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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 269 KB, 703x1100, Moby-Dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12558292 No.12558292 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you haven't read Moby-Dick yet you don't belong on /lit/. Get the fuck off this board if you haven't at least read the Great American Novel.

>> No.12558317

I unironically agree with this suggestion

>> No.12558332

What if I'm not anglo?

>> No.12558614

i think the old man and the sea is more iconic sorry

>> No.12558698

It's not really a novel. It's more of a summary of whaling practices with a few chapters of plot.

>> No.12558708
File: 28 KB, 530x300, 1058ED9F-CB7E-433D-93CA-13867F56C25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagining not getting Moby Dick
It’s about Ishmael’s derealization and the whale representing the symbol of value by the way.

>> No.12558713

>whiteness of the whale chapter
Was Melville a sjw??

>> No.12558783

>Reading a book about some grandpa trying to beat a whale but getting BTFO in the process.
No thanks

>> No.12558902
File: 21 KB, 251x398, AuntsStory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have YOU read the great Australian novel?

>> No.12558920

He was a homo so probably

>> No.12558925

I'm not american.

>> No.12559991

It's not a novel it's a prose epic.

>> No.12560015

But I'm ashamed I still havent read Sinuhe egyptiläinen :/

>> No.12560029

He actually wasn't, almost none of the writers that they claim are gay are actually gay. They just had close male friendships unlike any of us

>> No.12560076
File: 40 KB, 318x470, 1371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather go for the roots of all western civilization, thanks.

>> No.12560086

What makes it so necessary? I'll read it next for sure, but why this book more than others?

>> No.12560115

I'm from Argentina and I haven't read Borges.

>> No.12560121
File: 36 KB, 255x400, Wake_in_Fright_Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meant this right?

>> No.12560273

Im pretty sure it says right in the fucking book that it is not a metaphor

>> No.12560275

Read it and loved it, wonderful book

>> No.12560279

Que pelotudo

>> No.12560342


>> No.12560350


>> No.12560403

espero que sea irónico

>> No.12560413
File: 44 KB, 316x499, 51A0O+10zDL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted the wrong picture, let me help you

>> No.12560426

When will they learn

>> No.12560469

Not everyone on 4chan is from the anglosphere or interested in anglo literature. I'm Asian and for more interested in German and French literature.

>> No.12561234

vas ahora mismo a la librería más cercana y te comprás una copia de sus cuentos completos, me chupa un huevo si después no podes pagar la electricidad, borges vale más que tu calidad de vida, negro mongolico

>> No.12561399

>best american novel
>every page has a reference to the bible

moby dick is pushed by christcucks

>> No.12561410

Stop calling Americans Anglo, we're better than them.

>> No.12561571
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 1564578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great American Novel.
Has anyone noticed how everything of cultural value produced in America has been made by European migrants of first or at most second generation? After a generation or two in Murrika they seem to drop a few dozen IQ points and switch interests to MTV and Walmart.