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/lit/ - Literature

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12554740 No.12554740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think we can get him to seriously read Finnegans Wake or at least Ulysses?

>> No.12554791

pretty sure that fucking psweude has bought one if not both

Felix, if you're reading this, fuck right off and discuss woman in the dunes you, lazy fortnite-playing, hentai-merch-shilling cunt

>> No.12554798

Who gives a fuck what that faggot reads?

>> No.12554807

pewds uwu read process & reality next *brofist*

>> No.12554843

Because it will (at least in the short run) change literary discourse more than any other critique.

>> No.12554858

Basically this. And if Pewdiepie becomes a Joycefag then he'll officially be /ourguy/.

>> No.12554868

Youtubers are anathema to /lit/ and literariness in general. Every idiot who reads in imitation of celebrity lowers the level of discourse significantly.

>> No.12554876

the promoters of "man-child culture" have done more damage to western civilisation than the jews and whabbist muslims combined.

pewdiepie needs to go

>> No.12554882

I think it would be better to have the kids and teens gain more interest in reading "decent" books that are not half baked generic novellas. But im pretty sure that less than 1% of his viewers changed they literacy habits because of him, and even less will stick to it in the long run.

>> No.12554897

Pewdiepie is imitating us, not the other way around. By getting him to read maximalist literature, we'll be encouraging an entire generation to read the greatest canonical works. Mishima is already pretty highbrow but we can do better.

>> No.12554913

I know he is imitating us, that is the problem. Our board already has enough of a zoomer presence, we don't need more.

>> No.12554914
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best post itt

>> No.12554921


>> No.12554987

He spends more time discussing world events, literature, movies and politics than you do and he reaches over 84 million people.

No need to be jealous.

>> No.12555099

He's a degenerate, a cultural cancer. He's more effective at stopping guys grow up into men than testosterone blockers.

Stop being such a servile little prick.
Get a real life with real friends instead of relying on yootoobers to fill the gaping void in your life.
I feel embarrassed for you

>> No.12555101

What Mishima books has he discussed?

>> No.12555106

The only thing he discusses is the jokes his subreddit makes

>> No.12555126

You can never have real friendship.

>> No.12555148

No. You personally will ever have a real friendship until you mature as a person and develop some self-respect.

no self-respecting adult would watch a prick like pewdiepie for entertainment

>> No.12555160

If you still watch PewdiePie, you're seriously not old enough to be on this site, even if you're over 18.

>> No.12555164

Sun and Steel as well as The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea.

>> No.12555170

If you're over the age of 18 and still believe genuine Hollywood "friendship" can exist between males, then you're a faggot.
No men have friends. We all walk alone.

>> No.12555185

you're not a man.
you're an edgy teenager stuck in a mans body

>> No.12555190


>> No.12555197


>> No.12555201

I want him to make two videos about Swedish books, mostly old stuff.
No crime novels allowed.

>> No.12555208
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>> No.12555231


>> No.12555238

who cares? what a waste of lit's catalog

>> No.12555252

Ah, i get it. You hate him because the media told you to.

It's sad how reddit antifa has to shit up this board constantly. Find a real hobby.

>> No.12555257

you must have 18 to post in here, kiddo

>> No.12555262

Looks like someone didn't start with the Greeks.

>> No.12555291

fuck saying /ourguy/ it's so fucking disgusting
are a fucking kid who needs to feel part of something and adore someone who doesn't know you, are you that desperate to feel unity that you need saying our-guy to everybody that thinks similar to you? are you autistic?

>> No.12555299

our daily poopiepie shill invasion

>> No.12555304
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I don't even watch Pewdiepie. I just think anything that encourages kids to read the canon is good.

>> No.12555305

>you must have 18
You need to learn english.

>> No.12555314

>lmao sjws are bad lmaaoooo 26 genders lmaoooo i identify as an attack helicopter lmaooo
>jews control everything i'm totally saying this ironically lmaooo but like hitler was right lmaooo can't you guys get irony???? nigger btw
Great political discussion indeed.

>> No.12555315

You sure are projecting a lot into watching an interesting youtuber.

>> No.12555319

are you retarded or underage? either way I'll be happy if you stayed watching YouTube videos and stop coming here

>> No.12555326
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>> No.12555332

I don't care if you watch YouTube, or if you watch him, but saying /ourguy/, the retarded trend that /pol/ created, outside of the circle jerk of /pol/ it's disgusting

>> No.12555344

what a scathing critique

>> No.12555348


>> No.12555360

this. kill yourself op.

>> No.12555362


Boy you sure do have a lot of hate in you.

>> No.12555381

welcome to the leftist mindset.

>> No.12555388

It'd be more interesting to see him read something that would actually have an impact on him rather than on his fans. I think he should do the Dan Carrlon marathon audiobook history and then take an introduction to anthropology course. That would be funny to see.

>> No.12555448

“Interesting youtuber” is perhaps the most violent contradiction in terms ever put forth

>> No.12555500

neo-/pol/ who grew up watching him

4chan demographics have changed and people who have been here since before 2015 are in the minority

>> No.12555515

>Not Temple of The Golden Pavillion or Confessions of a Mask

heh, plen

>> No.12555521

He has read those:

>> No.12555894

You're trying to hard to sound smart.

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/
Rent Free.

>> No.12555906

hi pol

>> No.12555918

If you think "contradiction" is a hard word you really don't belong near literature

>> No.12555951

I meant you're liberal use of the word "violent".

>> No.12555968

What? It's a violent contradiction, I stand by that.

>> No.12555969

hi discord.

>> No.12555977

so absolutely nothing on youtube is as transcendentally intelligent as you?

>> No.12556012

There's quality, intelligent stuff on youtube, but it doesn't come from "youtubers." It comes from recordings of lectures, etc. Talking to a camera so zoomers can play friend simulator isn't particularly intelligent, even if it is discussing "high minded" things like Mishima. I've seen "book reviews" on youtube, they tend to be just summaries with "I [did/didn't] like it tacked on. Discussion of intelligent things doesn't make one intelligent, especially without learned appreciation.

>> No.12556020

Can't tell if trolling.

>> No.12556075

I'm not, and judging by how valiantly you're defending PDP, you took the friend simulator thing to heart. The man doesn't know jack shit about literature. Sure, it's nice he wants to educate people who think video games are cool, but that doesn't mean anything, really.

>> No.12556358

You know you've been here too long when the average anon is young enough to have watched PewDiePie

>> No.12556366

>we're defending pewdiepie by calling you pretentious while not even so much as mentioning his name