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12551635 No.12551635 [Reply] [Original]

What books capture this? It's so easy to think you're the center of everything.

>> No.12551646

there's a good bit in milan kundera's book of laughter and forgetting about this

>> No.12551702

People that believe this are deluded.
Try living in a shitty town and riding the bus sometime, you will see and hear the insights of the double digit IQ mongs that talk in clichés and shallow platitudes and clearly have no sense of purpose or anything that borders on complexity.

They are led along by sport, movies, going out drinking and getting some shifts in at their menial job. Their moments are Christmas, birthdays, national holidays, the weather, they live life practically on autopilot.

And there's hell of a lot more of them than there is any one of us: those that have actually taken a second to look around and assess life and strive for me.

Don't be naive, you're only going to to put your trust in the wrong people thinking that everyone bears the same burdens or imbibes the same passion from life and it's challenges.

>> No.12551709


For more*

>> No.12551719
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>> No.12552519

Short story collections.

People who don't understand this are "doomer" goths, pessimists who suffer from shutting out their own feelings.
I live a shitty humdrum life, nothing I have ever dreamed for, worked towards, has ever come true. The world is going to shit and the species isn't likely to make it out of this century, so I'm not naive when I say that I love life.

>> No.12552534

I realize other people have lives, but I reject their importance compared to mine. "Sonder" is a facebook meme.

>> No.12552565

yeah man, i love going on 4chan and finding other dudes who really see reallity for what it REALLY is. we are the only ones living in society right now, it's like that book the breakdown of the bicameral mind, have you heard of it? it proposes that conciousness was an invention, something learned. humans were living in societies without awareness until they woke up! and it's like, i believe that with the advent of technology, most of humans are in that state, they live on auto pilot never interacting with reality. there are only a few of us who are trully awaken and truly sees the flaws of normies, jews, and women.

>> No.12552623
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>> No.12553330

This is such a shitty concept.
Why muddle your own experience with "b-but there are other people too!"?
You are the only one experiencing your own life, so worry about that. Who gives half a shit what the person next to me is experiencing?
My life is the only one that matters to me.

>> No.12553348

The thing is most on 4chan are also unconscious, especially the stereotypes you just mocked.

>> No.12553399

Absolutely, brother. It really sucks to be so high-IQ like us, doesn't it? I feel your pain, comrade. To have to pretend the people around me are anything above an animal's soul mistakenly placed into a human's body, is a difficulty I live with. To look into a stranger's eyes, and pretend like there's "someone in there", is a falsehood which I can't often follow along with. We alone lead lives of meaning, and I sometimes wonder if these other "people" (can they really be called such?), who haven't fathomed the depths to life that we have, even deserve a life in the first place.

>> No.12553407

wow, so moral anon

>> No.12553430

stop trying to make new words for your outbursts of paltry teenage angst

>> No.12553440

only a redditor would think this is profound

>> No.12553488

Thanks for the definition.
Since I was a kid, I would look up at airliners and try to imagine how many people were up there, what they might be doing on the plane, where they were going, and for what reason.

>> No.12553521

peak r*ddit

>> No.12553531

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.12553568

Reading the Origin of Consciousness makes me question how developed some humans even are desu

>> No.12553580

i think the pic is from Dictionary of Obscure sorrows project

>> No.12553592

You appear the same to them.

>> No.12553608

edgelord cringe

>> No.12553612

yeah but they're idiots so it's different lol

>> No.12553683

The Sandman, by Neil Gaiman

>> No.12553825

The amount off asshurt by the self-aggrandizing retards on the board this comment has generated was predictable but ridiculously laughable given this place.

>> No.12553835


>> No.12554085




BOTH ARE WRITTEN WITH A SIMILAR vernacular/lexicon/diction/word selection, if you know what I mean - They must read very similar material




predicted fleshbot response: "you're NPC too!"

>> No.12554096


>> No.12554148

you're so awakened you spend your days on an anonymous cesspool of the internet talking about how unawakened everyone around you is. definitely the occupation found among the most enlightened.

sorry, meant to say:
me npc beep boop u superconscious awakened enlightened individual me so jealous of u awareness wish i awake like you but me only beep boop

>> No.12554172

This has warranted retort because even though the others might be monkeys in human skin there's no creativity in thinking that. It's much more artistically sensible to acknowledge that the people around you have troubles and pleasures and lives just like yours. The fact that they explain their lives in cliches and platitudes just gives the intelligent a better reason to speak a personal language. Not everyone can be a poet - otherwise there'd be no need for poets.

>> No.12554174

all NPC reactions are basically flailing imitations of the fedora meme

Don't really hate normies (like at all) but you midwit, performatively high IQ reddit subhuman white nerds must perish

>> No.12554182

>this triggers the npcs

>> No.12554291

How do people like this even live with themselves? I don't mean that as a figure of speech. How could you go about life being this much of an insufferable literally plebbit fucking retard and not kill yourself? This little faggot talks like this every day of his miserable life.

>> No.12554307


>> No.12554326

even the dull humdrum proles we are surrounded by are replete with catastrophic sexual neurosis and perversions.

>> No.12555322


Not a book, but you can't write this stuff.

>> No.12555401
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Look at them. Look at those dunces, struggling to find meaning in their lives when there is none. The fact of the matter is everything revolves around me, for the Universe is a construct that can only be supported by my consciousness. Once I'm gone, the Universe will cease to exist. You are justified in thinking that the masses are NPCs, because they ARE. The sole meaning to their lives is to fulfill certain roles and interact with me in according to those roles in order to fulfill the metanarrative that is my life. For this is MY story, and no one else's. You might call me a narcissist or a solipsist, but in your heart you know this is true.

>> No.12555427

There is no inherent meaning, however there is an array of purposes to choose from.
Death is meaningless.

>> No.12555435

deluded tripfag

>> No.12555470

>every person you see has the same richness and depth of cognition, self-conscious, and perceptual faculties as you
this is empirically false and also rationally untenable, most people are little more than ape-cattle and should be treated as such.
>its so easy to think you're the center of everything
well you are, the necessity of this definition presupposes that each person must come out of this center to see that others have their own centers, of course the richness of your experience does not somehow increase and preclude the equality of theirs even in the poverty of their being unaware of sonder so you are a brainlet and even more self centered than those you accuse of being inwardly oriented at the expense of the beautiful variegated herd of plodding tax chattel you're admiring for no particular reason, other than of course to elevate yourself to a depersonalized (or really just fragmented, maybe projected, elemental) state.

what a terrible thread
the concept of a purpose doesn't make sense in a world of writhing matter and energy, its just a sign for the sake of organizing human systems and nothing else.

>> No.12555495


also shrooms

>> No.12555512

The Waves

>> No.12555561


Not to defend the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows word, it is a naive thought, but there’s sense in freely choosing a set of purposes for the brief time you have to exist in this universe. And there’s no sense in throwing the unknowable determinism at me either. Death is what’s meaningless, life is experiential. “Nothing else”? That’s everything. Living it is just clearly what you do. You happen till you’re done.

>> No.12555615

Too much Ligotti, son.

>> No.12557401

I agree with you (although i hate that i feel this way); i’ve come to the conclusion it is foolish to think everyone is as intellectually advanced as a minority. It is not simply work ethic or labor, many people are just idiots and can’t help it. They may be high-functioning idiots as well. They may be a doctor or a police man. They may pass every test thrown to them with flying scores. But they are still an idiot. When the books are gone and they are left to their own devices and thought, deep contemplation is non-existent. But for some it is, you may say, which is true, but it is child-like thought. Otherwise this level of thought would have manifested itself physically, just as spite and sorrow does. Perhaps you think i am a fool myself, or that i am a small man with an ego; yet down beneath your skin you know no one else is like you. You know that there is a reason you subconciously hate them so.

>> No.12559154

good post but can you say it in a more sarcastic and reddit way next time?

>> No.12559219

>if other people don't worry or think same things as me, it means they are stupid.
>I never work on autopilot myself.
Right on fellow wokester.

I wouldn't put myself above others, even if I think somethings most don't. I don't think that being woke or enlightened is meaning of life. Nothing good has followed me for being "woke".

>> No.12560182


Empty sarcasm is a concession.

>> No.12560195
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Jesus subsumes, as usual:

>The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!