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/lit/ - Literature

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12558456 No.12558456 [Reply] [Original]

Hello all,
My son introduced me to this webpage a few weeks ago and I thought I would start using it. He's turning 17 soon and has always loved reading. His father's always been a big reader too! I'm probably an old duck here and I was wondering what books you boys are reading nowadays. Thanks for the responses!

>> No.12558504


>> No.12558523

Hello Margret!
It’s wonderful to meet you, and I’m proud to have the honour of being the first to welcome you to our little online community. Occasionally we call our literature club a ‘mongolian weaving board’, we use a lot of strange and wacky slang like that but if you see it don’t feel daunted, simply keep coming back and you’ll be ‘redpilled’ on our lingo (or memes, as we call them) soon enough!
Recently I’ve been reading a wonderful little book called “culture of critique”. It’s all about how a rascally little tribe of provocateurs and insiders has taken western society by the reigns, and is steering it into total destruction. Quite the gripping read, and you’d hardly believe it’s nonfiction!
Anyways I hope you are having a wonderful day! Your son is a great poster and contributer to our little circlejerk (that’s another one of our memes :) ), and its a pleasure to have him and his mother with us.

>> No.12558525
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First try to keep your son off till he's 18. This place is restricted for mature adults. Place has far too many "Jezebels"

Secondly; welcome. The boys around here are interested in a wide variety of literature. ancient Greeks and later classics to modern drivel like David Foster Wallas, and a few, very loud, bible enthusiasts.

What have you been reading lately?

>> No.12558537
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Hello Marget I read goosebump

>> No.12558538

Hello Margaret
I'm glad to hear that your son is interested in reading and i'm sure he'll grow up to make you proud! However, i feel i must inform you that, being only 17, he is breaking one of the rules of this webpage. It clearly states that you must be over 18 years of age to post here, so i would strongly encourage you to prevent your son from visiting here by using the parental controls available from your internet service provider. I'm sure you wouldn't want your son to be exposed to certain adult content before he is ready to properly handle it. I hope you understand our concern.
Sincerely, Anonymous.
p.s. Has your son developed any strange political or social views over the last 3 years?

>> No.12558560

Cringe. Don't mind these guys Margaret, they come over from the mentally ill boards.

>> No.12558572

Very rude.
Interesting book! Seems very heavy though (I'm sure my son is a clever enough cookie though). I'll need to sneakily ask him what he thinks about psychology!
I'll write Mr. Wallace's name down.
I'm glad for you young man :) My son is a little too old though.
Oh, I'll tell him off if he was breaking any rules! He's a good boy I'm sure he'll listen.
Sorry to hear about him.

>> No.12558586

Hi Margaret, I just wanted to drop in and also welcome you. I've been reading The Republic by Plato. It's the foundational work of western philosophical and political thought - and can you believe that it isn't even hard to understand? Good writing I guess! What are you reading right now?

>> No.12558588

Welcome Margaret! Has he read 50 Shades of Grey yet?

>> No.12558593

Are you there, Margaret? It's me, God.

>> No.12558597

Yo God, I'm not Margaret (but I guess you would already know that!) Anyways, can I ask you a question? What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Also, if why do we have armpit hair?

>> No.12558638

fuck off zoomer

>> No.12558642
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Hi I'm asexual. What books do you like?

>> No.12558674

Plato, really? You boys are so clever. I'm a little lax with reading lately, but I love mystery. Agathe Christie is a treasure.
I'll ask him.
I'm not sure what a 'sexual' is.

>> No.12558683 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12558697

please start banning this guy

>> No.12558704

There's nothing wrong with discussing asexuality. The fucking margaret trhead is heaps more irellevant

>> No.12558715


"Asexual" is just cope for people who used to call themselves incels.

>h-heh, I don't want sex anyway

>> No.12558729 [DELETED] 

Hi Margaret,

This forum requires an age verification check for new users. Please enter your credit card number, expiration date, and the 3 digits on the back so we can set up your account.

>> No.12558746
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No not really. Pic very related.

>> No.12558749

Keep believing whatever helps you get through the day.

>> No.12558753

there's nothing wrong with discussing asexuality IN A SINGLE THREAD on /lgbt/ or /soc/ or /adv/
there is something really fucking wrong with spamming it in every thread on the fucking literature board

>> No.12558760
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Same to you

>> No.12558763
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I sometimes wonder if there are actual naive boomers who browse chanel4 to find funni maymays their grandchilderen talk about.

>> No.12558764

Come on, you can't have run out of cartoons yet?

>> No.12558768

I'm not spamming every thread. I actually left for two days and came back to tons of other people making asexual posts too.

>> No.12558771

Who would have thought that something that's all about not having sex would strike a chord with /lit/

>> No.12558775 [DELETED] 
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Sex threads get spammed too


>> No.12558797
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anon i...

>> No.12559035

>innocent mother looking for book recs for her son
>LGBT tags detail thread

>> No.12559184

"older lady-pede" is so fucking funny

>> No.12559265

Based Margaret

>> No.12559316

I am very sorry about these "asexuals." It is very sad to see these mentally ill people talk here instead of with their doctor. Please don't let them disuade you.

>> No.12559358

I feel the same about a lot of very off topic posts here. Racism doesn't belong here, yet you see fucking antisemitic posts in nearly every thread.

>> No.12559387

>Racism doesn't belong here
Amazing how you've been on this board longer than I have and you're still a newfag butters

>> No.12559393

Muh precious jews, fuck off dyke.

>> No.12559416

Margaret I going to be honest with you. Leave this site and never return and tell your son to follow suit. This motherfucker >>12558523 is trying to recommend an anti-semite book. Your son is too young and naive to be browsing this website. It will ruin him as much as it will ruin this board quality.

Tell him to start with the Greeks.

>> No.12559443
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>> No.12559453

>Start with the Greeks
I'm just a lurker around this board but is Theaetetus a good enough start?

>> No.12559467

If Plato interests you, sure.