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/lit/ - Literature

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12551792 No.12551792 [Reply] [Original]

>a man who reads a 100 books a year
>a man who reads a 100 books a year, then picks 30 best ones, trashes the rest, and spends the next year re-reading them for deeper insight
Which one engages with literature properly?

>> No.12551796

That person is exceptionally unattractive.

>> No.12551802

this insectoid bitch literally looks like one of the Antz characters

>> No.12551869

Glad to know we have white women posting on this board

>> No.12551876


Marie looks either 30 and simultaniously 50. I'd rip her apart

>> No.12551882

Are you Jewish?

>> No.12551888

She is the perfect woman.

>> No.12552092


>> No.12552097

It shouldn't take you a year to re-read 30 books.

>> No.12552152

Behold the raw power.

>> No.12552161

>trashing books because you didn’t like them
How is this any better than book burning

>> No.12553235

Re-read each one three times.

>> No.12553292

t. white woman

>> No.12553345
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benno von archimboldi owns only one book at any given time and immediately gives it away once he's finished with it

>> No.12553363

What's wrong with book burning?

>> No.12553372
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What makes you say this?

>> No.12553379

The book is destroyed (can't read it)

>> No.12554210

She is GOD

>> No.12554244

How dare you to compare based Kondo-sama with this pozzed gook hag?

>> No.12554850

Why would you want to read shit?

>> No.12554871
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>Book burning is bad!!!!

>> No.12554956

based and impracticalpilled

>> No.12555048

Would you give up literature permanently for a wife like Marie, /lit/?
I would. I so would. I would throw all my books out the window, with a maniacal laughter of joy, hoping to hit some child down below.

>> No.12555080

This bitch is responsible for all these middle age women coming into our store asking for the shitty tidying up book.

>> No.12555095

why do white roasties hate asian women so much? i mean i've heard and read some serious vitriol coming from them.

>> No.12555125

Shut up fuckass
They're buying stuff from you
How stupid one must be to think profit is bad?

>> No.12555143

we don't have the FUCKING book

>> No.12555171

>there's this book that's flying from the shelves
>we should not stock it
Looks like you run a terrible business. Enjoy future bankruptcy.

>> No.12555245

>This blessed woman is responsible for increasing my chances of meeting a milf who just wants to clean

Poor you.

>> No.12555678

>Would you give up literature permanently for a wife like Marie, /lit/?


>> No.12555693

She is the best antidote against Cultural Marxism.

>> No.12555717

you're right, I would not want to read (you)r post again.

>> No.12555736

She never said to only keep 30 books though
@ 3:21