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/lit/ - Literature

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12534803 No.12534803 [Reply] [Original]

>This book is dedicated to you, the reader

>> No.12534824

unironically makes me feel fuzzy unless the writer eventually somehow ends up being a fucktard

>> No.12534848

I Solemnly declare to all mankind, that the above dedication was made for no one Prince, Prelate, Pope, or Potentate,— Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, or Baron of this, or any other Realm in Christendom;-----nor has it yet been hawk’d about, or offered publickly or privately, directly or indirectly, to any one person or personage, great or small; but is honestly a true Virgin-Dedication untried on, upon any soul living.
I labour this point so particularly, merely to remove any offence or objection which might arise against it, from the manner in which I propose to make the most of it;---which is the putting it up fairly to publick sale; which I now do.
——Every author has a way of his own, in bringing his points to bear;--for my own part, as I hate chaffering and higgling for a few guineas in a dark entry;---I resolved within myself, from the very beginning, to deal squarely and openly with your Great Folks in this affair, and try whether I should not come off the better by it.
If therefore there is any one Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, or Baron, in these his Majesty’s dominions, who stands in need of a tight, genteel dedication, and whom the above will suit, (for by the bye, unless it suits in some degree, I will not part with it)——it is much at his service for fifty guineas;——which I am positive is twenty guineas less than it ought to be afforded for, by any man of genius.
My Lord, if you examine it over again, it is far from being a gross piece of daubing, as some dedications are. The design, your Lordship sees, is good, the colouring transparent,—the drawing not amiss;—or to speak more like a man of science,— and measure my piece in the painter’s scale, divided into 20,— I believe, my Lord, the out-lines will turn out as 12,—the composition as 9,—the colouring as 6,—the expression 13 and a half,—and the design,—if I may be allowed, my Lord, to understand my own design, and supposing absolute perfection in designing, to be as 20,—I think it cannot well fall short of 19. Besides all this,—there is keeping in it, and the dark strokes in the Hobby-Horse, (which is a secondary figure, and a kind of back-ground to the whole) give great force to the principal lights in your own figure, and make it come off wonderfully;——and besides, there is an air of originality in the tout ensemble.

>> No.12534854

>Should I dedicate this to my family who never supported me or my friends who told me that I would never make it? Should I dedicate this to my co-workers who have made me miserable for many years and said I would never make it?
>No. This book is dedicated just for myself.

>> No.12535135
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>This book is dedicated to nobody.

>> No.12535140
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>This book is dedicated to my daughter, Sophie. May she rest in peace

>> No.12535142
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>For Mom.

>> No.12535143

>not wasting a piece of paper for dedication

>> No.12535146

>this book is dedicated to our veterans

>> No.12535167

>this book is dedicated to my dear wife despite the entire emotional core of this book being completely inspired by the slightly anorexic arthoe in my mfa who once let me fuck her without a condom

>> No.12535840


>> No.12536137


>> No.12536166

>book has a sex scene narrated in second person

>> No.12536172

>this book is dedicated to my colleague and friend who has passed recently and was the godfather of my children


>> No.12536173

>this book is dedicated to inciting hysteria

>> No.12536180
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>book is dedicated to no one, it was written so the author could masturbate to it

>> No.12536183


>> No.12536227

>This book is dedicated to the preservation of the state of Israel

>> No.12536256

>author gives thanks to other people involved in the production of the book

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.12536301

Probably the author and the people involved in the prodution of the book

>> No.12536310

>For [first name]
best dedication. Simple and mostly meaningless to everyone except who it is intended for.

>> No.12536319

>this post is dedicated to OP, who saved the thumbnail.

>> No.12536329

saw a cartoon of GLAS where Hegel was a zeppelin and Jenet was in a simple propellor plane with flower power written on it, as they engaged in an aerial battle

>> No.12536341

but what if I say to myself that I wont make it????

am I in trouble??!!!

>> No.12536364

Dedicate the book to your past selfe, that you buried. And gift your tomorrow you a massive headache and liver damage in celebration.

>> No.12536366

>Dedicated to god

>> No.12536393
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>for Richard Farina

>> No.12536991
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>> No.12537002
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>This book is dedicated to all the S A D B O Y S out there

>> No.12537466
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>This book is dedicated to Annie. Please come back Im sorry for everything oh my god please I cant live without you everything I do is for you I wrote this for you please Ill do anything just talk to me again

>> No.12538544

>this book is dedicated to my cat, nigger

>> No.12538729
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>dedicated to my loving wife, thanks for all the support :^)

>> No.12539288

>author adresses the reader and thinks they look like French scholars with blonde beard holding a walking stick while quafing his written words

>> No.12539304

>author dedicates book to the friends and family he shunned while he wrote the book

>> No.12539327

>author includes reader as a character in book than cucks him and steals his girl partway through.

>> No.12539356

Fuck you Calvino

>> No.12539367
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>> No.12539483
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>thanks to the staff at Julie's coffee shop for keeping the refills coming

>> No.12540248

>To nobody, the well-known

>> No.12540255

Best desu.

>> No.12540267

i wish i had that feel, skip the herpes though

>> No.12540296

>This book is dedicated to myself, and will to write

>> No.12540320
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>be me
>work in a publisher
>author asks for a dedication page for his late wife
>i completely forget about
>author notices it after recieving copies in his home
>not mad about it, just sad
>i lose my job

i fucked up, frens :(

>> No.12540344
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and then I saw YOUR FACE

>> No.12540360
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>dedicated to those that abhor dedications

>> No.12540380

>dedicated to those that can't read

>> No.12540385


>> No.12540437

this book is dedicated to everyone who said I won't make it, myself included.

Fuck you.

>> No.12540572
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>Dedicated to those who are dedicated

>> No.12540600

>this is dedicated to those who died on the slave ships
>wakanda foreva

>> No.12540645

>This book is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to anything. To all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustling in front of, who called the cops on me when I was just trying to make some money to feed my daughter. And all the niggas in the struggle, you know what I'm saying? It's all good.

>> No.12540650

>Dedicated to my wife’s son

>> No.12540693

>to the hero of the Second World War

>> No.12540704

I wouldn't want my mom to see any of the media I've created desu

>> No.12540714

>all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to anything
You hear this so much, what teacher would actually tell a child that and not be immediately fired?

>> No.12540751

Probably happens something like
>student acts out and misbehaves
>teacher says "you'll never amount to anything if you continue acting that way"

>> No.12540781

genuinely fun thread

>> No.12540787
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>book has a thank you section at the end
>only thing listed is NOBODY

>> No.12540789

>was just trying to make some money to feed my daughter
But what about all the broken families with your "huslin", oh but of course you didn't think of that.
>in the struggle
Self made struggle, that is.

>> No.12540796

I will have to assume this is from Tristram Shandy, and no only because of the Hobby-Horse.

You've got nice taste anon.

>> No.12540798

Grew up in a nice suburban neighborhood, thought this way.
Now I live in the Bronx and occasionally work as a substitute teaching assistant. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Like teachers literally mocking kids with stutters, physical/mental disabilities, telling them they are going to fail at life just because some kid with anxiety is scared to answer a question.

>> No.12540804

>dedicated to [insert initials]


>> No.12540823

>this book is dedicated to the soon-to-come end of all literature

>> No.12540836

>dedicated to Harold Bloom

>> No.12540859


>> No.12540890

>dedicated to those brave enough to say the n-word. Thank you for your boldness and sacrifices.

>> No.12540905

>this book is dedicated to Goethe, my literary father

>> No.12541011

>this album is dedicated to Anne Frank

>> No.12541028

>this book is dedicated to my assigned english MFA mentor who tried his absolute best not to sexually molest me throughout the book writing process

>> No.12541070
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>for /lit/

>> No.12541076

I like it more when the author is a fucktard

>> No.12541086

Name one (1) time this has ever happened

>> No.12541100

>This book is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.
based chapo

>> No.12541106

based Rambo

>> No.12541107

>This book is dedicated to audience pussy

>> No.12541118

I've absolutely had teachers tell me this, though always with a kind spin on it:
>Maybe you should pursue other interests
>Sometimes it's just showing up that matters most

>> No.12541130

>This book is dedicated to the brave nameless who were lost at the fjord to the spear of the son of Sultach.
every time

>> No.12541136
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>This book is dedicated to you, dear reader. Thank you, my friend.

>> No.12541196

My diary desu :(

>> No.12541202


>> No.12541391


>> No.12541473

>This book is dedicated to God