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/lit/ - Literature

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12553371 No.12553371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al, don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."

>> No.12553378

Saged and reported

>> No.12553380

I just bought Fanged Noumena along with a pair of black leather boots and a CGBG tee. Enlightenment here I come. Coolness, I empart you.

>> No.12553381

>Susan Sontag quote
Fuck that stupid bitch. Nick's problem is his latent autism regardless.

>> No.12553384
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>A kiss is the beginning of cannibalism.

holy shit sontag is based

>> No.12553393

Wtf white people why you do things and stuff?

>> No.12553417

We must make a distinction between white race and the perfidious anglo saxon race. These island dwelling autistics are the true origins of everything poisoning our contemporary world, and everything that rapaciously destroyed the older civilisations.

>> No.12553433

screeching jewish harpy has an oral fixation more news at eleven

>> No.12553443
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>> No.12553447

>the (((white race)))

why do jews keep pushing the whiteness meme?

>> No.12553454

nice /tv/ tier thread

>> No.12553503

Because they're retarded and racist. No one wants to be white except for the Jews. Imagine you're a white woman: people rape you, abuse you, you're weak, you're annoying, and you age like milk. Imagine you're a white man: your wife thinks you're boring, you're not very physically fit, you age like a banana, you're ostracized from your family when you turn 18 or you're treated as a failure. Yet Jews are stupid enough to think these are attractive traits and try to brainwash the world into wanting to be white. They can't brainwash me though. I'll resist their forces until the end of time. Soldier, I'll tell you this right now, don't let them brainwash you. Keep Ghengis Khan's blood alive. We won't lose to the Jews.

>> No.12553873

Did anybody ever ask her what other race would not only tolerate, but even encourage this sort of Judaic drivel? If whites disappeared, who would welcome her?

>> No.12553914

Taleb BTFOd her pretty good

>> No.12554048

You missed the beginning of the quote:

"If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far...The truth is that Mozart.....", and so on.

She was a liberal anti-communists though so fuck her. Capitalists are directly implicit in colonialism and imperialism.

>> No.12554057

He's a pseud fag, like all the academics currently datamining the 1960s far-left.

>> No.12554069

Europe is the racial trash-can of Asia, and Britain skims-off Europe’s charred froth.
My ancestors were vagrants, whores, and killers. Minds melted by toadstools, they
exulted in the ashes of monasteries, the base-line of the human animal, slimed across the
sea-rocks of the North. ‘It is quite evident to me that I have always been of an inferior
race. I am not able to comprehend revolt. My race does not ever stir itself except for
pillage: like wolves at the beast they have not killed’ [R 302]. With so much ash in the
blood, I never had a chance of peace…so many years gnawing and scratching at the metal
bars until I collapsed with exhaustion and disgust. Its hard to understand those graceful
creatures who seem to have escaped from being knifed into inarticulate wreckage by life.
Dissatisfaction white-extreme as a heated blade twisted into blank vulnerabilities crosscut
with ink droolings and clotting pain into absurdity. I have long understood the
necessity of counting myself amongst the accursed, even before crossing over the line.
I see now that my terrestrial ur-mother was ravished by something fanged and insane
from the wilderness, and that I am a vampire veiled raggedly in humanity, corrupted from
birth by an unholy intimacy with death. The fever that bears me overstretches the entire
health of the Earth, carrying me with my accursed twin into an emptiness beyond the
reservoir of stars. Although the adventure of inexistence only begins in Hell there is no
fear, only awe and burning werewolf thirst for the voyage. Nestled in some cove of this
ulterior shore an utterly consummate eroticism—a pact against nature—tenses through
fusion to its evaporation, denuded before the abyss; a glistening droplet of loss and

>> No.12554077
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For bitcoinfag.

>> No.12554080

absolutely based desu

>> No.12554092


To an angel of death I wrote:
How I remember the way it was, with you sheltering in a cluster of
fictions, eyes implacable and drenched in extinction, lost in the
alternative night that waits
Patient immense
Out beyond the river-mouth
The cavity in which we float
Unsettled in our sleep
Nothing could be more diseased
And yet on the other side of the line
We shall bask in ecstasy
Until we burn

Infernal genius chars the roots of our minds.
Now we are trapped on the inside of the world
but our strange aching chokes the crypt we haunt
maddens us
drives us out…
dragged for so many years
through the confines of heaven
flanked by statues of the patriarchs
until arriving in a place
lacerated by the sun
to drink the tincture of my father’s crumbled skull
ashes of monks their screams calcified
mixed with the venom of a spider
long extinct

The illness guides my words:
sickness and death my sweet schizophrenic mother
your child is lost to you
and found on the other side
where you inexist

i see you hushed by the sacred
something feral treads the undertow of my thoughts
as a wolf prowls the snow desolation
The thirst for annihilation
famished for your words
so that it seems as nothing but bone
strung with death
and clutched
by blackened nerves
untangled and strewn
through the mad howls of zero

>> No.12554101


lets slip out
into the night
claw free of our souls and follow the road
through the heart of fear
where the spawn of vivisections
scramble from the blinding-machine
to tread the shadow lip of sanity
where the far side of the line transects the darkness in your mind
i want to navigate deserts of pain
whilst the galaxies decay
come unstrung in the night
headless ravens beat spasms of paralysed flight

a face looms from charred shadow
violently pale the night has silently
desolated an eye
blood flows thick
and profuse
it is only with great tentativeness that my finger
into the vacant socket
searching out frayed nerve nakedness
for it must be a focus of jagged agony
condensed in the darkness
and there will be no speech
to sleep hanging upside down
in a barn
sheltered from the day
and then when it gets dark
flapping out

>> No.12554108

lmao you're a damaged person and it's going to affect your well-being for the rest of your life

>> No.12554123

bitcoin fag here -- I'm Canadian and actually used Quadriga before. really sad, and really bad praxis to have the keys for an exchanges cold wallet only accessible by one person (in 2019 no less). nothing against bitcoin though, yet another proof that it's a secure network and you really do have ownership over that wallet. here's a tip to people getting into crypto: if you don't own the private keys to your bitcoin, you don't own that bitcoin, meaning NEVER hold on exchanges. if the exchange goes under or gets hacked (or they only person with access to the private key dies) and you haven't withdrawn to a personal wallet you are shit out of luck

>> No.12554152
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not sure if i'm the fag you mean but i saw this.

the thought that occurs to me isn't necessarily that this BTFOs Uncle Nick but rather proves his case in a roundabout way. there is a difference between money being lost and money being stolen, yes? if person X dies with the only password, and all of that money simply vanishes, it tells you something about the nature of the security system.

Land's concern is with security. if money vanishes into the ether, it doesn't mean the system is insecure. it means it is excessively secure.

apparently there are two Canadian bitcoinfags who type in lowercase. how about that.

anyways what this anon said.

>> No.12554197

it's like neo-china but colder

>> No.12554230

>t. nigger

>> No.12554237


Nick Land wrote that

>> No.12554255

To clarify, the discussion was in regards to the relevance of bitcoin, its current reach, and the extent to which it will become state controlled.

>> No.12554261


>> No.12554271


>> No.12554297

Also, impressive levels of zoomer cope, reframing any news is good news just like the rigged markets.

>> No.12554318
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we're just too boring to inspire serious /acc stuff. it would be like having the Ringwraiths be Hobbits as well.
>teeny little dark riders
>on teeny little undead horses
>fuck watch out here come the Dark Canadians
>things you will never hear

maybe it's the French and the First Nations guys and so on that keep us on our toes. or that if we start giving ourselves too many pretentious ideas the Newfs will mock us and there's nothing we can do about that.

Neo-Canada will never arrive from the future, but it will hold the door for whatever does, and be kind of irritatingly nice about the whole thing, and fuck up the cyberpunk vibe. we are fucking hopeless when it comes to dystopia.



>> No.12554324


>> No.12554329

>kant and Marx in the same sentence
What a faggot

>> No.12554333

... and that's a good thing!

>> No.12554340

You've never read a book in your life.

>> No.12554343
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sounds crazy right

>> No.12554345

it's not good news, I'm sure I lost some pocket change in the whole thing. the thing is people wheel this out like it says something about bitcoin, but it really doesn't. Cash gets destroyed/stolen every day; no one cares about that. If a bank kept all it's cash in a furnace, and one day the furnace comes on and destroys all the cash, it's not mints fault for printing paper money; it doesn't destroy the idea of fiat currency. it's the banks fault for storing their money in an entirely improper fashion.
>the rigged markets
wew lord I can't try and have this conversation with you again

>> No.12554368
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>> No.12554377

/lit/ was never above any of this

>> No.12554392

>markets aren't rigged
>190 million for a small velocity is nothing compared to the pennies lost within the 500 trillion scheme
lol, you are impossibly retarded.

>> No.12554399

This clarifies that Land has no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.12554409

Lads I'll be honest with you, I have disassociate episodes kinda like Nick does, it didn't help that I read everything he wrote in a string of popping Adderall's while listening to Hotline Miami soundtrack and dark jungle music.

I am a philosophy major and I get the FEELING, he was trying to break out, the COLD, and speeed, the feeling of strength in viral illness.The werewolf breaks out, Mania, I am him , or at least what he was when he wrote that,Vaung that is, I am his twin Monarch butterfly agent, and you are two. This is what Hyperstition is , a virus. Get out while you still can.

>> No.12554416

lmfao I recall reading this one morning in a crowded train and bursting out laughing

>> No.12554438

poast link

>> No.12554461

bro you are just tweaked the wild associations and paranoia will dampen after you lay off for a bit
all you're doing now, all land ever did, was prime the delusion
i had a friend that saw aliens creeping around her bedroom when she was geeked out. she comvimced herself the government was using satellites to spy on her pet cockatiel. no joke.
you get caught by outlandish but vaguely plausible narratives amd start building on them in these sustained states.
this is chemically-induced schizophrenia.
smart and imaginative people just come up with wilder stories. they aren't any closer to reality than the catatonic in the psyche ward.
feel free to ride this as far out as you want, but don't fool yourself into thinking any of this is real.
land IS gnon. this is his revenge on the past, i.e. the kid he was, now in you.

>> No.12554465

> which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

Wtf, I love whitey now!

>> No.12554479

Germanics and Fingols are more autistic than bucktoothed wAnglos.

>> No.12554480


Once I cut out the amphetamines I became better , but I was reading Freud and how Dementia praecox forms around men who are at about 25-30. And all of this schizo philosophy didn't help. Philosophy is a HUGE strain on you mentally in general, it feels like you are talking inside your head most of the time. Reading on religion and mysticism helped the most I think to break out a bit from it.

>> No.12554529
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my argument was that all markets are rigged, and the idea of an unrigged market is a liberal ideologues fantasy -- you are completely missing the point of bitcoin. I am interested in blockchain as a technology not bitcoin becoming a stable currency to buy your coffee with in the morning.
Quadriga lost about 58k bitcoin, which is 0.25% of the supply, it's matters don't get me wrong. I feel really bad for the people who actually had funds in those wallets, but I lost money on Mt. Gox, I've been here, done this. Mt. Gox didn't disprove the use-value of blockchain then when like 3.5% of the supply was stolen, and it certainly doesn't in this case when it's just super rudimentary user-error functioning exactly as expected. also
>rigged markets
serious question here, if you are so concerned with financial legitimacy, how many letters have you written to politicians about the derivative bubble?

>> No.12554547
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in a truly epic D&D campaign, Land would be a promising wizard who failed his saving throw against a lich or otherwise cursed artifact. the object was to rescue Karl Marx from the tomb of horrors, and Uncle Nick was sucked into one of those big dark spooky faces, which rinsed him out completely and then spat him out in China.

in Star Wars parlance:
>DV: Nick i am your father
>NL: nnnnnnooooooooo
>DV: seriously i actually am. also the Force is capital
>NL: nnnnnnoooo- wait, what?
>DV: yeah it basically is
>NL: so why does it turn Palpatine's head into a scrotum
>DV: because he is a goddamn artist and he doesn't give a fuck anymore
>NL: and what about you?
>DV: i'm your father. it's time-travelly stuff. also value is created only through catastrophic loss. watch this
>*throws Palpatine into the void*
>EP: fuuuuck hnnnnnnnnnggg
>DV: i'm back. where were we
>NL: why was Palpatine fapping when you threw him in
>DV: because he was also Georges Bataille. anyways. we had something going on here
>NL: so what the fuck, what do i do?
>DV: basically you're going to change the plot for about twenty years, and become everything you used to hate. you're going to shit on the Rebels and fuck up the Empire too. it's a dirty, confusing, and slightly silly job and this door is only for you
>NL: sounds all right i guess
>DV: also you will strike a weird bargain with Jabba
>NL: weird
>DV: i know. very strange. but otherwise the world is going to go on LARPing Star Wars forever into total imbecility. you must save it from this
>NL: am i the chosen one
>DV: LOL fuck no
>NL: i had some more questions. fucking lightsabers, how do they work?
>DV: purest dickmagic
>NL: can i have a Death Star
>DV: no. you are a Dark Jedi. they don't get those
>NL: cringe
>DV: super-cringe. and your only hope of escaping is that somebody will someday free you from becoming a terrible meme. until then you must suffer
>NL: how tho. how does that happen
>DV: his name will be Justin Murphy. you must await him and teach him everything you know

>> No.12554549

cope harder wh*Teoid

>> No.12554563

>boomer seething over younger generations averse to using his jew monopoly money

>> No.12554565
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>still doesn't realise what is meant by rigged markets
>muh liberals

>> No.12554566

i'm not even white lmao

>> No.12554584
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>can't understand what a distributed public ledger is so he greentexts instead

>> No.12554589

>NL: why was Palpatine fapping when you threw him in
>DV: because he was also Georges Bataille.
you've done it
you've convinced me the prequels were the superior movies

>> No.12554600

>Nuke Landwalker

>> No.12554602

that's good
try to stay healthy, man, brain and body
if you do start exhibiting symptoms, don't sleep on seeking help. schizophrenia is a neurochemical disorder, and there are concrete and effective treatments available.

>> No.12554613

you have the soul and spirit of a wh*Teoid and for that i pity you

>> No.12554654

>has no clue what a non sequitur is so posts accelerationist 'memes'
Have fun using those bitcoins for tinder and wheelbarrow bread...

>> No.12554743
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>you've convinced me the prequels were the superior movies
in a Land thread you expect to read weird shit but some things are truly epistemic breaks
seriously the world deserves a Star Wars that isn't ridiculously bad tho. maybe the Dune reboots will scratch the itch

even just give me an alternate version of Star Wars updated for the 21C where Peter Thiel is literally just himself and just quoting passages from Zero to One as a hologram and Google Talks is being held inside the Death Star. Zuckerberg would be there too. and Musk can be designing new space ships, whatever else.

the tech-comm billionaires make better Star Wars characters than the Star Wars universe itself has. if Thiel suddenly just started force-choking people from miles away there would be a moment in which people would go, oh shit, and then another one where they go, Thiel has the Force? and then a third, in which, obviously he has the Force. that's just a thing now. makes sense

i like it

>> No.12554771
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and Rogan is there, and Harris, and Harris gets chopped up with a lightsaber and says - infuriatingly - this actually doesn't disprove my argument. Harris is pure Jedi, but unlike Obi Wan he just keeps reappearing and eventually you give up because he keeps reappearing again.

as for Rogan, there's a legion of bros out there somewhere in the galaxy, obviously, doing space jitz and smoking dope, and Joe Diaz is there like some kind of collapsing Lucasfilm monster talking about getting a colostomy and working for Jabba back in the day.

i just think we could use a sort of a new myth that includes all of these various guys in a kind of goofy space fantasy that doesn't really have a plot, it's just there to be an idiotic mashup of set-pieces and references, loosely predicated on the collapsing meaning of the Force and w/ev else.

also Rogan and Harris are talking today, should be good.

>> No.12554862

the fact you think anything I've posted is an accelerationist meme makes me laugh. what did you think was the non-sequitur by the way? distributed public ledger? because that is literally what bitcoin is. in 20 years this is what your posts will look like: