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/lit/ - Literature

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1253670 No.1253670 [Reply] [Original]

I apologize /lit/ for this thread but since you guys are smart i am asking you.

I am a young man and i am just empty. When i was in my single digits i was the happiest in my life. In my tweens and early teens i felt a mixture of frustration and fear and sadness and almost no happiness at all in that time. Now i feel no emptiness in my chest like i used to, no sadness. Only boredom and indifference and sometimes a little bit of fear and frustration when things don't go my way or i fail a test.

I am losing interest in things and i do not know what to do. I cannot say i had a bad life, my family is lovely and i have a pretty decent social life.

I am just, i do not even know what. I do not feel terrible, that is not the problem. I do not know how to describe the way i feel but i would prefer for it to stop.

Can you guys help me? If you do not you can just let this thread 404.

Also i will not go to /adv/ because it is filled with trolls retards and smug idiots who do not what they are talking about so i thought going to you guys would be a good idea.

>> No.1253673

try new things.

>> No.1253676

Textbook depression. I know it sounds stupid (no sarcasm, I'm not some dumbass /b/ faggot who tries to be funny), but go see a doctor, bro.

>> No.1253681

>you guys are smart i am asking you.

Probably, but /lit/ is pretty shit. Ask /r9k/; they're actually helpful because it sounds like you may have symptoms of depression.

>> No.1253684

If it gets too bad and starts seeming like depression, go get help.

Don't look at every phase you have as permanent. This may be just a thing that will pass. I know that during my phases of what I guess could be called depression, or at least severe life apathy, I felt like this was who I was and that it would last forever and there was no escape.

But things have slowly been changing. I've met people I click with, and I'm starting to regain interests in things I used to like such as traveling and books. You might just need some people to share interests with, and it can take time to find the right people who really mesh with you so don't rush it.

>> No.1253685


Depression? I do not feel any pain. Just, nothing really. Is that really depression? OH WOW.

>> No.1253696


It's starting out. I had it myself man, I can't really say it's gone either, but I felt like that. Go get help. I didn't, and that was probably the reason it lingered for so long.

>> No.1253699

We're not smart, just pretentious. But still, I know how it is. I would suggest breaking away from familiar surroundings for a while. Just go walking or visiting places. It sounds dumb but it will give you experience and inspiration and open up a little bit more of the world to you. There's more out there than the little space you think you are trapped in. Walk to the Library or something. Bike rides are also nice. If you go out like this, there's a good chance you'll meet someone, even just a conversation in passing. Human contact is necessary for a sane life.

I'd also suggest writing as a tool to develop your feelings and express your new experiences, after you've gone out a bit.

It only takes one step out your front door, outside the comfortable but stifling cage you've built for yourself.

Become a wanderer. A vagabond. But always return home eventually, or you'll never be able to reflect on what you have seen.

>> No.1253717

Some people find themselves with an empty space.

Some fill it with experiences, or religion, or lovers, or literature, or music.

But does that really help? Isn't that space still there, just with a bunch of stuff jumbled haphazardly inside?

How do you get rid of the empty space completely?
I don't know.

>> No.1253726

Yup, here is the pretentious part...

>> No.1253730

I'm very sorry to hear that you're feeling like this OP. I echo the sentiments of all the other posters; you should immediately seek help.

Depression, if that indeed is what you are suffering from, slowly saps away at your life. It IS treatable and help IS available.

If you do (and I fully recommend that you do) seek help, then ensure it is from a psychologist, NOT a pyschotherapist - they're unqualified charlatans who have no idea what they're doing.

I hope things get better for you soon.

P.S. To keep it /lit/, Beckett's 'Watt' is a great text if you want to explore the theme of emptiness.

>> No.1253737

Yes, depression is what you're describing, especially loss of interest in the things you used to do.

You should probably seek some help.

>> No.1253741

get an education make friends get high fuck chicks lift weights give to charity kill a man make art play video games etc feel free to tack on "this is meaningful, no really, it is" to any one of these, alternatively seek enlightenment (self-affirming private language nonsense but wth if it works it works amirite?)

>> No.1253765

That isn't depression.

Welcome to growing up. Get to your mid twenties without suicide and you'll be fine.

>> No.1253795
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Read some Hesse.

>> No.1253804
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d&e how come you've never been /adv/ to me ?