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12537477 No.12537477 [Reply] [Original]

I have no idea what board i should ask this shit on but this seems like the best. If I told my friend I was bringing a couple of bucks and I show up with 2 dollars, am I wrong in saying that? Does 2 dollars not equal a couple bucks? Does linguistically 2 not equal a couple when talking about money?

Please help me I am literally about to murder him for this shit I'm so fucking upset.

>> No.12537496

A couple is two so you're right but what does $2 get you these days. What was the money for?

>> No.12537514

I disagree. True a couple literally means 2. But if, say, a coworker brings in tacos for the office, and I say "let me throw you a couple bucks for the tacos", what I really mean is that I will assess my level of indebtedness based on how much I eat, whether it's taco bell or something better, and how he responds to my comment.
I would not use the word 'few' in that context; I can't explain why.

>> No.12537551

2 bucks for fucking preworkout mcnuggets

>> No.12537557

like im ordering off the mcdonalds dollar menu like

>> No.12537610

Is two bucks enough for nuggets?

>> No.12537614

You disagree, and yet you agree. Nice.

>> No.12537637

Take those riches to Taco Bell and you can get a decent meal with change left over to give the panhandler at the exit.

>> No.12537716

yes it was jsut a little snack so 6 nuggs was enough

>> No.12537776

Is this the so called autism?

>> No.12538600
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a couple is 2, so yeah. what did he expect anon?