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File: 54 KB, 770x463, kondo_1400x770-825x496[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12536059 No.12536059 [Reply] [Original]

What's on Marie Kondo's stack, /lit/?

>> No.12536063

My dick.

>> No.12536082
File: 22 KB, 480x360, White Shintoism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step One: Declutter your home
Step Two: Declutter your homeland

>> No.12536409

Mai-chan no nichijou

>> No.12537318

a bunch of self help bullshit and collections of letters from anxiety ridden wine mums with nothing better to do then clean and clean and clean until their home is as soulless and typical of the homes she programs these robots to live in

kondo is a charlatan and a hack

>> No.12537320

Daily reminder that if your don't like kondo then you're racist, and that's the tea.

>> No.12538213

>What's on Marie Kondo's rack, /lit/?
My dick

>> No.12538216

>4chan audience drank so much tap water they are now on the same level mentally as middle aged women

>> No.12538220

Like Proust and Murakami.

>> No.12538394

t. mindless consumer drones with collections of capeshit and cat toys crowding out their studio apartments

>> No.12538492

Don't tell us, just leave if you don't like it.

>> No.12538769

It'd be so nice if people on /lit/ actually read the books they talk about

>> No.12538805

Ok, so I saw this person on youtube a while back while doing research on minimalism. I learned how to fold my laundry better, but never really paid any further attention to her. But now that you fags keep making threads about her I read her wiki page:

>"One day, I had a kind of nervous breakdown and fainted. I was unconscious for two hours. When I came to, I heard a mysterious voice, like some god of tidying telling me to look at my things more closely. And I realised my mistake: I was only looking for things to throw out. What I should be doing is finding the things I want to keep. Identifying the things that make you happy: that is the work of tidying."
>Kondo says that her method is partly inspired by the Shinto religion. Cleaning and organising things properly can be a spiritual practice in Shintoism, which is concerned with the energy or divine spirit of things (kami) and the right way to live (kannagara).

Well, good job, I'm going to add her books to my stack.

>> No.12538880

I don't know where else to go.

>> No.12538964

You will not be dissapointed.

>> No.12538987

kami-sama please deliver a shinto priestess to take my virginity

>> No.12539196
File: 393 KB, 768x768, 1518299631811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12539961

she was a shrine maiden for several years and her method has no basis in material logistics, but is rather religious in nature under the animist understanding of all things as alive. Basically, she's not really a self help guru but actually a tradwoman trying to put traditionalism in modern window dressing so it can reach zionist brainwash victims.

>> No.12539991

So /pol/ is a bunch of beta incels with yellow fever, got it

>> No.12540050

>she was a shrine maiden for several years and her method has no basis in material logistics, but is rather religious in nature under the animist understanding of all things as alive
Yep, pretty much why I want to read it.

>Basically, she's not really a self help guru but actually a tradwoman
This does not bother me.

>trying to put traditionalism in modern window dressing so it can reach zionist brainwash victims
This does not bother me either.

Any more than the rest of 4chan?

>> No.12540214

exactly why white women are seething all over the UK about this jap woman and being catty as fuck, they know #timesup

>> No.12541709

>What's on Marie Kondo's stack, /lit/?

My Dick