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/lit/ - Literature

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12550156 No.12550156 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody even read novels anymore? Like new and recently published ones?

>> No.12550206


>> No.12550251

I unironically like Gaiman but he’s about the only one I can think of. Are there any you’d recommend?

>> No.12550268


>> No.12550349

Not really, I just want to know if I should even bother writing a novel.

>> No.12551206

I personally don't read any new LIT outside of STEM topics (and random stuff like a Bar book I got). There's too much good old LIT to bother looking for new, probably mediocre, stuff.

>> No.12551388


>> No.12553043

Many people read recently published YA/romance and self-help/pop-sci books.

>> No.12553073
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Yeah this is true. I've been reading quite a bit of YA. Last book I read was Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire which is about this asexual girl who opens doorways that lead to other worlds. Before that I read Clariel by Garth Nix which is about this asexual girl who has the powers to go bezerk... but that lands her into trouble.

>> No.12553083

Last time I bought a newly-released novel was Moore's Jerusalem, but I'm probably not representative of "anybody"

>> No.12554376

Lol who the hell cares about some roastie that doesn’t want to fuck?

>> No.12554624

Cormac, Delillo and Pynchon are about it.
Denis Johnson, Umberto Eco and Phillip Roth all died fairly recently. I used to read them too.