560803

Essential knowledge tier:
Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Classical Chinese

Prerequisites for deeper study:
Classical Arabic, Pali, French, Italian, German

One or two of these should be learned by serious students of literature, depending on their tastes:
Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Bangla, Hindi, Tamil, Japanese, Polish, Farsi

Only suitable to be studied as a “hobby”:
Old Norse, modern/simplified Chinese, modern Greek, Hungarian, other Balkans dialects, southeast Asian languages, Irish, English

>> No.12560810


it's mandarin you fat headed twerp

>> No.12560817

actual good post

>> No.12560930


Are you retarded? Just no.Old Norse is the only Nordic language you need.