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/lit/ - Literature

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1254572 No.1254572 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to write a novel right now and I've become stuck, what inspires the writers on here?

>> No.1254575

My girlfriends.

>> No.1254578

booze and the horrors of the world

if you are inspired by something positive you are going to write something mediocre as fuck

>> No.1254579


>if you are inspired by something positive you are going to write something mediocre as fuck

Cheer up, emo duck.

>> No.1254592

People watching, mostly.

>> No.1254593


>> No.1254597
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It's true, though. Hemingway, Kafka, etc. wouldn't have been able to write as well as they did if they weren't going through lolWriter'sTurmoil at the time.

My advice to you is write about why no one understands your genius, and if you're not a genius you might as well quit while you're ahead and join the rest of the sheeple population.

>> No.1254598

Music always inspires me, mainly because I feel this massive compulsion to write songs when I hear music and I can relieve that urge easily by writing.

>> No.1254609


They both ended in a bad way, which is why I was telling the Bosnian child to cheer up.

However, I'm not saying he's wrong. Just that you shouldn't welcome such things out of life.

>> No.1254615

Who are you to call it a bad way.

You don't know shit and you throw around your ignorance like it's your weight.

>> No.1254619


Generally speaking, killing yourself is not the best way to go.

>random adhominem

Really showing your aptitude for a good debate there, Anon. You won't have to bother typing up a long, snobbishly affected response to this one, I'm out.

>> No.1254624

tripfag getting the supposed last word in

what a fucking suprise

>> No.1254630

>Generally speaking, killing yourself is not the best way to go.

Give grounds for this statement.

>> No.1254632

>Really showing your aptitude for a good debate there, Anon. You won't have to bother typing up a long, snobbishly affected response to this one, I'm out.

implies there to be a debate and then leaves for fear of getting owned in said imagined debate

nigga be afraid of his own shadow

>> No.1254633

It's not an ad hominem, because he's right. You have proved before that you don't know shit about anything.

>> No.1254637

Perhaps killing yourself is a better way to go than dying of starvation because your tuberculosis is so bad you can't swallow any food.

And then your best friend fucks off and publishes your work, even though your final request was that it be burned so no one could ever read it.

>> No.1254641


>You have proved before that you don't know shit about anything.

Nor does anyone else in 4chan, if you stopped to think.

I'm sure some clever person will run in here claiming to be Ex-Mensa and a metaphysics professor. Let's be frank - if you were a great thinker, you wouldn't be on a shitty forum about Chinese Cartoons.

Of course, it's fun to pretend that you are a great thinker, and stride around dubbing random people fucking morons, so you can rest assured I won't get in the way of your fun.

>> No.1254644


Lots of people on 4chan know things about things

For example, I have been directed to some outstanding pornography

>> No.1254647


I would tell him to go get his Nobel Peace Prize, but they hand that shit out like it's candy these days. I could sit in the shower farting with a glass of Grenache and win a Nobel Peace Prize.

>> No.1254653

Are you trolling or daft?

For your sake i'll go with trollin.

>Let's be frank - if you were a great thinker, you wouldn't be on a shitty forum about Chinese Cartoons.

It's a new age where the great thinkers are either ridiculed into obscurity or are simply ignored. People these days would rather listen to the ideals of the sacred guido on jersey shore than to listen to a man who questions the structure of reality.

ignorance is bliss and our society encourages that so tell me how a great thinker could break through that mindset and be acclaimed?

They don't. So they flock to places where they wouldn't be shamed.

I wouldn't be surprised to find many decent thinkers on this website. It's where the socially rejected congregate and flourish. For fuck's sake this website's influence stretches outside the fucking interbutts and into the mainstream of the real world. It takes decent thinkers to be able to pull that off.

So shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt

>> No.1254656


Great thinkers are busy pursuing academia and knowledge. They don't have time to call people names on anime websites. If you have the time to do that, you've proven yourself beyond a shade of doubt to be a pretentious, dick-waver trying to be clever on the Internet. Of course, /lit/ is chock-full of these types, and we all know that, so I wasted my time typing this.

>> No.1254660

Great thinkers aren't allowed free time for leisure?
And apparently they aren't allowed to use this website as a outlet for it.

ignorant cunt running his mouth to great lengths just to dig himself a deeper hole

>> No.1254666
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>Great thinkers aren't allowed free time for leisure?

Leisure isn't posting on a shitty anime website.

/lit/, great thinkers - pic related.

>> No.1254668
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This. Great thinkers are always 'far off.' In the past and present they are ostracized from society for not fitting in with the structural 'norm.'

The difference between then and now is, with the invention of the internet these 'far off' thinkers have a place to go after being shunned from society. 4chan is just one of many outlets for people who are misunderstood.

>implying that everyone on 4chan is brilliant

Not even, but you seem to think there isn't anyone worth half a shit posting on this website and you're completely wrong.

>> No.1254673

smoke pot. No seriously it's god's cure for writer's block

>> No.1254676


>Not even, but you seem to think there isn't anyone worth half a shit posting on this website

The entirety of the Internet would agree with me, if I did.

4chan is a fucking joke. Our biggest draw is /b/. I will wager Mr. Philosopher will claim that /b/tards are tortured professors, or something similar.

>> No.1254677

You are hopeless.

This shitty website has done more than most government agencies have done in the last 10 years. This shitty website is the goddamn crossroads of the internet.
You enjoy this shitty website so much you gave yourself a trip so you would be noticed. Which is childish as fuck seeing as anonymity is what makes this place so progressive.

You are an ignorant cunt who can't see past his own goddamn hands.

hey why don't you post the screen shot of the published authors that have posted here?

of course you wouldn't do such a thing for you are trying so hard to win something that doesn't exist

>> No.1254678


>This shitty website has done more than most government agencies have done in the last 10 years.

By taking a shit, I do more than the government. The government doesn't do a thing. Not exactly an impressive achievement, boss.

>> No.1254686

Go read a fucking book and if you're mind can't handle that. Go watch so more fucking television and switch boards you keyboard wielding ape.

Ignorant cunt spouting out shit that he heard on the movin picture box herp a derp.

>> No.1254688

> For fuck's sake this website's influence stretches outside the fucking interbutts and into the mainstream of the real world
Yes, because the fact that 4chan is responsible for most internet memes and a few viral videos means it's "home to great thinkers." The only thing about 4chan I've heard "in the real world" is that it's the place where morals go to die. It has no real influence on anything.

>It's where the socially rejected congregate and flourish
Is "congregate and flourish" a synonym for "swap porn and call each other names?" Because that's what I see on most of the boards, /mu/ and /lit/ excluded...and really, /mu/ and /lit/ are only excluded from swapping porn. I've seen more name calling here than anywhere else.

>ignorance is bliss and our society encourages that so tell me how a great thinker could break through that mindset and be acclaimed?
>They don't. So they flock to places where they wouldn't be shamed.

Please spare me your high school argument about waa waa society sucks and waa waa 4chan is the first place I called home. It's boring. And if you think people aren't shamed on 4chan, well...just look at Jessie Slaughter. Or most faggots who come to /lit/ looking for constructive criticism on their shitty poetry/short stories.

I'm sure, logically speaking, there are a few smart, good thinkers that use 4chan. But you don't have to be a social outcast to be brilliant, and just because you're a social outcast does not automatically mean you're brilliant either. 4chan is not home to the greatest thinkers of our generation. It's by and large home to a bunch of mean nerds, and that has been proven time and time again. There's nothing wrong with it. Call it what it is, dude.

>> No.1254689


> if you're mind

/lit/ - great thinkers

>> No.1254690
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>I really enjoy talking out of my ass, spewing uneducated opinions all over the toilet seat

What are you, retarded? At this point, the best I can hope for you is that you're actually a determined, but mediocre troll.

But I'm pretty sure you're just an idiot.

>> No.1254691
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>> No.1254692
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truly a meeting of the minds.

>> No.1254693
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4chan is great literature, fuck you tripfag

>> No.1254695

What argument are you presenting?

All you are doing is spouting out the obvious.

>I'm sure, logically speaking, there are a few smart, good thinkers that use 4chan.

that's all you need to say goddamnit the rest is just bullshit filler

>> No.1254697

word is bond, this is true

4chan doesn't have any special claim to greatness, it's not a haven of any elite. it's basically a bunch of dumbass nerds gathering together, flotsam and jetsam, the mass man of the internet age. some of the people who come on here are funny, some of the people who come on here can be pretty smart and insightful, some of us are good people. but to claim that 4chan is superlative or has some kind of cultural significance - that's way off base. i imagine that some writers do come here, but it's not the algonquin round table.

>> No.1254698
File: 211 KB, 1024x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>great literature

Of course! Like this gem here.

>> No.1254702

man, arc, the penis was is some dumbass shit

even posting it sarcastically is kind of bad

>> No.1254705

off topic
where do you get all these screen-shots? do you same them randomly?
what motivates you to record such filth? please explain

>> No.1254706


>man, arc, the penis was is some dumbass shit

Shhh! Utter not such words about the MAGNUM OPUS of the great philosophers and Renaissance Men of /lit/!

>> No.1254708

save them randomly*

>> No.1254710


Courtesy of our archive.


I went there and picked some choice bits after Sophocles over there addressed the Genius of 4chan.

>> No.1254714

What's with you saving everything that is mediocre on this board?

Is it a step up from what you create and you need pointers to ascend to next step from being a FUCKING COMPLETE RETARD?

>> No.1254711
File: 40 KB, 658x492, ITSASECRET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He gets them by MAGIC

>> No.1254713

Oh congratulations; you pulled out the one line from the entire thing that makes it seem like I agree with you.

It's not filler. It's called "pointing out the flaws in your argument." You're fapping over how 4chan is progressive and home to all these brilliant minds when, in reality, it's a shitshow. The crossroads of the internet? Jesus Christ.

>> No.1254722


Now, now, dry those tears.

>> No.1254721

>Yes, because the fact that 4chan is responsible for most internet memes and a few viral videos means

It means that most of the creativity of the internet spawns from this hellhole. Which in turns filters into mainstream society.

And yes I do believe that there are some brilliant minds on this website and they surely aren't fucking tripfags.

>> No.1254723
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>> No.1254726


>And yes I do believe that there are some brilliant minds on this website

People also believe in an Invisible Sky Daddy.

What you believe - and what is real - are two different things.

>> No.1254728

Yes, this website has some obscure effect on mainstream society. Is that really something to be proud of, as such? We affect culture. That's all we do. It's not purposive, it's not particularly intelligent. It's the ultimate expression of the internet age, I suppose. It's fucking masturbatory, is what it is.

I'm not sure what worth inheres in memes. I'm not sure why they're important as such. They seem to be caused more by the force of numbers than by any kind of genius or creativity amongst individual members. And it seems clear to me that, on the whole, 4chan is ugly, stupid, and dull.

>> No.1254729
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>> No.1254731

Isabelle Huppert seems like a pretty smart transsexual

>> No.1254733

bachelor frog changed my life, you take what you said back

>> No.1254735
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>internet memes

>> No.1254736

>And it seems clear to me that, on the whole, 4chan is ugly, stupid, and dull.

And yet you crawl back here on all four protesting how terrible it is.
You are talking like you are an addict my friend. Is this place really that much better than the reality you live in?

>> No.1254740


>And it seems clear to me that, on the whole, 4chan is ugly, stupid, and dull.

I enjoy that aspect of 4chan. The mind-numbing dullness is tremendously soothing. Grass grows, sun shines, and you can rely on 4chan to be dull and stupid. Nothing changes. I would be seriously concerned if it changed.

>> No.1254739

Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole

>> No.1254742

literally the most predictable response of all time (literally)


>> No.1254744

Nice job protecting yourself from it then douchebag.

If you have foresight learn to use it.

Also what you say is a cop out imo anyone can say that at any point about any comment

its like saying U MAD when you are losing an argument

>> No.1254745



rock bottom.jpg

ITT: a hipster tried to be pretentious and ended up calling people douchebags. Nice.

>> No.1254746
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>I enjoy that aspect of 4chan. The mind-numbing dullness is tremendously soothing. Grass grows, sun shines, and you can rely on 4chan to be dull and stupid. Nothing changes.

>> No.1254748

Seriously though "Oh you say this site is so bad SO WHY DO YOU STILL COME HERE" that is legitimately one of the oldest Internet Arguments there is

Obviously I'm entertained by the stupidity sometimes, and there are occasional flashes of good content that comes out of 4chan. It's not wholly worthless. But attempts to hold it up as some kind of bright shining beacon of the future are fucking ludicrous.

>> No.1254750
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>> No.1254752


>butthurt hipster using macros like a /b/tard kiddie


>> No.1254755
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>> No.1254754


>attempts to hold it up as some kind of bright shining beacon of the future are fucking ludicrous.

I'm not sure that is what happened here

>> No.1254756


.This shitty website has done more than most government agencies have done in the last 10 years. This shitty website is the goddamn crossroads of the internet.

back pedaling faggotshit

>> No.1254757

Dude was pretty much claiming that all the great thinkers in today's world, having been rejected by the mainstream b/c the mainstream is dumb, congregate here, that this is basically a gathering place for the elite and has far-reaching and meaningful influence onto popular culture

>> No.1254758
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>calls me a hipster
>bitches about /b/ tactic

>> No.1254761


>butthurt /b/dwelling hipster finally admitting to coming from /b/

>> No.1254763

what i like most about 4chan is to watch 2 different shit-heads duke it out against one another over mundane bullshit. this really gives me a hard-on.

>> No.1254765

well, you're in the right place, because here on 4chan we love jerking off about pointless bullshit, rubbing our cocks against one another, shitting on each other's cocks and rubbing shit all over our cocks. yep, 4chan is fucking all about jerking off massive cocks and playing with shit and assholes.

>> No.1254766


That's not me bro, herp


I don't think that was said either

I think most people in here are just exaggerating what some posters are saying so that it turns into NOBODY SMART HAS EVER SEEN A CAT MACRO vs. ALL GREAT THINKERS POST ON /b/

even though no one has actually said those things

>> No.1254768


> 4chan is fucking all about jerking off massive cocks and playing with shit and assholes.

I can see you really understand the purpose of this website. You must have been here a while.

>> No.1254769

i literally believe both of those things

4chan is the battlefield of a modern war, an invisible war, a war between the forces of darkness and light, of ignorance and wisdom. on the one side, cat macros; on the other, all the great thinkers of hte world.

>> No.1254770
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Did not claim anything that you imply.

The closest thing mainstream has to a philosopher is fucking sarah palin.

I merely said that this is the place for the socially rejected and from personal anguish sometime comes great original creativity.

now I am second guessing myself about thinking that tripfag was the dolt of the bunch

>> No.1254775


>I merely said that this is the place for the socially rejected and from personal anguish sometime comes great original creativity.


>It's a new age where the great thinkers are either ridiculed into obscurity or are simply ignored. People these days would rather listen to the ideals of the sacred guido on jersey shore than to listen to a man who questions the structure of reality.

>I wouldn't be surprised to find many decent thinkers on this website. It's where the socially rejected congregate and flourish. For fuck's sake this website's influence stretches outside the fucking interbutts and into the mainstream of the real world.

>It takes decent thinkers to be able to pull that off.

>> No.1254776
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>proved me right


>> No.1254778


>refusing to see the discrepancies in what he claims he said, and what he actually said

Figured as much.

>> No.1254780
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>I merely said that this is the place for the socially rejected and from personal anguish sometime comes great original creativity.

>I wouldn't be surprised to find many decent thinkers on this website. It's where the socially rejected congregate and flourish. For fuck's sake this website's influence stretches outside the fucking interbutts and into the mainstream of the real world.

refuses to see similarities

>> No.1254783


>I merely said that this is the place for the socially rejected and from personal anguish sometime comes great original creativity.

>For fuck's sake this website's influence stretches outside the fucking interbutts and into the mainstream of the real world.

You didn't merely say that. You went on to pat yourself on the back for being such a subversive, cultured person who posts on a website where geniuses convene.

>> No.1254784

>greentext everywhere!

>> No.1256051


>implies there to be a debate and then leaves for fear of getting owned in said imagined debate

Well, well, well, look who got owned and ran away in defeat instead. Crossroads of the Internet, indeed.

You really should have hoped I just stayed away, instead of embarrassing yourself like this.