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12554531 No.12554531 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything pretentious than reading in a library? We get it, you like books and want to be seen surrounded by thousands of them. Go read in your room, you shit. Whenever I see someone reading at a library I give thme a glare from hell.

>> No.12554543

It is the best place to be if you're following the Tai Lopez program. Finish a book in 10-20 minutes and then just reach for another. I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.12554544

have my own method
—run up and down the aisles huffing and puffing
—only read titles

>> No.12554559

Everyone reading in public doesn't care about the opinions of others, you are the only one who cares about that

>> No.12554573

I used to like going to the 3rd floor of my university library and grabbing a carel and reading for 3 or 4 hour stretches. I often had the whole floor to myself. All the normies were in the main room on the first floor.
Graduation sucks.

>> No.12554577

I know you're trying to be le epic memester here, but i agree with this unironically. You have a quiet room at home, in which you can sit confortably, even lay in bed, and read in whatever position you may see fit, but you choose to read in an uncomfortable chair, with a "silence vow" who prohibits free speech and makes everyone uncomfortable only for you to read "in peace"? You won't convince me you aren't a middlebrow pseud if you do this. The library should be a place to pick books and then hang out at there, sipping a coffee, discussing the books, or meeting new people. The library is not for some faggot with a hipster complex who thinks he's so deep reading in a public space.

>> No.12554583

one time in my first year of university i went to the library in the middle of the night to read moby dick (which i'd already checked out) in its entirely. i can't remember why

>> No.12554586

Name all the people you've met at the library who weren't there to poop for free or get drunk off of the hand sanitizer in the bathroom

>> No.12555879

I don't have a quiet room at home though.

>> No.12555910


>> No.12557236

You could efficiently lock yourself into a single room, sit on a toilet next to a fridge, work on your computer, and work remotely coding or some shit and only have to leave your house or even move once a week, why don't you do that faggot
Some of us are not utilitarian zombies with alarm bells autistically ringing in our heads every time some aspect of our lives doesn't work perfectly logically
I hate this retarded reddit mindset and I hate you on a deep, personal level

>> No.12557269

The libary is literally for everyone.
It's kind of weird to tell people how to use a libary.

>> No.12557291

I did the exact same thing. I know why I went to the library though. I was live in college dorm and I could hear my neighbours having sex. Pretty uncomfortable if you're asexual like myself.

>> No.12557311
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I haven't kekked to anything this hard in a long ass time.

>> No.12557314

i dont have a quiet room at home, sadly i lack that luxury in my life at the moment. trust me, i would if i could. thats why i go to the library, bc i can always find an empty and quiet nook

>> No.12557322

as a proud asexual I personal find comfort in the coital noises of my dormmates. It sounds like you're a weirdo to me

>> No.12557395
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>> No.12557410
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>The library should be a place to pick books and then hang out at there, sipping a coffee, discussing the books, or meeting new people.
The library should just be dimly lit stacks of western canon, significant foreign works, manga, and local/provincial/national works. The computers, reference desks, and DVDs can fuck off.
Taking a Library Tech diploma program really soured me on the libraries as community centres idea.

>> No.12557413

I can relate I come from a family of six, our economical position is not the best I share room with my 7 year old brother and a year and a half baby, we don't own doors and even I have to poop while my siblings are taking a bath, you can imagine the noisy hell my house is but we'll, I'm the only bilingual member of the house and currently studying literature, so yeah some people can't go to libraries just to show off or because you think is cool

>> No.12557482

i was in a similar situation a few years ago. at the minimum, it gives you perspective and at best inspiration on where you are and where you hope to be. stay positive and life-affirming anon

>> No.12557506

You have it much worse than me but I can still relate. The uni library at night is paradise compared to trying to read or study surrounded by family members who keep starting fights for no reason and shouting all the time.

>> No.12557561
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But /lit/ said it's the best way to find a girlfriend

>> No.12557651

Same to you anon, tried reading on parks and street benches but they do not give you the peace a library offers
U get me bro

>> No.12557662

Imagine being so anti-intellectual that the mere sight of people reading displeases you. What a faggot.

>> No.12557706

>pick up book from the shelf
>read for a few hours
>decide I like it and check it out

Then again, if you're a lit hipster, you know exactly which pseud tome is next on the infographic of books you force yourself through, and the highlight of your 7 minute visit is asking the librarian where to find "dawn quicks-oat" and feeling superior to the young lady ahead of you in the checkout line for checking out Harry Potter books for her children

>> No.12557772

What's asexual

>> No.12557777

disguised mental illness. It means to live in a pretend world where siring a family isn't our prime directive

>> No.12557793

quads confirm

>> No.12557799

i read aloud like Augustine.

>> No.12557818

Libraries are quiet places where people can study or read in peace. If you want to hang out with your friends and chat and drink coffee go to a café or a park or something. Respect the rules of the library.

>> No.12558298

usually the product of a childhood / adolescence filled with bad sexual experiences.

>> No.12558310

Found the luddite

>> No.12558331


This but all public spaces in general, and bookstores in particular. It's noisy, you're not comfortable and you know it. Go home to your room. High-quality reading doesn't occur when there's bustle and other things to do. Ironically, the same can be said of sleep.

One valid exception: students studying at the university library. It's (usually) right there (good proximity to your room assuming on-campus living), is a designated quiet zone so they can get away from their stupid roommates, and the books that they actually need are (often) there too. They're not there to look cool, they're there to perform the basic work of being a student.

>> No.12558352

>tfw I don't have quiet room, nor a library in my city

>> No.12558358

>Go read in your room, you shit.
This does not work very well in many different living situations.

>> No.12558359


>> No.12558372

You're a sexual what?

>> No.12558381

The library is a place for the homeless to OD and die

>> No.12558385

Apparently Jared Leto has a huge cock, is one of the most selfish men in bed on earth, likes to get extremely rough with very young girls, has some godforsaken std, and fucked his sperm up due to massive overuse of dutasteride to avoid going bald like his brother

>> No.12558807


>> No.12558819
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pic related

>> No.12558835

you and me (an asexual) are rather alike

>> No.12559142

I have to read in public places since I have tinnitus you dick.

>> No.12559189
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>> No.12559336

>You have a quiet room at home
Nigga I wish. A lot of people go to the library BECAUSE it's quiet you stupid fucking retard

>> No.12559353


>> No.12559361

I read in the library so I don't have to be a member. This way the feds can't track me or my reading with the 5g transmitters they put in the library cards

>> No.12559919

This, it's also warm in the winter, cool in the summer and free

>> No.12559946

Indeed, it does suck. I had my own special carel deep in the sixth floor stacks- read there all the time and no one ever saw me.

>> No.12559950


People can read wherever they like, the only people who constantly mind about the results of being "exposed" while doing something in public are those who crave for exposure in the first pleace you insecure pleb.

>> No.12559977

alpha-privative + sexual
Compare moral, amoral.

>> No.12560042


>> No.12560060

found the hipster
>ooo look at me I'm reading books ahyuk yuk

>> No.12560141

>My only purpose in life is to breed
Insect tier rationale.

>> No.12560151

Probably because your roommates were playing Edward 40hands and you just wanted to read a fucking book.

>> No.12560155
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>reading at a library is pretentious

>> No.12560159

libraries are for homeless guys to browse porn, reading in a library is a shameful display of white privilege

>> No.12560168

>Is there anything pretentious than reading in a library?
People who post that they read in their (((social media))).

>> No.12560218

U aight, white boi

>mfw main library stank of ass because hobos watching porn and playing runescape

Wild times.

>> No.12560460

There is not a quiet place in my entire country.

>> No.12561701

Happy to know that when I'm reading for class in the comfiest environment imaginable I'm triggering pseudointellectual spergs like you

>> No.12561898

I go everyday hoping to find a cutie gf. Not even jk :(

>> No.12561921

its the only public place that is quite and lacks niggers desu

>> No.12561950

Opinion discarded

>> No.12561985

>with a “silence vow” who prohibits free speech
this was the best by far, I’m still laughing as I type this

>> No.12562020

I thought it was funny anon

>> No.12562043

glad I don’t live in a city! my public library is always clean and very quiet with designated reading nooks and comfy armchairs. there’s no homeless where I live so there’s none there and it’s so quite you can clearly hear what’s whispered all the way at the other end. there’s a little cafe outside and the library smells like books, it’s a great place to spend the day at desu

>> No.12562101
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I often use the library to read and study. For one thing, I live in a cramped and poorly lit apartment, shared with my wife and kids, and in a constant state of dirtiness. My local library? Cleaned bi-nightly by a Vietnam vet, with ample lighting and luxurious space.

Now some people argue that having your own room is more comfortable- those fools! Reading isn't supposed to be entirely comfortable, it's meditative not sedative as my great uncle Wilhelm used to say. What's more, if you can't carve a comfortable section of the library it's entirely your fault.

Personally, the first thing I did when I found my local library was find a nice desk far away from the hustle and bustle of the unwashed masses. Usually these can be found in the reference section, government documents, and so on. Avoid the kids section. Once I found a suitable place, I marked it as mine by bring in a nice ceramic cup to use as a pencil/pen holder, hanging some artwork around the area, and the like. Whats more, I can simply accumulate stacks of books at my desk without incurring the financial risk of taking them out. I found a nearby bathroom and attached an "out of order" sign to it, so I don't have to deal with homeless people sullying my lavatory. On the inside door, I have a tasteful Miles Davis poster, and I've even brought in my own toilet paper so I don't have to rip apart my anus.

What's more, reading isn't simply an individual hobby. You'll never get that shared sense of community hiding inside your room. Whenever I come across a particularly witty or beautifully composed paragraph in my readings, I take great joy in reading it allowed, to feel the words drip like honey on my tongue, and to share the pleasures of sharp wit and sublime prose with the rest of the library patrons. There is a beautiful librarian, Maria, who I occasionally make a point of bring flowers, or lingering by her desk to flirt. As well, several of the librarians are exceptionally well read, and I will often bring them stacks of books to show and discuss, without any intention whatsoever of actually checking the books out. There are a fair number of high-school children who come in to study or read comic books as well, and I've found that by selling them weed I can supplement my income enough to quite my day job, allowing me to spend most of my day at the library.

Libraries are magical places, full of opportunity and mystery. If you've got a problem with them, it's likely because you're a faggot OP.

>> No.12562195

>You have a quiet room at home
I don't.

>> No.12562309

I would read in your mother's basement, but I'm not allowed within 500 yards of your house.

>> No.12562479

that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.12562493


I'm literally doing that just right now. Come to LA and square up pussy.

>> No.12562500

You were only in the library to get high in the bathroom, of course

>> No.12562536

is don quixote a meme book now? feels really bad

>> No.12562642

Based and redpilled

>> No.12562647

>I give thme a glare from hell.
You're jealous of us. That's why you're in hell. Sad really.

>> No.12562674

screenshot-worthy posts

>> No.12562680

Don't get it

>> No.12562687

Fugue state and psychosis.

>> No.12562700

Damnned roommate watching YouTube videos again?

>> No.12562853

Sometimes you need other books for reference you mongoloid shithead

>> No.12562862

They have more books than I could ever own and its quiet there. kys

>> No.12562889

>is x a meme?
Shut the fuck up

>> No.12564206



>> No.12564237

Once this black dude started talking to me by the computers. He seemed like a nice guy but I didn't get to talk to him really.

>> No.12564296

>He's never taken a power nap while crossing the street

>> No.12564325

Joyce is that you?