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12546871 No.12546871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woman author

>> No.12546878

This is a good rule of thumb.

>> No.12546887
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>author has had sex before

miss me with that normie shit

>> No.12546923

unironically this. i did an experiment recently reading 10 books by women and it made me even more sure its a waste of time.

>> No.12546929

Pretty sure wuthering heights is the ONLY female written book I could slightly tolerate

>> No.12546940

cook books aren't inherently bad, anon

>> No.12546953
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>> No.12546973

I don’t think I will ever forgive women for Ghostbusters and Star Wars

>> No.12546997

>pepe/wojak poster

>> No.12547001

They were never good.

>> No.12547016

Age of Innocence

>> No.12547036

>women were responsible for the atrocity that was ghostbusters
If you could see through all the ridiculous misandry of their marketing campaign with ideology-busting glasses, you'd realise that its not women at fault but Paul fucking Feig.

I'll give you Star Wars, however.

>> No.12547215

>my "experiment" that is not only totally real but intellectually rigorous confirmed my pre-existing biases
Why am I not surprised? And why do I think you're lying when you say you read 10 books "recently"?

>> No.12547265
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this board went straight /r9k/

>> No.12547284
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Women are garbage, all of them

>> No.12547288

>ask friend what her favorite female authors are
>she shrugs and says she can't think of any
>ask her if women aren't good at writing
>she shrugs again and just sayd dunno, it is what it is

Lol women can't handle the truth

>> No.12547329

im woman i like stephanie meyer

>> No.12547380
File: 207 KB, 1500x944, hannah_arendt_ap_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder the following authors are /lit/ core
>Theano of Crotone
>Hipparchia of Maroneia
>Margery Kempe
>Hildegard von Bingen
>St. Catherine of Siena
>St. Angela of Foligno
>Julian of Norwich
>St. Catherine of Siena
>St. Theresa
>Mary Wollstonecraft
>Mary Shelley
>George Eliot
>Zadie Smith
>Simone de Beauvoir
>Hannah Arendt
>Valerie Solanas
>Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe
>Simone Weil
>Martha Nussbaum
>Ursula K. Le Guin
>Margaret Atwood
>Shirley Jackson
>Sadie Plant

>> No.12547385
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yes, this.

>> No.12547544

all shit

>> No.12547665

I can't remember a single good book wrote by a woman. Not fiction, not non-fiction.

>> No.12547673

seems like a pretentious man desu

>> No.12547802

Ayn Rand?

>> No.12547819


>> No.12547852
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I unironically enjoyed Tampa by Nutting.

>> No.12547875

Such an evocative cover. The great void from which we all came.

>> No.12547896


>> No.12547921

yeah yeah we get it, you hate women. change the record already you faggots

>> No.12547930

Into the trash it goes.
I used to read collections of short short stories and not look at the top to see who the author was. I’d read half a page and think “what is this shit?” Loot at that top and it was a female author every fucking time.

>> No.12547932


>> No.12547934

Kek women dont even bother to be even slightly subtle anymore. Muh vagina

>> No.12547935
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I'm redpilled.

'True love' is a jewish Hollywood fiction made to emasculate the white man and make him easy to control. It's a way to get women power and subsequently have liberal beliefs (women feelings) pervade all aspects of society so that the white race can be eradicated, i.e. by lowering birth rates and importing immigrants.

In reality women cannot truly love, as they are too shallow to be truly ethical or loyal. true love exists only between white male nationalists fighting for a cause in the trenches.

>> No.12547958
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>Women are wicked, when you're an Incel

>> No.12547972

lol ebin :^)

>> No.12547993

what do you think it feels like to have boobies?I asked a girl once and she said I should staple two bags of soup, like plastic sandwich bags of soup, to my chest and try walking around with that all day and it tried it but a) the soup was hot so i burned my nipples and 2) when i try to staple it it hurted a lot on my pectorals so in short i thnk it painful to have boobies. shame.

>> No.12548007


I'd recommend at least reading into the book before dismissing it. This isn't some pathetic "muh vageen muh womyn powr" book, it's a fairly redpilled, contemporary twist on Lolita, part of which addresses the female "pussy-pass" for heinous sex crimes.

>> No.12548018

>bags of soup handing from your chest all day
wtf why am I hard

>> No.12548047

I know this is a stupid shitpost, but fuck I want to have tits so badly. I work with a woman who has massive tits, and yeah I want to fuck her but I also want to be her I guess? Is that normal?

>> No.12548114
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>I want to fuck her but I also want to be her I guess?

I'm not quite sure I know what you mean, my friend and original poster. Please do not get me wrong, this is an interesting thread filled with interesting comments about women, but I am entirely unable to come to the conclusion that what you want is normal. I am a man. I have a penis. It's quite a nice penis, or, at least that is what my wife tells me.

Some days I am unsure as to whether she is lying to curry favor, but I do not spend much time dwelling on such insecurities. Sex with my wife is nice.

It is possible of course, original poster, that the technology might one day exist that will allow a person or persons to "merge" with a woman in such a manner that they do, for all intents and purposes, "become the woman with massive tits who you work for", but that in itself carries with it a myriad of issues. Can a being be, in a sense, two beings? If one fucks a woman, can one simultaneously be that woman that they are fucking? If so, they are the woman who they are fucking, does one immediately share a consciousness with that person, being that both persons are simultaneously that woman?

Sadly however, I have so very few answers for these questions, original poster. Perhaps some time when you're around, I would enjoy discussing these with you.

>> No.12548127

You trannies are destroying the lesbian community. Fuck off.

>> No.12548155

it's a normal case of mental illness.

>> No.12548161

based, but you can go back to your cafe or farm now

>> No.12548165

If I'm gonna waste my time I'd rather waste it on good male authors instead of mediocre female authors.