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12537027 No.12537027 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being ironic.

>> No.12537159

The New Sincerity is here and queer, yeah baby! Yeah!

>> No.12537187

New Sincerity is basically Vietnam for Millennials.

>> No.12537203


The funny thing is DFW's "New Sincerity" has already come to pass... and most people seem to hate it
All of those "SJWs" and "feminists" all of those people obsessed with "identity politics" and "political correctness" those are all the people exemplifying the New Sincerity life
They're people who are entirely serious about every little aspect of their lives and have no room for humor or irony
I wonder if this is what DFW really had in mind

>> No.12537210

Interesting idea but I don't believe that radical leftists are concerned with the sincerity of their beliefs for a moment

>> No.12537211

He probably killed himself when he realized the "New Sincerity" progeny would eat its creator eventually with accusations of racism ("Wardine be cry"), sexism, and white male privilege.

>> No.12537225

*radical liberals

>> No.12537227

Exactly this. The modern left is extremely dishonest. Feigning outrage with $10 words. It seems to be wearing thin tho

>> No.12537230

That one anon was right, what a fucking gormless mug.

>> No.12537247

DFW was apparently a conservative, surprising to hear with the university environment and literary establishment that he was in, you would think he'd be less praised, but he's basically the best writer of the past 25 years or so.

>> No.12537248

>but he's basically the best writer of the past 25 years or so.
Wardine be cry

>> No.12537251

SJWs and Feminazis are not sincere.

>> No.12537323

the whole premise is bunk

>> No.12537625
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>ywn again read Infinite Jest as a drug-addicted teenager in the late 1990s and actually emotionally resonate with the New Sincerity
It could have been so good, bros...

>> No.12537639

I love this guy no matter what anyone says. Hopefully he never hurt any women though.

>> No.12537648
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He 100% used his power as college professor to force his female students to have sex with him in exchange for good grades.

>> No.12537659

Because they are following a revolutionary protocol designed to subvert culture. As in step by step instructions. It's not about honest/dishonesty, they're basically the useful idiot wing of the CIA.

>> No.12537661

Are you sure? :( He seemed too kind, and sincere, to do such heinous things...

>> No.12537663

I've heard this before and I think it might be true.

Sometimes really interesting people are also really shitty. It sucks, but it's true.

>> No.12537664

He would have only been acceding to the overtures of his female students.

>> No.12537677

Read Authority and American Usage.

>> No.12537681

>DFW was apparently a conservative

He voted for Regan when young but that might have been for meme reasons. He went on to be a milquetoast Democrat.

>> No.12537699

I know, but I've come to like him and feel a closeness to him (which I feel is a strongsuit of his, and why his fans are so rabid) from what I've read of him so far, and it always stings to discover your idols were not composed of the porcelain you thought they were.

Hopefully this. Hopefully no "forcing", merely giving into such offers that were presented to him, when he should've shown greater moral and professional integrity. Then again, I imagine the phenomena of profs sleeping with students is far higher than anyone of us non-academics will ever get to know of...

>> No.12537700

It wasn't for grades.
They actually wanted to fuck him obviously, but it was still wrong of him to play along.

>> No.12537714

>best writer of the past 25 years or so

Roberto Bolaño says "no".

>> No.12537723

this, but actually.

>> No.12537762

Why wouldn't it be both? College girls are 100% willing to fuck for the experience, the chance of getting better grades is a bonus.

>> No.12537980

It was rape, not a victimless crime like suicide

>> No.12538008

lol youre just making shit up

>> No.12538009

Beware the policy of truth.

>> No.12538016


>> No.12538021

*uneducated,unmoved by facts, a.k.a. NPC

>> No.12538034

> All of those "SJWs" and "feminists" all of those people obsessed with "identity politics" and "political correctness" those are all the people exemplifying the New Sincerity life
The opposite is true; you're taking the term too literally. New Sincerity is a direct response to a lot of the characteristics the so-called sjw's and feminists have. The younger generations are flooded with irony and narcissism, and (seem to be) leading the charge, or at least trying to, in postmodern thought.

>> No.12538043

>All of those "SJWs" and "feminists" all of those people obsessed with "identity politics" and "political correctness" those are all the people exemplifying the New Sincerity life
No, not at all.

>> No.12538056

>meme reasons
fuck off zoomer

>> No.12538077

Best American writer then

>> No.12538082
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I love this actually
These kids think we actually were all Matthew Broderick in War Games or Gary&Wyatt in Weird Science and the internet was message boards like now and not fucking ZORK

Like if it's BAD then I dunno. But he's a helluva writer

>> No.12538087
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>stop being
um no

>> No.12538405

Gotta say, Jordan Peterson/ Sam Harris are more the figureheads of New Sincerity. Extremely sincere in their mission, and unsurprisingly hated by radical leftists, and applauded by most right-wingers, though more because they piss off leftists than than their ideas actually align with conservatives.

>> No.12538451

Reagan clearly engaged in meme warfare. if you had half a brain you would know

>> No.12538453

Memes existed before the internet even if they didn't call them that.

>> No.12538456

>Vietnam for Millennials
We had 2 Vietnams, we don't need some receding hairline Gen-X'ers blathering nothings to simulate it.

>> No.12538488

McCarthy says “no”

>> No.12538503

Can one fight irony one they're aware of it? Is there really going back? Is there any reaction against irony that is sincere and not just another mask, another role, another identify, that of the "Sincere"?

>> No.12538520

obviously not.
Sincerity is a meme.
It doesn't mean the same thing to anybody.