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12548845 No.12548845 [Reply] [Original]

>midterms last week
>see cute girl in library
>make eye contact, she smiles
>repeat this 3 days in a row
>last Friday, she waves to me as she enters library
>this week i go to library even though midterms are over hoping to see her
>repeat everyday
>never see her enter
Books for this fucking feel lads? Where theres a missed connection that somehow ends up with romance?

>> No.12548891


>> No.12548902

Not By Bread Alone by Dudintsev

Ana Karenina (I think. I can't remember if one of the characters fits what you want.)

They sort of loosely connect to what you're asking for.

>> No.12548908

How so, sirrah? Do you speak of nausicaa and Odysseus?

>> No.12548909

She was studying for her midterms, anon.

You should have gone and asked for your number.

>> No.12548911


>> No.12548920

It was on the silent no talking floor. Plus i really didn’t know i had a chance until she waved, which was the last day I saw her.

>> No.12548927

You honestly don’t deserve her love if you’re too autistic to even approach after a wave. You probably made her feel pretty bad too.

>> No.12548931

>made eye contact
>she didn’t run away
>didn’t go up and talk to her
Are you even trying anon. The eye contact part is the most awkward for everyone, once you get it, you embarrass everyone (especially yourself) by continuing it longer than necessary.

>> No.12548937

How do you even approach in a library?
Pls tell me she doesn’t think i am uninterested :( fuck i will kms i am just shy

>> No.12548957

She tried to establish contact and you showed no interested. Could have handed her a note or something.

>> No.12548959

Just walk up and say hey, or if you’re concerned about making noise, just write your number down with a little ‘call me’ note and after you’ve said hi just give her the note then be on your way.

She obviously is going to think you’re uninterested if she’s done all she can to attract you and you’ve just ignored her advances lol

>> No.12548982

But truly was it an advance or more of somekind of way to make the repeated eye contact less awkward?

>> No.12548997

This is your mind on schizotypicalism.

>> No.12549022
File: 69 KB, 770x664, adachi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl would already be calling me daddy, had I had the privilege of being you.

>> No.12549030

>midterms last week
>see cute guy in library
>he finally notices me, smile
>repeat this 3 days in a row, he just stares at me
>last Friday, wave to him, he still does nothing
>finally give up

why do I even try? I guess people go to the library to study, not to make friends

>> No.12549035

Just watch vertigo and you’ll understand these emotions better

>> No.12549047

Fie! Fie! She seemed pure to me.
Literally hurts my heart. I’m a hideous subhuman, this was the first time someone actually acknowledged me, in a positive way. I just didn’t know how to act.

>> No.12549059

next time bend her over and insert penis

>> No.12549069
File: 28 KB, 250x290, adachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such a thing as a pure girl.

Once she allows me in her life, I make sure she never forgets that I own her.

I will start hanging out in libraries more.

>> No.12549081

if you see her again, anon, and manage to interact with her further, please treat her well. women are sweethearts and i really hope you will treat her as one.

>> No.12549084


>> No.12549083

please fucking don't, I want a quiet place to read but these fucking normies and betas just use it to chat up bitches instead
it's annoying

>> No.12549090

Damn, the man who presents himself as an anime character thinks women are whores, and he’s gonna hang out in libraries cause some guy on 4chan said he had a connection with a girl at a university library. Truly the Romeo of our times.

>> No.12549097
File: 937 KB, 2000x3000, 1540187214895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i love women so much, bros. they are the sweetest, softest, most heavenly of specimens a man can ever find within this world. they also somehow always smell fantastic, they are so much more compassionate for people around them than men are, and are innocent by their very nature. maturity and responsibility comes secondhand to them, juggling so much without a wince or whimper, unlike us men who buckle under the same forces of formality, and tend to seek out often-puerile escapisms like that of video games to avoid such realities. life throws so much hardship at them, and yet they bare it with such beauty and grace that a man can only but submit himself to such a wondrous, divine, magnificent being.

any books that match the vibe of this image? asking for a fren

>> No.12549104


>> No.12549120

It wasn’t a legitimate, premeditated wave. It was sort of an awkward raise of her hand, she didn’t allow it to extend far from her torso, shoulder stayed in a relaxed position. She felt awkward about waving, that i am sure. The only thing i don’t know is if she did it because she liked me or if she felt it strange to see the same person so many days in a row

>> No.12549155

>be me
>go to library
>beta wimps everywhere
>stacy desperately waving and staring at this one autist
>girl is almost pulling his pants off yet he has no reaction
>decide to pick the exact same book stacy is reading
>she comes
>"There is only one available, we'll have to share"
>teach her whatever she wants to study because she is a woman and must have everything handed to her
>she goes to bathroom
>autist walks up to me for realizing there are no female pheromones to scare it off from the proximity
>it has veins on its forehead, anime t-shirt and a hand that is full of paper cuts from flipping pages of Moby Dick over and over again
>autist hasn't even switched to eBooks
>it angrily tells me to stop chatting up bitches because it cannot finish his 3000 words fan theory on Kafka that isn't going anywhere
>ignore it and start flirting with Stacy louder
>stacy and I get banned from library because of noise
>doesn't matter because her midterms are over

At least she won't see that autist anymore.

>> No.12549180

Holy shit! You are on the spectrum for sure.

>> No.12549200

You’d have your answer already if you weren’t a coward.

>> No.12549204
File: 99 KB, 603x841, 1518375902792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be one of the most autistic and socially awkward posters to ever grace this board. I'm happy that I got to witness this.

>> No.12549223

im happy im not you

>> No.12549242

based. y the heck do ppl actually save my pastas lol

>> No.12549249

Yessssss <3333

>> No.12549282

you mean you have more than one? I collect pastas
I saved that particular one because I find female worship posts coinciding with female hate posts on 4chan amusing

>> No.12549294

Maybe your sorry ego is just imagining her.

>> No.12549318

i am the originator of several "women worship" pastas on here, yes. you've likely seen the other ones too

>> No.12549332

why is my ego never imagining anything as good as OP
tfw your ego is an asshole

>> No.12549339

based, I'll keep an eye out

>> No.12549894

wtf I'm listening to pere ubu right now

>> No.12549903

sweet. do u love women too, my dude?

>> No.12549960

>have poor vision
>takes my brain awhile to process things at distance
>be walking on sidewalk
>approaching qts are looking at me and smiling
>hear their conversation cease to be replaced with competitive fervor
>as the get closer I’m still waiting for my eyes to focus so I can paint a clearer picture of their emotions
>they grow closer
>by the time we’re in arm’s reach, they’ve grown gravely silent and diminish away from me, as if trying to subtly avoid my attention
>i focus, realize the situation for what it had become
>they start to shuffle quickly away

>be in restaurant eating alone
>feel like there may be someone watching me eat
>this makes sense
>when I eat alone I eat like a fiend
>table of friendly negros about 20 meters away, one glances over now and then
>noticing this, I cease my feindish eating and stare, trying to discern whether or not I’m being watched
>at this point, I’m certainly being watched
>he alerts his associates of a possible danger
>i go back to eating
>their heightened alerness passes, I begin to stare again to see if black man is still watching
>he is
>they all turn immediately
>i remain staring, trying to discern emotions (at this point I ought to note that I find emotions facinating and have done comprehensive study ranging from the physiological to culture underpinnings, and everything else you can fathom)
>they begin to feel insecure, start banter about me and shoot insults my way
>laugh, cause they were pretty funny
>they get up and leave

>be in uni library
>qt comes in, I notice a rather divine facial structure and gait, but needed a closer look
>nearing me, I make out a smile on her face, but my failure to reciprocate falls on my prolonged processing of her finer features
>her smile stales and she is hurt
>she looks away, dejected
>I make an appointment with the eye doctor

>be walking to class
>group of cuties talking about me from a distance ahead
>vaguely make out their interest
>continue looking to see if my suspicions are valid
>situation stales
>I’m met with grimaces, scowls, and general disappointment

It’s actually amazing how much we rely on our vision. I’m a trained pianist, so my ear for the subtleties of voice intonations usually cues me in, but there are times where I realize a whole different dimension to human interaction, thanks to my poor vision.

Hopefully the glasses fix this

>> No.12550362

you should return to either reddit or r9k

>> No.12550495

holy shit

>> No.12550502


>> No.12551003
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Personally since i do not have the courage to go talk to random people, but i have grown sensitive to the awkwardness that ensues in situations like these, so i would just stop looking at them after the 2nd day. Is this what it means to take the black pill?

>> No.12551019

You bastard.
A kindly girl waves at you and you did not return the favor by going over and introducing yourself asking if she needed a study partner.

Very disrespectful not only to her but to yourself.
You do yourself a great dishonor by not being friendly to your fellow man/woman.

>> No.12552849

you should have started talking to her man ;w;

>> No.12552857

cringe even if trolling

>> No.12552912



>> No.12552920

you should write a book, and entitle it: 'the deranged musings of a short-sighted autist'

>> No.12553216

not a bad idea desu

>> No.12553268
File: 133 KB, 651x1000, 9781908236210_569550c77df3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already exists though.