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12549913 No.12549913 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever written letter to a literary figure or a philosopher?
What was the result?

>> No.12550068

I wrote to Ryan Russell, asking if there was going to be another book along the lines of Stealing the Network. He got all smarmy about it. It was not a good experience.

>> No.12550291

wrote to ben carson congratulating him and hoping he makes more of a splash. also told him to get on camera more and take a win. havent heard back and its been two years.

>> No.12550317

I wrote an e-mail to Noam Chomsky about US presence in Syria and have gave a nice well thought out reply.

>> No.12550323

Is Ted still taking letters?

>> No.12550326
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I exchanged emails with Kevin Solway and eventually he came to visit me.

>> No.12550336

look up emails to stallman

>> No.12550376

Chomsky is surprisingly active in terms of e-mails. I heard he tries to respond to most of the serious ones.

>> No.12550380


In college, I once briefly considered writing an equally brief letter to one of my philosophy professors, detailing my views and what I actually think and feel. I decided against doing so, and it's a good thing since that would have got me on the campus watchlist.

>> No.12550389

Is eing on a watchlist isn't such a bad thing, in the grand scheme of things?

>> No.12550432

It is probably a good tool for him to be able to argue his points from so many assaulting angles as he can have with randomized letters. Formal debates will only provide so many adversarial positions.

>> No.12550447

I think so. I want to write to him but I'm not sure if it's worth getting put on every list imaginable

>> No.12550451

That's a good point. His own explanation is he does it for the same reason he gives talks and goes to debates and so forth. He feels it is his duty.

>> No.12550459

i wrote plato a letter and he said my parents arent home come over

>> No.12550647

>I'm not sure if it's worth getting put on every list imaginable
such a sad defeatist acceptance to live your life as a slave.

"I don't want to exercise my freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, and freedom of speech cuz I'm afraid of some lists"

It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. slave.

>> No.12550659

I agree with your message but the delivery is cringe

>> No.12550665

this guy fucks

>> No.12550667

come up with a better version. educate me.

>> No.12550709

Indeed. I had the pleasure of being destroyed by him in discussing whether Scandinavia will eventually reach a similar state as Venezuela because of their socialist policies. Was a pleasure to have the three or four email exchange.

>> No.12550717

Sounds interesting. You think you could post them or some excerpts?

>> No.12550725

>I had the pleasure of being destroyed by him
did you cum?

>> No.12550733

Not the anon you asked but Chomsky is strongly against correspondence with him being shared publicly without his permission.

>> No.12550745

not to mention it's illegal.

the courts have strongly upheld that if you have a "reasonable expectation of privacy" via communications, neither you nor the recipients can publicize the communication without the consent of all parties.

>> No.12550748

Reminds me of the Sam Harris fiasco

>> No.12550750


Chomsky is a celebrity and consequently does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in most of his interperonal interactions, least of all in e-mail exchanges which he does not have to deign to participate in, so your point is void as argued till here.

>> No.12550754

lol Sam Harris is such a pseud douche

>> No.12550759

No, I won't do that. Even though I don't think it's illegal, it's certainly bad form. Plus, I recently wrote to him again about another topic which is a slower and more difficult conversation. Would not want to breach that trust.
Can I interest you in the letter I wrote to Sam Harris a few years ago, to which he didn't reply? It has to do with: >>12550748

Let's just say I was intellectually STIMULATED.

>> No.12550761

that's not true. courts have upheld that in modes of communication where there is a "reasonable expectation of privacy" you cannot publicize even if a recipient is a "public figure"

>> No.12550769

actually, you're right. I take that back. But I have to say I'm shocked that the U.S. doesn't have better privacy protections

>> No.12550772

Yes. Charles Stross. I received no reply.

>> No.12550793

>which he didn't reply
because Sam harris is a modern Aristotle and is "above" you you little plebe! lol

Sam Harris is such a pseud. yes! please share it!

>> No.12550825

Can't find my email copy so I'll quickly transcribe it from the hard copy to google docs. Give me ten minutes.

>> No.12550846

All right. You're on the stop watch.

>> No.12550904

ding ding ding, time's up. Penalty applied.

>> No.12550908


Hopefully the link works. If not, oh well.

>> No.12550919
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We had an assignment in school (maybe 13 years old at the time) to read and write a review of any book. I chose a whole series which I was already reading. Wrote an email to the author and in an attempt to impress him I lied about reading through all the 4 books of the series 3 times, instead of just once like a normal person. Then he replied with something along the lines of "wow! 3 times! all the way through?" which my guilty little boy mind interpreted as "I know you're lying you little shit".

I also asked some questions about being a writer and he gave really good replies. Felt pretty good desu because I really did enjoy reading through them just that one time.

>> No.12550921

10 minutes far gone anon where are you I hope you're ok and that the sam harris brigade did not put you in jail

>> No.12550931

Did the link here >>12550908 work?

>> No.12550942

Or here:

>> No.12550954

This one works. Well written letter anon, though I'm still reading it.

>> No.12551961


>> No.12552247


Can you give us a brief summary of your points and his refutations?

>> No.12552397

Ouch!! Dude you addressed him as “Mr. Harris” and not “Dr. Harris”. ?!?!? Ehat the hell where you thinking?! Dont you realize pretentious pseuds like that care everything about their credentials?

>> No.12552411

>whether Scandinavia will eventually reach a similar state as Venezuela because of their socialist policies
You're an absolute retard if you believe(d) this

>> No.12552445


>> No.12552478

Ok thanks for sharing, a word of advice: when you’re a nobody and your e-mailing a public figure gor the first time, dont ever have anything longer than 1/10th of what you wrote. These people receive hundreds of emails weekly from people like you and why the hell would they invest the time to read somthing so long from s nobody. You should have condensed your main point into a few sentences. Here:

“The thing with better intentions always has the moral high ground, all things being equal. But when it comes to a large and powerful country vs. a small, weak, or culturally backward country, there is a difference in moral responsibility and therefore morsl judgement, The good intentions of the powerful country are morally counterbalanced by their correspondingly greater responsibilities.”

There, simple and sweet.

>> No.12552725

Did he explain how it is importing niggers and arabs that will dissolve Scandinavia?

>> No.12552764
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when i was about in 3rd grade i emailed lemony snicket saying he should reveal Olaf as a time traveler. also dj machale that they should make a pendragon movie and that i could play lead.

>> No.12552841


>> No.12552853

He isn’t wrong, though

>> No.12552882

I hope he is because I plan on writing him one

>> No.12553366

Appreciate the advice, and very concise summary! I didn't really consider length, but I did feel a little clumsy trying not to be too bold or assertive in my point.

I attempted to argue that having all the industries nationalized not only undermined the natural incentives of the market, but it probably was irresponsible to set up extensive social programs relying entirely on oil/gas prices. He confirmed that a lack of a diverse economy is somewhat responsible for the problems they were having (this was summer 2017), but it was more the result of capital flight and corruption (corporate AND gov't, which is particularly bad in south America). I then asserted that the socialist model may be good for a while, but soon people will lose their creativity and ingenuity because everything is provided for them; that is, their instincts and incentives to always push forward and create will go unnourished. He came back with the fact that not only has Scandinavia been stable and comfortable for decades, they also score near the top of happiness surveys year after year. The rest was him refuting my follow-up assertions related to the relative "freeness" of an open market, rather than one managed by an entity that can legally demand participation (the government). Also, he made some good points about the free market experiment in Chile under Pinochet, which was an unequivocal failure under near-ideal conditions, and the government investment in US industry to fuel innovation, particularly with respect to computer technology.

Well, I felt like a retard after having a thorough debate about it. So...okay.

We didn't get to the nigger and arab question. Maybe next time I contact him?

>> No.12553420

Saying hey to Uncle Ted is not worth giving ATF an excuse to vaporize you and your family at a random time

>> No.12553428

Quick gestalt?

>> No.12553434

I'm just gonna ask for some advice about ideal dimensions for a hermit shed. Did he ever feel cramped? How well did he utilize the space? Many partitions or open concept? Surely such a harmless inquiry won't get me flagged.

>> No.12553467

Sam Harris attempted to have a debate with Noam Chomsky about whether the intentions behind a violent military action changes the morality of it. He basically clumsily asserts that the US was more than justified in its actions following 9/11. Chomsky says that the US was guilty of many violent campaigns before 9/11 and some of these campaigns were publicly and frequently cited by bin Laden as justification for 9/11.

Here's the exchange below as published on Sam's website. Yes, Chomsky comes off as a little grumpy. But Sam comes off as pretty arrogant and close-minded.


>> No.12553471

>they're making fun of OP again >>12553448

>> No.12553496

>advertising your own thread

>> No.12553547

You can read up on the Scandinavian model and look into the degree of state ownership.

>> No.12553566

Are you going to live in the woods just like Uncle Ted? Why? What's wrong with the cities?

>> No.12553628

I'm building a cabin in the woods as a retreat. I have reservations about the increasing "hyperconnectedness" of all devices, platforms, and data. To have a place where I can live for a few weeks or months a year with no connection to society will keep me sane.

>> No.12553646

Sounds like a neat idea but why not move there permanently?

>> No.12553661

I've emailed Nick Land asking for his religious beliefs. He said something about Chinese folk religion.

>> No.12553663

In time, I will. When I retire from my job, I will probably live there most of the year.

>> No.12553696

So you are hoping to start really living at the age of 60? Well good luck, people at that age usually don't have strength to hunt or gather, so unless you plan to stash some money now and then live a degenerate hedonistic lifestyle from your pensions I don't see how you are going to manage it.

>> No.12553766
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>> No.12553778

No, the goal is roughly as follows:
>2020: purchase land
>2021-23: place prefabricated cabin on property
>2023-2025: slowly learn off-grid technologies to minimize costs to live there
>2025-2030: continue spending 2-5 weeks per year there
>2030 onward: live there most of the year, continuing to read and write, returning to the city to visit family and friends for holidays, etc.
>~2064: kill self

>> No.12553910

"It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late."
- Cioran

>> No.12553952

You haven't done anything worth doing if you aren't on at least one watchlist

>> No.12553954

too late for what?

>> No.12554073

this. lol. normies are such worthless scum

>> No.12554575


The courts are wrong, then. That's a stupid and obviously untrue ruling pursuant to the language that we've been using up until this point, as it relates to celebrities.


Immediately after writing the above reply, I was pleased to find this response. At issue, of course, is the distinction between what is legal, what is morally right, and what is reasonable. Although in this later response, I wonder whether you conceded that I was right in the moral/intellectual sense (obviously), or perhaps even more strongly, in the legal sense that certain cases have found against celebrities for common-sense reasons a la what I've explained up to this point.

>> No.12554839

i concede in the legal sense. admittedly, i lied and just assumed that the courts have upheld those protections. but I spent last night reading through the case law and i was completely wrong. I have to admit though i was very surprised and a bit disappointed.

>> No.12554959

Is his address publicly out there? I'd consider shooting him a question or two after I finish Fanged Noumena.

>> No.12555306

I can’t find it

>> No.12555551

Interesting quote

>> No.12555597
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>> No.12555598

oh the iron ring

>> No.12555609

>What's wrong with the cities?

>> No.12555682

Freedom Software man really is on the spectrum

>> No.12556344 [DELETED] 

go back

>> No.12556839

you're already on those lists for posting here, but you can just set a drop up

>> No.12556866

That actually sounds really nice. A good middle ground

>> No.12557186

I don't imagine American operations find their way into edgy counter-culture literature forums.
You're paranoid.