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/lit/ - Literature

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12541837 No.12541837 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12541860
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phoneposters once again demonstrating why they should be purged.

>> No.12541879
File: 68 KB, 526x400, B2F75629-7C5C-49B7-BBE6-B383D95BFEBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science had been oversold. The true scientific vocation is very rare. The great theoretical difficulty of modern natural science—that it cannot explain why it is good—was having its practical effect. The why question was coming close to the surface.

>> No.12541893

/lit/ genuinely believes they're zoroastrian warrior poet ubermenschen neocartographers, why would they assume a linear scale of value?

>> No.12541897

This thread is about the respective anons on both boards, not fields of study.

>> No.12541926

>Pluralizing /lit/
/lit/'s a monad mereological nihilist with the rest of existence this week

>> No.12541933

Philosophy posters nuked the collective IQ of this board

>> No.12541954

This. At least the brapposters and jezebel posters were occasionally funny

>> No.12542086
File: 90 KB, 708x547, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmiamioh.edu%2Fcas%2F_files%2Fimages%2Fphilosophy%2Fgre-chart&f=1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ 2
/sci/ 1

>> No.12542106

Computer Science really is the autist major.

>> No.12542107

tfw no /phi/

>> No.12542120

Should I be worried they're only 2 points below communications.

>> No.12542128

/hum/ is close but it's currently nothing but 15 year olds larping as Caesar.

>> No.12542130

Atleast Comp Sci is top 3 on Quantitative, communication is bottom 3 on all of em.

>> No.12542134


>> No.12542151

lainchan /hum/ is a pretty comfy board.

>> No.12542165

yeah I got it mixed up with 4chan's counterpart

>> No.12542166

What type of idiot would major in philosophy?

>> No.12542169

We're on 4chan, nobody on here is smart.

>> No.12542170

because you want to be a good writer?

>> No.12542198
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 7AE4FE54-B33D-4FF4-888E-BB87EED3BBBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ and /sci/ believe they’re smarter than me, a /litsci/ intellectual
Next thread please

>> No.12542212

/s4s/is the smartest tbqh desu

>> No.12542214

Eloquent people, it would appear

>> No.12542225

Anyone else have to fill out a shitload of captchas to post today?

>> No.12543209
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These are almost exactly my scores. Should have majored in philosophy I guess. Bummer.

>> No.12543287

tfw when I got a 6 on the writing section and no school cares about the writing section :(

>> No.12543332

>He doesn't have 4chan pass
And yet you need a library card to post this

>> No.12543358
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>> No.12543370

we're smarter than /his/ too

>> No.12543380

>browsing on private mode