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12544074 No.12544074 [Reply] [Original]

Books from the Catholic and Orthodox conservative tradition. Feel free to post

>The last great, heroic act of the European peoples--the land-appropriation of a new world and of an unknown continent--was not accomplished by the heroes of the conquistador as a mission of the jus commercii, but in the name of their Christian redeemer and his holy mother Mary.

-The Nomos of the Earth, by Carl Schmitt (written after he reconciled with the Church)

On the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions, by Joseph de Maistre

On Divorce, by Louis de Bonald

Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism, by Juan Donoso Cortés

Reflections of a Russian Statesman, by Konstantin Pobedonostsev

On Resistence to Evil by Force, by Ivan Ilyin

Liberalism is a Sin, by Fr. Félix Sardà y Salvany

The Menace of the Herd, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Nihilism, by Fr. Seraphim Rose

Politics and the State: the Catholic View, by Thomas Molnar

Why Liberalism Failed, by Patrick J. Deneen


>> No.12544176

Bonald in On Divorce, schooling Rousseau

>Some [beings] use their developed means in the manner best suited to the end for which they exist, and attain that state which is called maturity in the plant, manhood and reason in the man and civilization in society. This is the perfect or natural state of beings. [...] Thus the adult is more natural than the child, the educated man more natural than the ignorant one, the virtuous man more natural than the vicious one, and the civilized man more natural than the savage

>> No.12544222

Good books OP.

>> No.12544333

Pleased you approve

>> No.12544354

>picture of Franco
these threads do a disservice to religious political philosophy...

>> No.12544382

He's a good litmus test to see if someone is an actual Catholic conservative, or rather just a 1960's tier liberal identifying as a traditionalist because he likes the aesthetics

>> No.12544390

kek. your idea of traditionalism is for the church to be subservient to cynical political power grabs? franco is a good litmus test for who is a larper and who has any ethical standards or simple politcal quality control. francoist spain was a dismal country in decline. maybe a lesser evil than revolutionary spain -- nothing to be proud about.

>> No.12544409

Franco wasn't motivated by cynicism, he was pushed into it by his wife who was convinced God wanted him to save Spain....

>> No.12544419


Franco wasn't that serious about his faith. The more I read about him the more I'm convinced it was all a show he put on for his supporters. I come from a Nationalist family and I'm no fan of the church burning, priest slaughtering republicans, but Catholics shouldn't use Franco as a spiritual model. If you want a right wing Catholic in the same vein then you should look to Salazar over in Portugal.

>> No.12544426

like 90% of the anti-catholic smears are from shit spain did, they're like germany, always making europe look bad

>> No.12544441

Franco lead a pretty clean life and ordered last rites be given to any shot, he wasn't a saint but was more religious than 90% of Catholics today

Salazar loved Franco

>> No.12544444

GK ChesterGOAT

>> No.12544445

Are there any deeply traditionalist Catholic politicians left in the West? Anybody who doesn't believe in the "separation of Church and State" meme, and whose definition of traditionalist isn't just a warmed-over version of American neoliberalism?

>> No.12544456

Considering Cardinal Marx critized even having crosses in schools or courthouses because it might offend Muslims and Jews, probably not

>> No.12544462


I'm just saying that I think Salazar was more serious about his faith personally. He even went to seminary for years. I'm not denying Franco's Catholicism, I just think its notable that it only became a big part of his life once he needed it for his politics.

>> No.12544499

Franco's politics WAS Catholicism. He was pretty apolitical before his wife got worked up

>> No.12544505

I cannot wait for all the Boomer Catholics to die. These people treat Vatican 2 like it's a part of the Bible. I am sick of these 1960s shitters and their insistence that what happened when they were young is the most important thing in the history of the Church. I can't wait for them all to be gone so the younger generations can have their own interpretation of Vatican 2.

>> No.12544522

Judging by Ireland, it won't be pretty

>> No.12544538

I suppose I'm speaking purely from an American perspective. Here in America all our Boomer Catholics support clown Masses and other terrible relics of the 1970s, while many of our young Catholics are extremely traditional, to the point that they attend the Latin Mass and the girls veil themselves at Mass.

>> No.12544560

Well Marx is European. I reckon American youth are more religious than European youth though

>> No.12544582
File: 118 KB, 1027x664, divorces-remaries-le-cardinal-mueller-defend-la-doctrine_article_popin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm well aware of His Eminence Cardinal Marx and his predilections for heresy and Devil worship. I despise him, as well as Cardinal Kasper. The German cardinals I prefer are Cardinal Muller and Cardinal Brandmuller.

>> No.12544614

Isn't shutting down heretical prelates the purpose of the Pope?

>> No.12544635

GK Chesterton and George Grant

>> No.12544641
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You'd think that, wouldn't you?

>> No.12545401

National-Catholicism is dead and is not making a comeback. Religions better push for religious and general freedom, unless they want to be crashed by the Atheist&Agnostic majority of Western countries.

It's nice and all to dream of the Good Olde Days of Yore. But holding political ideas such as State confesionalism or monopartidism are autism-tier.

>> No.12545418
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Religions are already getting crashed by the Atheist&Agnostic majority of Western countries so too late now.
We deserve it anyway.

>> No.12545429

That's what I am saying. Not the "we deserve it" part, though.

>> No.12545431 [DELETED] 
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Ecumenism will hasten the generation. Orthodoxy is currently undergoing a revival and the truth will prevail.

>> No.12545466

>Atheist&Agnostic majority of Western countries.

atheists don't have big families, we will sooner have a muslim majority than a long-term atheist majority...this is just a lapse that will last around 70 years and then end

>> No.12545497

Why do you think Orthodoxy is going through a revival?


>> No.12545528

That is just not true. Look at all that Ukraine issue. In Russia and everywhere else the clerics are just puppets of the local politicians.

>> No.12545536

Hopeful but doubtpilled. Atheists, agnostics, and irreligious people have remained influential for quite some time now and besides low birth rate, there doesn't to be any sign of them slowing down. All they need to do is influence the children of Christians/Muslims/anyone like they've always done.
The 1960s/Vatican II didn't suddenly ruin everything. It was all going wrong a long time before that.

>> No.12546232

viva franco hostia