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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 520x620, redeyedrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1253753 No.1253753 [Reply] [Original]

>Senior Year of High School
>Fuckers presenting videos in our class
>Somebody's video says "you should be conserned!"
>Mon visage
We are in our fucking senior year of HIGH SCHOOL. Shouldn't you know how to spell fucking "CONCERNED" by now if you aren't a braindead retard?

I know you've got some grammar rage stories, either from High School or the internet. Post them here, fellow /lit/goers!

>> No.1253760

I could care less about that, OP

>> No.1253762
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>> No.1253771
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'Hamlet doesn't want to loose her..'
'After they loose the battle...'

>> No.1253778
File: 417 KB, 700x700, 1283293510620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x was so much better then y!

After beheading the capricious and tyrannical slave-owner, the negro burried it's reward in his leather satchel.

>> No.1253779
File: 34 KB, 369x374, bloodshotfaceguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1253837

>Sixth grade chapel
>Principal is making a rambling speech
>Says "proposed to" when he means "propositioned"

>> No.1253840

>nerds on /lit/ rage about minor grammar/spelling errors
>normal people are out having fun getting laid
inb4 no u, I'm married so of course I have no sex.

>> No.1253850

Whoa OP, no need to loose your cool.

>> No.1253856
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>> No.1253857

>Receive an letter from a university I applied to last year
> It reads: (From some admins lady/stock email) Its a pleasure to announce that you have been conditionally accepted to the faculty of arts.
>Wrong its
>Throw the letter into the garbage and commit to another school

I think I made the right decision.

>> No.1253864

Your right OP I think its defiantly disappointing that most Americans aren't better at writing then most twelve year olds. We should of reformed education years ago; wouldv'e made a huge improvement on society.........

>> No.1253868

>Implying /lit/erates are necessarily recluse virgins.

>> No.1253873

This is why I still come to /lit/
It's just a better class of trolling. It really is. Bravo, sir or madam. You have made this Anon happy.

>> No.1253889

This is why I come to /lit/

>> No.1253968

>can't tell if someone is samefagging or not, has to guess
>guesses wrong.

>> No.1253977
File: 31 KB, 525x423, DioBrando_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one but it's verbal and not written.

People saying "enluss" when they mean "unless."

How do you do that!?

>> No.1253991

>samefag samefags to hide samefaging

>> No.1254006



>> No.1254035

I think I just came.

>> No.1254046
File: 53 KB, 1273x589, MEBEINGANINTELLECTUAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bothers me when people use the verb to quote as a noun. I'm not too picky with prescribed grammars, but when you use quote as a noun in speech, the word rolls off of the tongue in a funny, inarticulate way.

Not too big of a deal, though.

>> No.1254102

Normally "Don't you hate uneducated plebeians?" threads make me roll my eyes, but there's a line somewhere. Senior year, a girl started arguing with our teacher that the word was in fact "wheel barrel" and not "wheelbarrow". She also argued that it was "I seen a movie last week" and "supposingly" instead of "supposedly".

Half the class agreed with her on all counts, except the last - a quarter thought it was "supposably".

>> No.1254126

Oh son, you don't even wanna know what I have to deal with teaching college freshmen.