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/lit/ - Literature

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12536377 No.12536377 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone. Atheist from the other day who said they wanted to read the bible because they were tired of not getting references. I picked up this old King James Mason bible from my old bedroom at my parent's house, it belonged to my grandfather. Which sections should I read first?

>> No.12536387

Front to back

>> No.12536390

At least erase the tumblr file name. This bait has no appeal.

>> No.12536391

>Masonic Bible
OP’s plot thickens

>> No.12536394

It's from my tumblr.

>> No.12536398

Study the first 5 books and spend time with them, they form a major part of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

>> No.12536414

Read first few books of ot, than the gospels than whatever else but leave revelation last

>> No.12536415

Read John first, then Acts, then Romans. Check out Psalms and Proverbs, then Genesis and Exodus

>> No.12536554

This, anything less makes God mad

>> No.12536581

not to confound the texts, but start with the new testament

>> No.12536614

Most of the literary references to the Bible might point to Genesis (Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Joseph), Exodus (Moses), the Books of Samuel (the Philistine-Jewish conflict, King David), Kings (King Solomon). Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, and the Psalms are pretty high in terms of poetic value.
And after that, there's the Gospels (Jesus) and the Book of Revelation.
By the way, do make sure to read the Old Testament prior to the New Testament, since the New Testament repeats much of the imagery and symbolism introduced throughout the Old Testament.

>> No.12536629

that's a pretty damn cool bible
was your grandfather a secret freemason or something?

>> No.12536884

He was a freemason, not really a secret.

>> No.12537668
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I also am planning on reading the Bible. Is there anything /lit/ would suggest for me to familiarize myself with beforehand?

>> No.12537721


>> No.12537835

Just try getting one with notes, like a study bible.

>> No.12538200

How much would you sell that bible for to a private collector? I can pay in bars of silver.

>> No.12538244


Reading is for faggots.Watch some of this shit if you want to know what's going on.

>> No.12538371
File: 183 KB, 1090x1035, shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible isn't a collection of disparate texts its a coherent narrative about jesus with each book having a careful literary design

>> No.12538381

start with the New Testament, read all that, then go through the Old Testament, read all that, then you're ready to read the New Testament and really get it, so read all that, and finally you'll be prepared to really benefit from the Old Testament, so read all that

>> No.12538437

There no way something this over produced isn't superficial as fuck

>> No.12538468

sure thing bud

>> No.12539337

Okay, so I've read the first few chapters, so far the book of Genesis seems so incredible arbitrary. What's the point of "the genealogy of age and death of the patriarchs from Adam unto Noah"? This whole story is just "this guy lived to be 900, and had a son, who lived to be 800, and his son to be 90, etc". And the stories that came before, and no doubt the ones that came after, just seem like they were made up by some drunk bullshitter. These stories seem like they were written by a total jackass. Not to mention it's sexist as fuck bullshit.

Not to mention "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow; and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee"

It sounds like something some child fucker from Saudi Arabia would say. I was expecting poetic power and beauty, but it just sounds like a drunk sexist jackass.

>> No.12539606

I'd like to continue reading your thoughts on reading The Bible.

You are doing God's work.

>> No.12539912

holy cringe

>> No.12539919

It doesn't matter it's not a novel

>> No.12540253
File: 27 KB, 205x320, Moynihan_james_mason_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Mason