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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 570x380, female_programmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12546587 No.12546587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't the NEETs of /lit/ use your language skills and attention to detail in becoming a programmer?

Learning to code has never been easier or more lucrative. Employers and recruiters will literally beg you to let them hand you tons of money doing something naturally suited to the high IQ male brain (i.e. organizing, articulating, formalizing etc).

>> No.12546630
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>become a digital brick layer the capitalist pig said
yea no, you only get one life

>> No.12546631

>an actual shill thread

>> No.12546682
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What do you mean?

If you even want to write a contemporary novel about young people and / or the Age of Technology, you have to at least understand how code functions. It's an art, in fact.

>> No.12546712

>Being a Javascript codemonkey
Something tells me you are not a (well paid) programmer

>> No.12546750

But desu I already make tousands with patreon

>> No.12546778

>wasting my time as a wagie

I already have a decent living as a NEET, so why would i put in all that effort in something i'm not interested in?

>> No.12546820

I use my language skills to translate. Although I do dabble in Python in my own leisure time. It’s beautiful in a way. It doesn’t feel like a natural language though.

>> No.12547364

I'm already a freelance programmer, trying to migrate to front end dev though

>> No.12547394
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serious question: How do you guys survive (financially) as NEETs? How do you pay rent, or bills? I'm not in the US (and I assume you guys get some benefits from the state) but I guess it's not sustainable. Enlighten me, please?

>> No.12547411

food stamps

>> No.12547427

you don't have to become a googleslave code monkey, a modicum of technological prowess is necessary to enter the left XL hyperspace - the central-decentralized information superhighway, the lynchian underbelly of FAANG's chromed post-end-of-history technosphere of PIRACY and CRYPTOCURRENCY and DIGITAL TERRORISM. the future of proletarian revolution is electronic.

>> No.12547564


>> No.12547661

I don't know what I need to know to get work as a programmer. I know a little bit but don't know which direction to go to become eligible for payed work. Can anyone comment on this?

>> No.12547689

>Learning to code has never been easier or more lucrative. Employers and recruiters will literally beg you to let them hand you tons of money...
How can you lie like that? Just, how do you do it? Is there a specific method to entirely shut down your morality and say shit like that?

>> No.12547717
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I'm finishing uni and the story seems different for me. Job applications are a drag, having a CV is not enough, all companies want a cover letter and for you to complete their own inhouse data system with all the info in your CV, as well as answering questions like "Why do you want to work for us? (500 words max wink wink), "At MegaCorp we value ingenuity, tell us what ingenuity means to you, and give as example of you being ingenuos."


Im graduating top of my class but I can already feel how soul sucking the real world is going to be, if I even manage to land a job that is

>> No.12547739

CS is a cut throat working environment where you are supposed to not have a life by default, and be eager to work 14 hours a day 7 days a week for just above minimum wage.
Depending on where you are located and on if the shit that you learned will still be relevant, you can make ok money but not before having achieved 5 years experience minimum.
It's maybe the most nightmarish, soul crushing white collar job you can get, unless you like on some scandinavian socialist utopia or some shit like that.

>> No.12547742

where I'm at even internships want experience. i'm living in literal clown world. one time some recruiter bitch asked me why I wanted to work the monkey desk job I was applying for and I told her "cause I need to eat" and the interview was over right there and then lol

>> No.12547755
File: 455 KB, 1166x1011, maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the US (and I assume you guys get some benefits from the state)
the us has no safety net unless you have children. we don't even have homeless shelters that are state funded in most areas.

>> No.12547763

huge hyperbole, maybe only even close to the truth if you work in game dev

>> No.12547774
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thats what I feel like saying but HR thots won't appreciate the sincerity, its a test to weed out the non-conformists like us.

>> No.12547788

nice bait

>> No.12547796

>>12547739, >>12547763 is correct, what you’re saying is way over the top, except in like yeah game dev

im a new grad with one software engineering internship the summer after graduation and the company hired me full time on a six figure salary (high cost of living, but still) as a software engineer

CS at a proper university is rigorous and requires a good deal of math and conceptual competence, so if you come out of one you’re much more than a code monkey.

also AMA

>> No.12547826

I don't feel like I should dedicate mind, body, and soul to a company that doesn't give two fucks about me because I don't want to live in the sticks, I really don't

>> No.12547880

Is it the same for other students from your university? Or only the top of your year? Which part of studies/work is the most demanding?

>> No.12547949

I don't get why people run their companies punish employees for being honest. You're supposed to pretend you're applying for a reason other than money? I guess that's why I don't run any companies.

>> No.12547976

Why you left reddit to come here with your used cars salesmen tier lies?

>> No.12547991
File: 12 KB, 251x242, Facebook frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company requires you to fill out a few dozen drop down boxes instead of just uploading a CV
should unironically be illegal

>> No.12548022

Why yes, ever since I was a child ive been passionate about Market Data Services. Hire me!

>> No.12548031

most places do both

>> No.12548032

more or less this. I love what learning to code did to the way I approach problems in general but I think it's a skill everyone should/will have eventually, not a specialized career path.

>> No.12548035

The thing is, while the internet has touched every corner of our generation. From the normiest of normies, to the most socially inept NEETs. The one thing that is incommon is that most people want to use the internet and applications, but we dont want anything to do with programming it.

The fact that governments and companies have to beg people to become programming monkeys for them really illustrates how most people lack an interest in it.

>> No.12548045

Yet Python is one of the most "natural" programming languages out there. But I agree with you anon. Who want to learn assembler unless they have to ?

>> No.12548054

Fuck off code chimp

>> No.12548070

Yes, this nonsense does not compute even in their own brains, so the right call is to dominate them by spewing even more incomprehensible corpospeak at them.

>> No.12548072

It's true that the corporate world's vocabulary, phraseology, modes of reasoning and general culture can be very aggravating. One feels like washing one's mouth after leaving the office at the end of the day.

I heard startup can be more lively, though they still lie near the town hall of shillville of course. Still, it might divert yourself from the feeling of wanting to shove one's own head into a particle accelerator.

>> No.12548074

It's true that the corporate world's vocabulary, phraseology, modes of reasoning and general culture can be very aggravating. One feels like washing one's mouth after leaving the office at the end of the day.

I heard startup can be more lively, though they still lie near the town hall of shillville of course. Still, it might divert yourself from the feeling of wanting to shove one's own head into a particle accelerator.

>> No.12548082

Way to display your like of enthusiasm for the work anon. Why would they choose you over a guy who's just a skilled and can at least lie semi-convincingly.

>> No.12548085

/lit/ bros have a higher IQs than /sci/ fags

>> No.12548087

The enabling big win attacks the problem of executives, so a goal fast-tracks a task-oriented leadership position. The customer partnerships utilize an enterprise core competency. Team team players are the extensible teamwork. If we can foresee the benefits of venture capital, then the first-class core competencies will assure us an emerging skill set. A challenge will succeed, and writeoffs engender compliant culture changes. I think that a team-building drop dead date agrees to disagree on deliverables. We're on schedule for proactive committees. Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that a sweet spot boldly helps us in the concepting of a human resource allocation. Corporate mission statements are the quality-oriented mergers. We are convinced that signage inevitably takes the issue off-line. A best-of-breed product line syncs up with soup-to-nuts big deals, so the customer tangents have a corporation. Truly we must. It's so clear that corporate titans agree to disagree. We are all impressed to see that a major player (and by the way this is all on our website) will enable the lightweight customer base. In order to obtain closure, we took a close look at the win-win mergers to understand what they mean. Red flags can step up to the challenge of revolutionary guiding principles. We will easily take over the leading-edge market for a time frame. Now what was I saying?

>> No.12548117


>> No.12548135

i'm shit a maths

>> No.12548156

no, im just trying to be helfpul, and also correct the ridiculous info in >>12547739

i went to a top uni which is known to be very rigorous and savage with grades, so basically if you have above a 3.0 you’re a viable candidate (but for engineer jobs at non-tech companies, mainly finance, they’ll ask for a 3.5+ to cull applicants. also your gpa really doesn’t matter as long as its not shit (below 3.0), and you demonstrate some experience, especially with software eng internships.)

there are plenty of graduates at well known tech firms, and those tend to be either especially brilliant (3/10 graduates); very intelligent and hard working, but otherwise normal people (3/10), and then the detestable uber haxorz (4/10). everyone crunches cracking the coding interview, its only a matter of how much practice you have to do

the CS program i did is difficult for pretty much everyone, but impossible for people that a) arent actually interested in computer science and b) aren’t good at mathematical thinking. it’s also a pretty big time commitment for most people which is a major drawback.

the culling class is the third one you have to take in the major, after intro to programming with a function language term 1, and then C term 2. it covers in very short time a whole bunch of different disciplines, from systems (down to writing assembly code) to networks (writing applications with sockets) to theory (designing a cache)

the point is, both there and for the rest of your required classes (choosing some from each of a number ot disciplines) there’s a whole lot more than just coding

>> No.12548177

Being an autistic code monkey is as about un/lit/ as you can get

>> No.12548233

yea but like learning to code directly exposes the secrets of the universe and elevates man to godhood.

>> No.12548257

Or tracks my dominos order

>> No.12548315

>tfw would be a productive and successful member of society but I dont want to bow down to my evil capitalist overlords

Tbh my political ideals and refusal to compromise my values is the only reason Im not a tenured professor at Columbia or Stanford and a partner a multimillion dollar consulting firm.

Tbh feels good knowing Im both smarter than a Ph.D student at Yale that already has 3 publications under his belt AND more virtuous.

>> No.12548322

want to do a /lit/ startup

>> No.12548324

Learning as least basic programming is a great help for learning/applying math (especially stiff like group theory and algebraic geometry), and math partakes of the good, so thy ou should prpbably learn it desu senpai.

>> No.12548332

Because being a fake faggot for a paycheck has never sat well with me. Have some self-respect.

>> No.12548349

thats why you read and write as well ;))

>> No.12548372

>wanting a company to pay you tens of thousand of pounds a year, hopefully with exciting/enjoyable opportunities but you’re not if it means writing a one page covering letter.

How lazy and entitled are you people. You realise that you’ll have to work more than the couple hours once you get a job.

>> No.12548395
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am I being paid for my ability to bullshit my way through a job application? Then say no more, Ill write 15 page dissertations on why your company means the world to me.

fucking cuck

You're being paid for the value you provide, and not even that, because there the exploitation through where the companies profits come from

>> No.12548514

Why do we have to play this ass kissing simulator when getting a job? Im sure every hr person knows why were actually there. Ive joked about it with mine as well. Is it just for the boomer and gen x higher ups?

>> No.12548541

because some of us want to work to live, I don't give a fuck about updating my resume, I just wanna live, eat, and sleep somewhere that isn't a fucking tundra without having to play an "ass kissing simulator" as that based anon calls it

>> No.12549143

Learn to code, journalists!!

>> No.12549174

I'd like to hear you say that outside your windowless lair.