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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 1019x1603, 71rvJV1W31L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12547836 No.12547836 [Reply] [Original]

holy... I want more

>> No.12547847
File: 98 KB, 455x626, CannesVillaMeteko,avant1950_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

situationism is the true redpill

fuck w*men

>> No.12547851

holy shit the publish(e)r... books for ps(e)uds

>> No.12547876
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Baudrillard, "We Are All Transsexuals Now"

>> No.12547901
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>> No.12547919

Which is worse, the "book" or OP for reading it? From personal experience I can firmly say that OP is worse. Now the real question is: am I worse than OP for writing this?

>> No.12547960
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This shit if fucking hilarious, it's like a big /r9k/ post

>> No.12547970
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>> No.12547978

why did he hate foucalt again, bros?

>> No.12548015
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Foucault wasn't (post)Marxist enough

>> No.12548030

ah the incel marxist thread

>> No.12548096

what book is this from, this is pretty nice and comprehensible

>> No.12548187
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Forget Foucault

>> No.12549483
File: 237 KB, 1426x802, cute meme pseud books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not having a stack of semiotext(e) intervention series like a good little pseud

At some point after I've actually read (the remainder of) these I'll get Tiqqun next.

>> No.12550500

Technocrats may be our best hope for realizing marxism. Not through popular revolution as marx envisioned, rather by reconfiguring the basic notions of commerce, civilization and participation. MIT is more influential today, on the world of tomorrow than any of the Ivy League schools--because more than shaping the narrative, MIT (and IBM, et al) are shaping how the narrative is shaped, what raw materials are used and how it will be promoted, perceived, contained, etc. The medium IS the message.

>> No.12550546

This stuff is awesome, I feel bad for shitting all over the French and Baudrillard. It's like left-wing NRx.

>> No.12550614


>> No.12550670


I was thinking of replying to him too, something that hurts. Now I know what will hurt him the most: I took the photo of the books, and I voted for Trump. I read this stuff, the better to defeat you.

>> No.12550683

R*ghtoids are always saying how powerful cultural marxism is but when a marxist says it, they lose their minds.

>> No.12550799

is 'Now' as good as the 2 first ones?

>> No.12550811


>> No.12550834


They're all about the same in terms of quality/tone IMO, though the simple fact of doing a third installment feels like continual cashing-in on whatever 'cred' they have. From a purely literary point of view, the most interesting thing is that they clearly read Foucault's "Omnes et Singulatim". They shit on the police especially hard in the book (more than usual for French leftists), but in the couse of doing this, they name-check the history of the police, naming three 17-ish century thinkers who had ideal conceptions for the role of police in society. These exact same three thinkers are referenced by Foucault in the above lecture series.

>> No.12550849

What did they mean by this? the fuck is a Yale Girl? Who took the time to write all this?

>> No.12551018

What colour is this pill? Does it go in my mouth, or in my ass? I'm ready and willing, docteur.

>> No.12551025

I want to get Nietzsche Apostle and The Coming Insurrection. I've only read ATTA.

>> No.12551040


I'm going to leave the Nietzsche one alone until I've actually read a little Nietzsche.

>> No.12551043

no, it's the NRx that is right wing French philosophy

>> No.12551084

It is a response to the academic feminists who turned the original into a fetish. A strange writing but predicts all of the sjw insanity very well.

>> No.12551089


Oh please, Coupat et al aren't "outside", "above" the leftist fray. They're part of it. They just want to have their own particular leftist clique (Tarnac), as opposed to another.

>> No.12551214

Not my point. It's strange the extent to which normies have taken up far-left discourse. And I meant to say feminists and incels rather than SJWs.

>> No.12551227

/fit/ BTFO!

Which book is it from?

>> No.12551230
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So you completely abdicate whatever it was that you'd been trying to say a few minutes ago, in an effort to sound smart, got it *cackles hysterically*

>> No.12551550
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, Trapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this stupid.
Nice rdt meme, faggot.

>> No.12552876

transparency of evil

>> No.12553094

you do realize they're not actually/only talking about real young women